22 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Susu Skim pada Kadar Prealbumin Anak Balita yang Mengikuti Rehabilitasi Gizi Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas

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    Children who suffering protein and energy deficiency have low blood protein, particularly prealbumin and transferin. The consequencies of a very low level prealbumin may impact immune system, increase morbidity and mortality. This study aimed assess impact of skim milk supplementation on prealbumin status of malnourished children under five attending out patient community health center( Puskesmas). The research design is before and after for 38 children. The duration of nutrition rehabilitation and supplementation was three months. During the nutrition rehabilitation, the children were treated for infectious diseases, given 200 gram skim milk per week as additional protein rich food, nutrition counseling and child health care. The result of study showed that children consumed low intakes of energy and protein (below minimum level of RDA). Prealbumin concentration before intervention 10,3Ā±5,0 mg/dL and 10,6Ā±3,4 mg/dL. after intervention for 3 months Prealbumin changes was not significant (p=0,695). Supplementary of skim milk 200 gram per week during 3 months in the nutrition rehabilitation outpatients failed to improved prealbumin concentration among malnourished children

    Status Gizi Ibu Sebelum Hamil sebagai Prediksi Berat dan Panjang Bayi Lahir di Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor: Studi Kohor Prospektif Tumbuh Kembang Anak Tahun 2012 - 2013

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    Weight and length at birth are the good indicators to evaluate the possibility of survival, growth, and chronic disease as adults. This analysis aims to assess the effect of maternal nutritional status as pre-pregnant and pregnant on birth weight and length of infants at risk of chronic disease in adulthood. The design of this study was a prospective cohort, starting from pre pregnancy, during pregnancy until infant birth. Data analysis used multiple logistic regression. The result showed that 6 percent of infants birth weight <2500 g and 26.4 percent of infants birth weight to chronic disease risk (<3000 g). Approximately 30.1 percent of infants stunted at birth (<48 cm) and 62.6 percent infants at birth length <50 cm (standard WHO 2006). Mean of height pre-pregnancy is 151.9Ā±5.6 cm and mean of body mass index (BMI) pre-pregnancy is 20.6Ā±3.1 kg/m2. Maternal BMI pre-pregnancy is a major risk factor for birth weight infants < 3000 g after controlled by maternal height, weight gain during pregnancy, maternal age, parity, diarrhea, energy and protein intake and sex of the baby. Maternal height is a major risk factor for infant birth length (<50 cm) after controlled by pre-pregnant maternal BMI, maternal age, parity, weight gain during pregnancy, diarrhea, energy and protein intake. Conclusions, maternal nutritional status is a risk factor for pre-pregnant weight and birth length

    Besaran Defisit Energi dan Protein pada Anak Usia Sekolah (6-12 Tahun) untuk Perencanaan Program Gizi (Pmtas) di Delapan Wilayah Indonesia (Laporan Analisis Lanjut Tahun 2014)

