13,117 research outputs found

    Normas rectoras de la ley penal colombiana

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    Normas rectoras de la ley penal colombian

    Confrontación del proyecto de código de procedimiento penal con la Constitución política

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    Confrontación del proyecto de código de procedimiento penal con la Constitución polític

    El incumplimiento de la pensión alimenticia y sus implicancias jurídicas en la suspensión de la patria potestad en la Legislación Civil Peruana

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    Según la ley se puede demandar a todo el que tiene Deber de Asistencia y sus familiares más próximos, lo que quiere decir que si el padre de un menor no puede cumplir con pagar la Pensión de Alimentos ya sea porque se encuentra en el extranjero y/o es ilocalizable, no tiene trabajo, está enfermo, es declarado incapaz por alguna condición física o mental, está preso o a muerto, entonces la parte interesada o necesitada de alimentos podrá solicitar que la pensión sea pagada por los abuelos, tíos, hermanos mayores o cónyuge del padre del menor. El objetivo general del trabajo de investigación fue determinar si el incumplimiento de la pensión alimenticia, tiene implicancias jurídicas en la suspensión de la patria potestad en la Legislación Civil Peruana. El tipo de investigación fue explicativo y el nivel aplicativo; por otro lado, el método y diseño de investigación fue expos facto o retrospectivo; y con relación a la población objeto de estudio estuvo constituida por el Colegio de Abogados de Lima (CAL) y la muestra fue de 379 Abogados hábiles con un muestreo probalístico de probabilidad del 95% de confianza y con un margen de error de 5%. Los instrumentos utilizados para la medición de las variables fue la técnica de la encuesta con su instrumento el cuestionario, el cual fue validado por Jueces expertos para ello realizaron la evaluación con el Grado de Doctores en Derecho, quienes dieron la validación de criterios y de constructo. En conclusión, se ha determinado que el incumplimiento de la pensión alimenticia, tiene implicancias jurídicas que conllevan a la suspensión de la patria potestad en la Legislación Civil Peruana.According to the law, everyone who owes Assistance and his closest relatives can be sued, which means that if the father of a minor can not pay for the Food Pension either because he is abroad and / or is unlocatable, has no work, is sick, is declared incapable due to any physical or mental condition, is in prison or dead, then the interested party or in need of food may request that the pension be paid by grandparents, uncles, older brothers or spouse of the minor's father. The general objective of the research work was to determine if the breach of alimony, has legal implications in the suspension of parental authority in the Peruvian Civil Legislation. The type of investigation was explanatory and the application level; On the other hand, the method and design of the research was expository or retrospective; and in relation to the population under study was constituted by the Bar Association of Lima (CAL) and the sample was 379 skilled lawyers with a probalistic sampling probability of 95% confidence and with a margin of error of 5%. The instruments used for the measurement of the variables was the technique of the survey with its instrument, the questionnaire, which was validated by expert Judges. For this, they carried out the evaluation with the Degree in Law, who gave the validation of criteria and construct. In conclusion, it has been determined that the breach of alimony, has legal implications that lead to the suspension of parental authority in the Peruvian Civil Legislation

    Development of counting system for wear measurements using thin layer activation and the wearing apparatus

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    This paper focus on developing a counting system for the Wearing Apparatus, which is a device previously built to generate measurable wear on a given surface (Main Source) and to carry the fillings from it to a filter (second source). The Thin Layer Activation is a technique used to produce activity on one of the Wearing Apparatus' piece, this activity is proportional to the amount of material worn, or scrapped, from the piece's surface. Thus, by measuring the activity on those two points it is possible to measure the produced wear. The methodology used in this work is based on simulations through MCNP-X Code to find the best specifications for shielding, solid angles, detectors dimensions and collimation for the Counting System. By simulating several scenarios, each one different from the other, and analyzing the results in the form of Counts Per Second, the ideal counting system's specifications and geometry to measure the activity in the Main Source and the Filter (second source) is chosen. After that, a set of previously activated stainless steel foils were used to reproduce the real experiments' conditions, this real experiment consists of using TLA and the Wearing Apparatus, the results demonstrate that the counting system and methodology are adequate for such experiments

    RaspBot - Raspberry Pi-powered Robot controlled by a WebApp

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    This project aims at designing a robot prototype made from Lego, which contains a Raspberry Pi device, that will be remotely controlled through a web application to allow the robot to perform certain movements which would be sent from the client’s interaction. The process began by researching several different technologies that we used as our starting point for designing both prototypes (hardware and software). Concurrently, we focused investigation on the IoT and were inspired to make a robot prototype that would implement the basic concepts and, at the same time, merge it with the previously learnt knowledge acquired during our 3 year course in Information Technology

    Reflotamiento de maquinaria industrial para mejorar la producción de alimento balanceado para truchas en la estación pesquera Ancash Huaraz, 2021

