51 research outputs found


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    Law enforced one of them is to meet the sense of justice. Everyone is equal before the law. In the criminal procedure law we recognize several principles which one of them is the principle of opportunity. The principle of self-participation is not actually mentioned in the Criminal Procedure Code but is implied. Whereas if we look back at previous criminal cases, the principle of opportunism is real applied to some people who are considered influential in this country. Whereas whoever he is he does not have impunity, just like ordinary people. However, there are other considerations in enacting this principle. Which of these considerations is the Attorney-General's authority. Furthermore, if we look from the view of Islamic law, we clearly know that whoever it is, it is equal before God and His law

    Peranan Gen HOXA10 terhadap Infertilitas Terkait Endometriosis

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    Endometriosis merupakan penyakit yang bersifat progresif, kronik, rekuren dan hingga saat ini etiologi pastinya belum diketahui. Gejala yang ditimbulkan endometriosis bervariasi mulai dari asimptomatik, nyeri pelvis hingga infertilitas. Beberapa studi terakhir di bidang biologi molekular menunjukkan adanya kemungkinan endometriosis sebagai penyakit epigenetik dan salah satu gen yang diketahui mengalami perubahan epigenetik adalah gen HOXA10. Gen HOXA10 berperan mengatur reseptivitas endometrium selama proses implantasi. Keberhasilan proses implantasi merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan pada fertilitas wanita dan Gen HOXA10 memiliki peranan penting dalam proses implantasi tersebut. Metilasi gen HOXA10 mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan pada endometrium eutopik wanita yang mengalami endometriosis. Pada endometrium wanita yang mengalami endometriosis terdapat penurunan ekspresi HOXA10 yang signifikan dan hal tersebut mengindikasikan adanya gangguan pada reseptivitas uterus yang dapat berperan dalam menurunnya tingkat kesuburan. 

    Peranan miRNA-200 dalam tahapan metastasis kanker

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    MikroRNA merupakan bagian dari keluarga besar non-coding RNA yang secara negatif meregulasi ekspresi gen pengkode protein paska transkripsi melalui pasangan basa antara 5’ seed region miRNA dengan 3’ untranslated region dari mRNA. Berbagai studi telah menunjukkan adanya peran penting miRNA pada perkembangan kanker. Keluarga miR-200 termasuk mikroRNA yang berperan dalam inisiasi hingga tahap metastasis kanker. miR-200 terdiri dari 5 anggota yaitu miR-200a, -200b, -200c, -141, dan -429. Keluarga miR-200 berperan pada tiap tahapan metastasis yaitu mulai dari pertumbuhan tumor, angiogenesis, invasi ke jaringan sekitar, transisi dari epitelial ke mesenkimal, migrasi sel tumor, intravasasi sel tumor, kemampuan survival sel tumor di dalam  sirkulasi, dan ekstravasasi sel tumor serta kolonisasinya


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    Objective: Azoximethane (AOM) and dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) are commonly used to induce colorectal cancer, but have side effects on the liver. AOM can induce hepatic histopathological changes such as the appearance of microvesicular steatosis and necrosis. DSS plays a role in causing inflammation and indirect scarring through colitis. This study aimed to determine in mice the effect of lunasin on the liver histopathology induced by AOM and DSS. Methods: This was an experimental study conducted in BALB/c mice. The data analyzed were the results of quantification of foci of necrosis, steatosis, and dysplasia from liver preparations of mice given lunasin extract at doses of 20, 30, and 40 mg/kg and control group. Results: This study showed a significant decrease in the number of foci of necrosis in the group given 30 mg/kg lunasin, with a mean score of 9.0±3.4 compared with the control group mean score of 14.0±0.8 (P = 0.017). There was also a significant decrease in the number of foci of steatosis in the group given 30 mg/kg lunasin with a mean score of 3.8±1.3 compared with the control group mean score of 11.5±1.9 (P = 0.002). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that lunasin at doses above 30 mg/kg can inhibit the formation of foci of necrosis and steatosis induced in mouse liver by AOM and DSS