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    Consumption adequacy in school children must be noticed, because of nutritional intake is directly associated with nutritional status of children besides of the infectious disease. The aim of this study was to analyse the proportion and the number of consumption deficit of energy and protein, for planning program of nutrition improvement (complementary food for school children/PMTAS) according to regions in Indonesia. Cross sectional study design. The sample of this study was all of children aged 6-12 years from Riskesdas data in 2010 which had the data of consumption. Data analysis describe the deficit of protein and energy according to groups of age and 8 regions in Indonesia. Proporsion of children who had energy deficit was 83,9 percent nationally, 64,4 percent of children was classified having severe energy deficiency (<70% AKE), and proportion of protein deficit was 64,2 percent, 17,8 percent of children was classified having severe protein deficiency (<70% AKP). The mean of protein and energy deficit for planning program of nutrition improvement nationally in school children require the adding about 650 calories for energy and 8,1 grams for protein. The number of protein and energy deficit was different according to groups of age and region. Protein adequacy for children in group of 6 years had fulfilled the recommended dietary allowance in 5 regions. The largest number of protein and energy deficit was in children aged 10-12 years in 8 regions of Indonesia. For the program planning of nutrition improvement in school children is supposed to notice the groups of age and regions. Kecukupan konsumsi pada anak sekolah harus diperhatikan, karena intake makanan berhubungan langsung dengan status gizi anak selain infeksi penyakit. Tujuan analisis mengetahui proporsi dan besaran defisit konsumsi energi dan protein, untuk perencanaan program perbaikan gizi (Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah/PMTAS) menurut wilayah di Indonesia. Disain penelitian cross sectional. Sampel adalah semua anak berumur 6-12 tahun dari data Riskesda 2010 yang mempunyai data konsumsi makanan. Analisis data memaparkan defisit energi dan protein berdasarkan kelompok umur dan 8 wilayah di Indonesia. Proporsi anak usia sekolah yang defisit energi secara nasional 83,9 persen, sebanyak 64,4 persen defisit energi tergolong berat (<70 % AKE), dan defisit protein sebesar 64,2 persen, sebanyak 17,8 persen defisit protein tergolong berat (<70 % AKP). Rata-rata defisit energi dan protein secara nasional untuk perencanan program perbaikan gizi anak usia sekolah adalah perlu tambahan sebesar 650 Kalori untuk energi dan 8,1 gram untuk protein. Besaran defisit energi dan protein berbeda berdasarkan kelompok umur dan wilayah. Kecukupan protein kelompok umur 6 tahun sudah memenuhi AKP di 5 wilayah. Defisit energi dan protein terbesar terdapat dikelompok umur 10-12 tahun di 8 wilayah Indonesia. Dalam perencanaan program perbaikan gizi anak usia sekolah perlu memperhatikan kelompok umur dan wilayah

    Kejadian Cacat Pada Anak Usia 24 - 59 Bulan Dan Faktor-faktor Yang Berkaitan, Riskesdas 2010

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    The objective of the analysis is to determine the factors that associated with Down Syndrome (DS), Cerebral Palsy (CP) and other disabilities (blind, deaf, speech impaired, physically disabled, ormentally disabled). The data that used in this analysis were from Basic National Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2010. Subjects were children aged 24-59 months and their birth mother (11.115 children). Nine defect children had been found from West Java Province in 2010 were verified by visiting to their home. In Indonesia, the prevalence of DS, CP and other defects were respectively 0,07%; 0,05%; and 0,39%. Mothers who gave birth above 35 years old have risk of having a DS child 4,8 times (CI: 1,225 to 20,265; p=0,034) than mothers who gave birth at and below 35 years old. Mothers who live in a slum area have risk of having other defect children 2,1 times(CI: 1,225 to 4,109; p=0,021) than mothers who not live in slum area. Maternal age at delivery is associated with DS. Living environment is associated with other defects. Counseling to pregnant women aged ā‰„ 35 years old and living in a rundown neighborhood in order to antenal care every month so that the incidence of DS and other defects can be prevented

    Kemampuan Kader Posyandu Dalam Melakukan Pengukuran Panjang/tinggi Badan Balita

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    Riskesdas 2013, provides information stunting in infants of as much as 37,2 percent. Meanwhile, inRISKESDAS 2007, information abaut stunting are 36.8 percent. The highest proportion is importantreason, to monitoring height / weight infants at posyandu. Community fact, show that body length oftoddler in posyandu. Thirty percent of posyandu (integrated service station) activities undertaken correctlyby the kader-posyandu (integrated service station center). Kader-posyandu chosen by people, so that thepublic trus her's. Her's advice and guidance are often followed by community, therefore necessary totraining as a form of education in adults. Assessing the impact of training on changes in measure thelength and height on under five children, before and after training. Descriptive for collect characteristicsdata, of the observations to look at the technique/how to measure before and after training. Nonparametricanalysis with wilcoxcon test and sign, used to see whether there are differences 'delta standardkader'(the difference in the results of the cadre integrated service station and the gold standard ofmeasurement)between before and after training. In general, high school educated kader-posyandu, aged31-40 years. Posyandu time to perform activities ranged from 2 s / d 4 years. As much as 74 percent ofthemhave never received refresher training in the last year period. The results of measurement accordingtothe standard observation phase (right) increased by about 30-40 percent. Anthropometry training resultsshoweddifferences in technique how to measure the infants who fit the measurement requirements. hereweresignificant differences (p = 0.00) results 'delta standard-kader' using three tools are multifunctional,lengboard,microtoise before and .after training. Anthropometry training, has been able to improve kaderposyanduskill in measuring of length and height of under five children