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    El problema abordado fue la mejora de producción de alimento balanceado que conlleva el reflotamiento de maquinaria industrial en la estación pesquera Ancash Huaraz 2021. La hipótesis planteada indicó que el reflotamiento de maquinaria mejorará la producción de alimento balanceado, así mismo, la investigación fue del tipo aplicada de diseño correlacional. Se concluyó que el reflotamiento de maquinaria industrial en la planta de producción, mejoró la producción de alimento balanceado, aumentando la capacidad de producción en 9 toneladas además de la mejora del producto final, pasando de peletizado a extruido. El diagnóstico de la maquinaria realizado antes del reflotamiento de maquinaria resultó desfavorable, situación que impidió la reactivación de la producción de alimento balanceado, estudiando todas las maquinas involucradas en el proceso productivo como los insumos necesarios. Que, en el proceso de reflotamiento de maquinaria industrial, se implementó diagramas de procesos y flujo para detallar la producción al personal encargado, detallando cantidades y costos del reflotamiento para la posterior reactivación de la planta. Que en la reactivación de producción de obtuvo una productividad de 63%; una eficiencia física de 98% y económica de 1.6 en una producción total de 20 toneladas mensuales, distribuidos para la EPA y los demás proyectos. Se logró evidenciar una diferencia económica del 26% entre la producción y la compra de alimento balanceado, asimismo, luego del reflotamiento, se identificó el VAN en S/ 146 292.85 y la TIR en 45%, además de la relación beneficio/costo, que tuvo como resultado 1.04, demostrando la rentabilidad del proyecto

    A viscosity-mediated model for relating gloss and film thickness of coatings

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    Film thickness determines many key coating properties including gloss. However, current literature hardly addresses the development of methods to directly correlate film thickness with gloss. Thus, the lack of accurate models hinders further product design and optimisation of coating products and processes. In this contribution, a previously derived gloss-viscosity relationship is turned into a gloss-film thickness mathematical model. Experimental results of both matting and glossy agents are found to be successfully predicted by a model that is revealed as a simple and useful tool for day-to-day calculations.Postprint (author's final draft

    Information on Transcriptional Regulation and Signal Transduction of _Escherichia coli_ K-12 Integrated in the Database RegulonDB.

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    Since its inception, RegulonDB ("http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/":http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/) has been a database that compiles information about the regulation of transcription initiation of _Escherichia coli_ K-12. However, we are aware that transcriptional regulation is not an isolated process; instead, it is the response to the different environmental conditions that trigger a series of concatenated reactions that end in transcriptional regulation, and it implies an adequate response in terms of induced and repressed gene products. We are working now to include all these new data in RegulonDB. As a consequence, transcriptional regulation in RegulonDB will be part of a unit that initiates with the signal, continues with the signal transduction to the core of regulation to modify expression of the affected set of target genes, and ends with an adequate response. We refer to these units as genetic sensory response units, or Gensor Units.

The inclusion of Gensor Units will bring a dramatic change and expansion of RegulonDB, due to the fact that we will be adding several new types of reactions and interactions. We started to collect data about signal transduction of the sigma factors, the two-component systems, of some transcription factors involved in carbon source utilization, and of genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids. We plan a high-level curation with super-pathways summarizing concatenated sets of reactions linked to those other databases that curate such information, while enabling with RegulonDB a compilation of complete Gensor Units.

In addition, the number of DNA binding sites for some transcription factors has grown considerably, and therefore we decided to review systematically those sites whose lengths ranging from 40 to 60 bp with orientation and consensus sequences that are not easy to identify. The current version of RegulonDB is the beginning of a higher-level curation of gene regulation information, and eventually our database will include all regulatory mechanisms and their regulated genes. 

    Information on Transcriptional Regulation and Signal Transduction of _Escherichia coli_ K-12 Integrated in the Database RegulonDB.

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    Since its inception, RegulonDB ("http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/":http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/) has been a database that compiles information about the regulation of transcription initiation of _Escherichia coli_ K-12. However, we are aware that transcriptional regulation is not an isolated process; instead, it is the response to the different environmental conditions that trigger a series of concatenated reactions that end in transcriptional regulation, and it implies an adequate response in terms of induced and repressed gene products. We are working now to include all these new data in RegulonDB. As a consequence, transcriptional regulation in RegulonDB will be part of a unit that initiates with the signal, continues with the signal transduction to the core of regulation to modify expression of the affected set of target genes, and ends with an adequate response. We refer to these units as genetic sensory response units, or geSorgans.

The inclusion of geSorgans will bring a dramatic change and expansion of RegulonDB, due to the fact that we will be adding several new types of reactions and interactions. We started to collect data about signal transduction of the sigma factors, the two-component systems, of some transcription factors involved in carbon source utilization, and of genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids. We plan a high-level curation with super-pathways summarizing concatenated sets of reactions linked to those other databases that curate such information, while enabling with RegulonDB a compilation of complete geSorgans.

In addition, the number of DNA binding sites for some transcription factors has grown considerably, and therefore we decided to review systematically those sites whose lengths ranging from 40 to 60 bp with orientation and consensus sequences that are not easy to identify. The current version of RegulonDB is the beginning of a higher-level curation of gene regulation information, and eventually our database will include all regulatory mechanisms and their regulated genes. 