3,276 research outputs found

    Connection of renewable energy sources to the power grid

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá obnovitelnými zdroji energie a druhy, které se nejvíce využívají. Teoretická část je věnována obecným informacím o obnovitelných zdrojích energie, typech elektráren a v další části se zaměřuje na fotovoltaické elektrárny. Praktická část ilustruje připojení fotovoltaické elektrárny do sítě vysokého napětí (22kV) ve Středočeském kraji. Dále jsou v práci uvedena pravidla pro připojení rozptýlených výroben elektřiny z obnovitelných zdrojů energie do distribuční sítě, napěťový profil podél vedení před a po připojení FVE do distribuční sítě.This thesis deals with the renewable energy and its main types. The theoretical part is about the general information on renewable energy sources, types of power plants, focusing on photovoltaic power plants. The practical part illustrates the connection of photovoltaic power plant to a medium voltage network (22kV) in Central Bohemia region. The following part is devoted to the rules for connecting dispersed energy sources to the distribution network, voltage profile along the lines before and after connecting the PVPP's into the distribution network

    Arrêt « Google Spain» (CJUE 13 mai 2014, C131/12) : La soumission de Google à la Directive européenne des « Données à Caractère Personnel » (95/46)

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    International audienceL'exploitant d'un moteur de recherche sur Internet est selon la CJUE responsable du traitement qu'il effectue des données à caractère personnel qui apparaissent sur des pages Web publiées par des tiers Lorsque, à la suite d'une recherche effectuée à partir du nom d'une personne, les résultats affichent un lien vers une page Web qui contient des données à caractère personnel, l'intéressé peut s'adresser directement à l'exploitant ou, lorsque celle-ci ne donne pas suite à sa demande, saisir les autorités compétentes en vue de l'obtenir, sous certaines conditions, la suppression de ce lien de la liste de résultats. La directive 95/46, prévoit essentiellement la protection des libertés et droits fondamentaux des personnes physiques 1 , tel que le fameux droit à la vie privée 2 , en cas de traitement des données à caractère personnel et sans la mise en cause de la libre circulation de ces données. Cette directive constitue un texte de référence au niveau européen en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel. Publiée au Journal Officiel de l'Union européenne du 23 novembre 1995, cette dernière a été officiellement intitulée « directive 95/46 CE du Parlement européen et du conseil du 24 octobre 1995 », relative à la protection des personnes physiques à l'encontre de tout traitement des données qualifiées à caractère personnel ainsi que à la libre circulation de ces données. Cette directive ne couvre pas les données personnelles traitées dans le cadre du troisième pilier de l'UE, à savoir la coopération policière et judiciaire en matière pénale, cela englobe l'ensemble des fichiers de police, de justice et de renseignement. Sachant toutefois, que cette directive ne concerne que la réglementation des Etats membres ; puisque les données personnelles collectées par des institutions communautaires restent néanmoins régies par le règlement n° 45/2001 ; relatif au contrôle européen de la protection des données. Depuis 2010, M. Mario Costeja Gonzalez, de nationalité espagnole, avait introduit une réclamation auprès de l'Agencia Espagnola de Proteccion de Datos (Agence espagnole de protection des données, AEPD), à l'encontre de la Vanguardia Ediciones SL (éditeur d'un quotidien en Espagne et plus particulièrement dans la région de Catalogne) ainsi qu'à l'encontre de Google Spain et de Google Inc. Le requérant dans cette affaire faisant valoir que 1 Il s'agit des libertés et les droits reconnus par la Constitution, la Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789, le préambule de la Constitution de 1946 (repris par celle de 1958), la Charte de l'environnement (intégrée dans le préambule de la Constitution en 2005) et les principes fondamentaux auxquels ces textes renvoient. Ils sont à la base de la démocratie et le Conseil constitutionnel a fortement contribué à renforcer leur respect. 2 Le droit au respect de la vie privée est reconnu à toute personne, quels que soient son rang, sa naissance, sa fortune, ses fonctions présentes et à venir. L'article 9 al 1 du code civil dispose que « chacun a droit au respect de sa vie privée ». Ce principe est également inséré à l'article 8 de la Convention de sauvegarde des Droits de l'Homme et des Libertés fondamentales : Toute personne a droit au respect de sa vie privée et familiale, de son domicile et de sa correspondance

    Privacy Invasion Experiences and Perceptions: a Comparison Between Germany and the Arab World

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    Similar to research in behavioral psychology, research in privacy and usable security has focused mainly on Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. This excludes a large portion of the population affected by privacy implications of technology. In this work, we report on a survey (N=117) in which we studied technology-related privacy concerns of users from different countries, including developing countries such as Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and developed countries such as Germany. By comparing results from those countries, and relating our findings to previous work, we brought forth multiple novel insights that are specific to privacy of users from under-investigated countries. We discuss the implications of our findings on the design of privacy protection mechanisms

