4 research outputs found

    Hyperparameter Optimization Of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Architectures For Object Recognition

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    Recent advances in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have obtained promising results in difficult deep learning tasks. However, the success of a CNN depends on finding an architecture to fit a given problem. A hand-crafted architecture is a challenging, time-consuming process that requires expert knowledge and effort, due to a large number of architectural design choices. In this dissertation, we present an efficient framework that automatically designs a high-performing CNN architecture for a given problem. In this framework, we introduce a new optimization objective function that combines the error rate and the information learnt by a set of feature maps using deconvolutional networks (deconvnet). The new objective function allows the hyperparameters of the CNN architecture to be optimized in a way that enhances the performance by guiding the CNN through better visualization of learnt features via deconvnet. The actual optimization of the objective function is carried out via the Nelder-Mead Method (NMM). Further, our new objective function results in much faster convergence towards a better architecture. The proposed framework has the ability to explore a CNN architecture’s numerous design choices in an efficient way and also allows effective, distributed execution and synchronization via web services. Empirically, we demonstrate that the CNN architecture designed with our approach outperforms several existing approaches in terms of its error rate. Our results are also competitive with state-of-the-art results on the MNIST dataset and perform reasonably against the state-of-the-art results on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. Our approach has a significant role in increasing the depth, reducing the size of strides, and constraining some convolutional layers not followed by pooling layers in order to find a CNN architecture that produces a high recognition performance. Moreover, we evaluate the effectiveness of reducing the size of the training set on CNNs using a variety of instance selection methods to speed up the training time. We then study how these methods impact classification accuracy. Many instance selection methods require a long run-time to obtain a subset of the representative dataset, especially if the training set is large and has a high dimensionality. One example of these algorithms is Random Mutation Hill Climbing (RMHC). We improve RMHC so that it performs faster than the original algorithm with the same accuracy

    Survey on Self-Supervised Learning: Auxiliary Pretext Tasks and Contrastive Learning Methods in Imaging

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    Although deep learning algorithms have achieved significant progress in a variety of domains, they require costly annotations on huge datasets. Self-supervised learning (SSL) using unlabeled data has emerged as an alternative, as it eliminates manual annotation. To do this, SSL constructs feature representations using pretext tasks that operate without manual annotation, which allows models trained in these tasks to extract useful latent representations that later improve downstream tasks such as object classification and detection. The early methods of SSL are based on auxiliary pretext tasks as a way to learn representations using pseudo-labels, or labels that were created automatically based on the dataset’s attributes. Furthermore, contrastive learning has also performed well in learning representations via SSL. To succeed, it pushes positive samples closer together, and negative ones further apart, in the latent space. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of the top-performing SSL methods using auxiliary pretext and contrastive learning techniques. It details the motivation for this research, a general pipeline of SSL, the terminologies of the field, and provides an examination of pretext tasks and self-supervised methods. It also examines how self-supervised methods compare to supervised ones, and then discusses both further considerations and ongoing challenges faced by SSL

    A SLAM-Based Localization and Navigation System for Social Robots: The Pepper Robot Case

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    Robot navigation in indoor environments has become an essential task for several applications, including situations in which a mobile robot needs to travel independently to a certain location safely and using the shortest path possible. However, indoor robot navigation faces challenges, such as obstacles and a dynamic environment. This paper addresses the problem of social robot navigation in dynamic indoor environments, through developing an efficient SLAM-based localization and navigation system for service robots using the Pepper robot platform. In addition, this paper discusses the issue of developing this system in a way that allows the robot to navigate freely in complex indoor environments and efficiently interact with humans. The developed Pepper-based navigation system has been validated using the Robot Operating System (ROS), an efficient robot platform architecture, in two different indoor environments. The obtained results show an efficient navigation system with an average localization error of 0.51 m and a user acceptability level of 86.1%

    A SLAM-Based Localization and Navigation System for Social Robots: The Pepper Robot Case

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    Robot navigation in indoor environments has become an essential task for several applications, including situations in which a mobile robot needs to travel independently to a certain location safely and using the shortest path possible. However, indoor robot navigation faces challenges, such as obstacles and a dynamic environment. This paper addresses the problem of social robot navigation in dynamic indoor environments, through developing an efficient SLAM-based localization and navigation system for service robots using the Pepper robot platform. In addition, this paper discusses the issue of developing this system in a way that allows the robot to navigate freely in complex indoor environments and efficiently interact with humans. The developed Pepper-based navigation system has been validated using the Robot Operating System (ROS), an efficient robot platform architecture, in two different indoor environments. The obtained results show an efficient navigation system with an average localization error of 0.51 m and a user acceptability level of 86.1%