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    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, Lingkungan Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru

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    This study aims to see and assess what are the direct and indirect influences that affect teacher performance which are influenced by the principal's leadership variable, work environment and work motivation in high school in Muaro Jambi. In research using a quantitative approach and survey techniques were chosen as the data collection technique in this study that was used was distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The subjects in this study were teachers at SMA Muaro Jambi with a total sample of 250 teacher in SMA Muaro Jambi using gpower to determine the amount of sampling. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire which is distributed and collected via Googleform. Quantitative data analysis using the PLS-SEM method. The results of this study indicate that (1) the principal's leadership influences teacher performance, (2) the work environment influences teacher performance, (3) work motivation influences teacher performance, (4) principal's leadership influences work motivation, (5) work environment affects work motivation, (6) principal leadership influences teacher performance mediated by work motivation and (7) work environment influences teacher performance mediated by work motivation. So, principal leadership, work environment and work motivation influences teacher performance SMA in Muaro Jambi. Keywords: Teacher Performance, Principal Leadership, Work Environment, Work Motivation.This study aims to see and assess what are the direct and indirectinfluences that affect teacher performance which are influencedby the principal's leadership variable, work environment andwork motivation in high school in Muaro Jambi. In research usinga quantitative approach and survey techniques were chosen asthe data collection technique in this study that was used wasdistributing questionnaires to the respondents. The subjects inthis study were teachers at SMA Muaro Jambi with a totalsample of 250 teacher in SMA Muaro Jambi using gpower todetermine the amount of sampling. The data collectiontechnique uses a questionnaire which is distributed and collectedvia Googleform. Quantitative data analysis using the PLS-SEMmethod. The results of this study indicate that (1) the principal'sleadership influences teacher performance, (2) the workenvironment influences teacher performance, (3) workmotivation influences teacher performance, (4) principal'sleadership influences work motivation, (5) work environmentaffects work motivation, (6) principal leadership influencesteacher performance mediated by work motivation and (7) workenvironment influences teacher performance mediated by workmotivation. So, principal leadership, work environment and workmotivation influences teacher performance SMA in Muaro Jambi