3 research outputs found

    Approaches to Development of a User-Friendly Community Based Arsenic/Iron Removal Unit in Bangladesh

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    The present stydy focuses on the strategies to modify the design of a community based Arsenic - Iron Removal Unit (AIRU) based on the field performance of the AIRU and the feedback from the users. The ultimate aim was to offer a user-friendly and sustainable system. Appropriate modifications in the design of the developed unit reduced the propensities of water head-loss and media clogging, thereby yielding sustained flow rate. Introduction of a simple cleaning procerdure (98% flow-recovery with three successive backwashing sequences) successfully reduced the frequency of requirement of labor-intensive replacement of the whole filter media. Raw water with arsenic concentration up to 200 microgam/L along with high iron content was treated by the AIRU under the field conditions satisfying the Bangladesh standard (50 microgam/L) without using any chemicals. Efficient sludge management was ensured through porper drainage and safe disposal facilities. Simple construction using locally available materials, considerable treatment performance as well as ease of operation and maintenance present the developed system as a promising on

    Removal of pathogens by membrane bioreactors: a review of the mechanisms, influencing factors and reduction in chemical disinfectant dosing

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    The continued depletion of fresh drinking water resources throughout the world has increased the need for a variety of water treatment and recycling strategies. Conventional wastewater treatment processes rely on extensive chemical post-disinfection to comply with the stringent microbiological safety for water reuse. When well designed and operated, membrane bioreactors (MBRs) can consistently achieve efficient removals of suspended solids, protozoa and coliform bacteria. Under optimal conditions, MBR systems can also significantly remove various viruses and phages. This paper provides an in-depth overview of the mechanisms and influencing factors of pathogen removal by MBR and highlights practical issues, such as reduced chemical disinfectant dosing requirements and associated economic and environmental benefits. Special attention has been paid to the aspects, such as membrane cleaning, membrane imperfections/breach and microbial regrowth, in the distribution system on the overall pathogen removal performance of MBR