    Profil Sosial Ekonomi, Paritas, Status Dan Perilaku Kesehatan Pada Wanita Yang Menikah Dini Di Indonesia

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    Pendahuluan: Indonesia berpeluang mengalami ā€œBonus Demografiā€ jika terjadi penurunan ketergantungan rasio usia non produktif terhadap usia produktif. Peluang ini terancam ledakan jumlah penduduk usia muda, dimana pernikahan dini memicu pertumbuhan penduduk. Tujuan: Mengkaji profil sosial ekonomi, paritas, status gizi, pengetahuan, perilaku, serta kesehatan reproduksi pada wanita menikah dini di Indonesia. Metode: Studi observasional analitis dengan desain potong-lintang. Hasil: Terdapat 49% wanita menikah dini. Trend wanita menikah dini terus menurun, namun masih tetap tinggi (30,36% pada tahun 2006-2010). Pada wanita menikah dini, mendekati separuhnya berstatus ekonomi rendah; lebih banyak berpendidikan SD, berprofesi sebagai petani/nelayan/ buruh, memiliki anak ā‰„ 3 orang dan berstatus gizi normal. Pada wanita pernah hamil 5 tahun terakhir, wanita menikah dini lebih banyak berupaya mengakhirinya kehamilannya serta lebih sedikit mendapat informasi tanda bahaya kehamilan dibandingkan sebaliknya. Kesimpulan: Wanita menikah dini lebih banyak berstatus sosial ekonomi rendah, lebih banyak memiliki anak, kurang terpapar informasi risiko kehamilan dan lebih banyak berupaya mengakhiri kehamilan dibanding wanita menikah cukup usia

    Strategi Baru Penyuluhan Gizi-kesehatan Dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Sehat Ibu Selama Hamil Dan Menyusui

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    A New Strategy of Nutrition Education In Improving Health Behaviour of Pregnant and Lactating Women.Background: The new health paradigm of the year 2010 is emphasizing on preventive and promotive measures through the improvement of health behavior of the population. On the same time, the economic crisis has worsened the nutritional status, particularly for pregnant and lactating women, leading to increase of malnutrition and mortality among infants and women. Programs in improving health behavior, particularly in many nutrition programs, have poorly designed and poorly implemented at grass root levels and therefore may not assess nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice prroperty, with the consequence that the results may have little meanings.Objective: The aim of the study was to examine model of empowering pregnant and lactating women through, the improvement of heatlh and nutriton behavior by using the method of Women\u27s Contact. Women\u27s Contact or Kontak Ibu was a trained person who always give services to pregnant and lactating women, including midwives, traditional birth attendants, community volunteers, such as ceders, etc.Methods: The study areas were located in Bogor and Tangerang Districts. In the treatment group areas 21 Kontak Ibu were trained for 2 days in improving their skills in nutrition and heatlh education and supervised. In the control group areas 20 Kontak Ibu were trained for 1 day and Without supervised during the 4 months of intervention period. The material of nutrition and heatlh education developed by the previous study, was provided for all Kontak Ibu. In the treatment area 80 women (40 pregnant and 40 lactating) received the services given by Kontak Ibu. The same number and proportion of women also received the services in control areas.Results: The performance of Kontak Ibu in the treatment areas generally better than in the control areas in term of the frequency of giving education, number of women receiving services, referral forms completed, and number of targeted women visited. The women who improved their practices in solving the problem of morning sickness and low appetite for pregnant women, and problem of eating and diarrhea for infants were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the treatment than in the control group. Other practices, such as solving problem of headache, edema, vances. fever, etc. were improved in both groups.Conclusion: It is found in both group the new service strategy using method of Kontak Ibu changed several behaviors among women in communites. The changes in the experiment group were more remarkable than in the control group.Suggestion: The strategies of Kontak Ibu services changed behavior of both the service providers ard the women seeking services. It is therefore likely that application of the model Kontak Ibu services could be implemented in the existing nutrition improvement programs