    Kesilapan bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Yunnan di Akademi Pengajian Melayu

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    Akademi Pengajian Melayu merupakan antara fakulti yang banyak menerima kemasukan pelajar asing dari negara China yang ingin mempelajari bahasa Melayu dan mendapatkan ijazah dalam bidang Pengajian Melayu. Pendaftaran pelajar-pelajar China bagi kursus bahasa Melayu dan kursus-kursus lain di Akademi Pengajian Melayu (APM) telah menjadi satu fenomena yang tidak asing lagi di Universiti Malaya dan di Malaysia. Melalui perjanjian MOA dan MOU yang ditandatangani oleh Universiti Malaya dan universiti-universiti yang terlibat dari negara China, jumlah pelajar yang dihantar ke Akademi Pengajian Melayu semakin meningkat setiap tahun. Pelajar-pelajar ini hanya mempunyai kelayakan asas dalam bahasa Melayu dan hal ini menjadi satu cabaran kepada tenaga pengajar dan struktur kursus yang ditawarkan. Penguasaan bahasa Melayu yang asas sering menjadi masalah dalam proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran dalam kalangan pelajar. Kajian ini akan meneliti aspek kesilapan bahasa dalam kalangan pelajarpelajar Yunnan University of Nationalities (YUN), China, khususnya dari aspek morfologi, sintaksis dan mekanikal. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini memanfaatkan skrip jawapan peperiksaan akhir para pelajar YUN sebagai bahan kajian. Makalah ini turut mengemukakan saranan dan cadangan untuk membantu pelajar asing mempelajari bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kedua agar dapat meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa mereka

    Kenya-UK-LMIC Partnership:on Leveraging Fish Genetics and Genomics to Enhance Food Hygiene and Reduce Antibiotic Resistance Spread Through Fish Consumption

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    This report records the activities undertaken and lessons identified by the University of Eldoret, Kenya and Royal Holloway University of London, UK, during a networking partnership funded by a grant awarded by the Academy of Medical Sciences and Grand Challenges Research Fund (GCRFNG8/118). Activities described in this report took place between April 2023 and March 2024.In the report, we highlight a series of challenges that prevent Global South partners who do not already have long-standing partnerships with Global North institutions from taking full advantage of UKRI and other sources of Global North funding available for networking and partnership grants.We hope this report opens a dialogue that will begin to address the vicious cycle in which under-resourced and under-equipped Global South institutions cannot access research funding without prior evidence of robust research activity but cannot undertake research activity without funding

    Unsur alam dan masyarakat dalam teks terjemahan Bahasa Melayu Surah ar-Rahman

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    Unsur alam amat berkait rapat dengan dunia dan pemikiran masyarakat Melayu. Perlambangan alam seringkali digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pelbagai idea dan maksud tentang amalan, pegangan dan budaya kehidupan masyarakat Melayu. Setiap peristiwa dan perkara yang berlaku di sekeliling kehidupan manusia tidak mungkin dapat dipisahkan dengan alam. Kehidupan masyarakat pula adalah berlandaskan agama. Masyarakat Melayu yang secara umumnya digolongkan sebagai orang yang beragama Islam dan mengamalkan ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan. Bagi memahami Islam masyarakat Melayu belajar membaca al-Quran dan bagi memahami makna setiap bait dalam al-Quran pula dibuat terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Melayu. Terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Melayu bukan sahaja memudahkan penganut agama Islam memahami maksud setiap ayat, tetapi juga membantu dalam menghayati ajaran agama Islam itu sendiri. Surah ar-Rahman terdiri daripada 78 ayat yang mengandungi banyak unsur alam. Hampir semua ayat dalam surah ini dikaitkan dengan alam. Setiap aspek yang dihuraikan dalam surah ini banyak berkisar tentang peri pentingnya hubungan Pencipta dengan manusia dan alam. Kertas ini akan meneliti teks terjemahan surah ar-Rahman dalam bahasa Melayu dan mengaitkan bagaimana unsur alam dan masyarakat yang diterjemahkan dapat difahami. Objektif kajian adalah untuk melihat sejauh mana terjemahan yang dilakukan dalam bahasa Melayu dapat memenuhi sistem budaya masyarakat Melayu terhadap lingkungan alam sekeliling

    Effect of nutrient and density against the susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus towards diagnostic dose of malathion and permethrin

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    The knockdown 50% values (KT50) of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus with variable nutrient and density conditions were determined based on World Health Organisation (WHO) Adult Bioassay standard protocol towards diagnostic dose of malathion (5%) and permethrin (0.75%) and the effect of nutrient and density on Aedes susceptibility status were investigated. Our results revealed that the susceptibility of these Aedes mosquitoes against malathion at F (4, 116) = 42.103, p<0.05 and permethrin at F (4, 121) = 45.138, p<0.05, gives the most delayed knockdown when fed with the optimum amount of nutrient which is 70mg compared with the lower amount of nutrient and the survival decreased once the nutrient amount was increased more than this amount. For density effect against Aedes susceptible status, at the highest density (600 larvae) examined, there was proportionally more larval mortality where the KT50 value was at the lowest value when compared with the optimal density which was between 150 to 250 larvae against malathion at F (6, 159) = 62.203, p<0.05 and permethrin at F (6, 148) = 57.431, p<0.05. However, the effect of nutrient and density factor of the different Aedes species significantly impacted their susceptibility to malathion and permethrin. The time required to knock down 50% (KTâ‚…â‚€) of Ae. albopictus mosquitoes against the diagnostic dose of malathion as well as permethrin were relatively delayed compared to the values obtained by Ae. aegypti mosquitoes even though the environmental conditions were the same (p<0.05)

    Effect of xenobiotic challenge on enzymatic activity of detoxification enzymes at different exposure periods in Aedes albopictus (skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    The xenobiotics including insecticides such as malathion and permethrin induce the activities of detoxification enzymes and potentially leading to the development of resistance. In this study, biochemical analysis was used to characterize the time-dependent malathion and permethrin induction profile of Glutathione S-transferase (GST), α-esterase (α-est), β-esterase (β-est), Cytochrome P450 (Cyt P450) and Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), enzymes which are known to contribute to metabolic resistance in Aedes albopictus. Time-dependent induction of early fourth instar larvae with the sub-lethal concentration (LC50) of malathion (0.099 mg/L) and permethrin (0.0023 mg/L) was done at 6, 12 and 24 hours to observe the effect on the enzymatic activity under toxicological challenges. Total protein content of larvae was most elevated when the larvae were exposed to both insecticides for 24 hours. The level of total enzyme activity and specific activity of GST, as well as Cyt P450 were found to be most elevated whereas the level of α-est and β-est total enzyme and specific activity were decreased at 24 hours of treatment with malathion. A different pattern was observed for permethrin induction whereby the total enzyme and specific activity of all enzymes except Cyt P450 were highly elevated upon 24 hours of acute exposure. The level of total enzyme activity and specific activity of almost all enzymes upon acute induction with malathion and permethrin were statistically significant (p˂0.05) when compared between the induced hours and to its susceptible strain. Conclusively, these findings indicate that the continuous and prolonged exposure to sub-lethal concentration of malathion and permethrin influenced the induction of GST, α-est, β-est, Cyt P450 as well as AChE enzymatic activities

    The study of the implementation of bridge management system in Sabah

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    Bridge Management System (BMS) is an important tool which can help to manage huge number of bridges while efficiently utilizes limited fund for maintenance. Although major bridge failure is uncommon in Sabah, the concern for future adversity must be considered. The current status of the implantation of BMS in Sabah were studied and subsequently identifying the difficulties to implement the system locally. Interviews were done in Jabatan Kerja Raya, Headquarter and districts. Five locations were selected for observation. It was discovered that the implementation status of JKR BMS is still far from a successful implementation
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