    Analysis of GLCM Parameters for Textures Classification on UMD Database Images

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    Texture analysis is one of the most important techniques that have been used in image processing for many purposes, including image classification. The texture determines the region of a given gray level image, and reflects its relevant information. Several methods of analysis have been invented and developed to deal with texture in recent years, and each one has its own method of extracting features from the texture. These methods can be divided into two main approaches: statistical methods and processing methods. Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is the most popular statistical method used to get features from the texture. In addition to GLCM, a number of equations of Haralick characteristics will be used to calculate values used as discriminate features among different images in this study. There are many parameters of GLCM that should be taken into consideration to increase the discrimination between images belonging to different classes. In this study, we aim to evaluate GLCM parameters. For three decades now, GLCM is popular method used for texture analysis. Neural network which is one of supervised methods will also be used as a classifier. And finally, the database for this study will be images prepared from UMD (University of Maryland database)

    Integrated Circuits Parasitic Capacitance Extraction Using Machine Learning and its Application to Layout Optimization

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    The impact of parasitic elements on the overall circuit performance keeps increasing from one technology generation to the next. In advanced process nodes, the parasitic effects dominate the overall circuit performance. As a result, the accuracy requirements of parasitic extraction processes significantly increased, especially for parasitic capacitance extraction. Existing parasitic capacitance extraction tools face many challenges to cope with such new accuracy requirements that are set by semiconductor foundries (\u3c 5% error). Although field-solver methods can meet such requirements, they are very slow and have a limited capacity. The other alternative is the rule-based parasitic capacitance extraction methods, which are faster and have a high capacity; however, they cannot consistently provide good accuracy as they use a pre-characterized library of capacitance formulas that cover a limited number of layout patterns. On the other hand, the new parasitic extraction accuracy requirements also added more challenges on existing parasitic-aware routing optimization methods, where simplified parasitic models are used to optimize layouts. This dissertation provides new solutions for interconnect parasitic capacitance extraction and parasitic-aware routing optimization methodologies in order to cope with the new accuracy requirements of advanced process nodes as follows. First, machine learning compact models are developed in rule-based extractors to predict parasitic capacitances of cross-section layout patterns efficiently. The developed models mitigate the problems of the pre-characterized library approach, where each compact model is designed to extract parasitic capacitances of cross-sections of arbitrary distributed metal polygons that belong to a specific set of metal layers (i.e., layer combination) efficiently. Therefore, the number of covered layout patterns significantly increased. Second, machine learning compact models are developed to predict parasitic capacitances of middle-end-of-line (MEOL) layers around FINFETs and MOSFETs. Each compact model extracts parasitic capacitances of 3D MEOL patterns of a specific device type regardless of its metal polygons distribution. Therefore, the developed MEOL models can replace field-solvers in extracting MEOL patterns. Third, a novel accuracy-based hybrid parasitic capacitance extraction method is developed. The proposed hybrid flow divides a layout into windows and extracts the parasitic capacitances of each window using one of three parasitic capacitance extraction methods that include: 1) rule-based; 2) novel deep-neural-networks-based; and 3) field-solver methods. This hybrid methodology uses neural-networks classifiers to determine an appropriate extraction method for each window. Moreover, as an intermediate parasitic capacitance extraction method between rule-based and field-solver methods, a novel deep-neural-networks-based extraction method is developed. This intermediate level of accuracy and speed is needed since using only rule-based and field-solver methods (for hybrid extraction) results in using field-solver most of the time for any required high accuracy extraction. Eventually, a parasitic-aware layout routing optimization and analysis methodology is implemented based on an incremental parasitic extraction and a fast optimization methodology. Unlike existing flows that do not provide a mechanism to analyze the impact of modifying layout geometries on a circuit performance, the proposed methodology provides novel sensitivity circuit models to analyze the integrity of signals in layout routes. Such circuit models are based on an accurate matrix circuit representation, a cost function, and an accurate parasitic sensitivity extraction. The circuit models identify critical parasitic elements along with the corresponding layout geometries in a certain route, where they measure the sensitivity of a route’s performance to corresponding layout geometries very fast. Moreover, the proposed methodology uses a nonlinear programming technique to optimize problematic routes with pre-determined degrees of freedom using the proposed circuit models. Furthermore, it uses a novel incremental parasitic extraction method to extract parasitic elements of modified geometries efficiently, where the incremental extraction is used as a part of the routing optimization process to improve the optimization runtime and increase the optimization accuracy

    Foreign direct investment inflow and its environmental effects in developing economies

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    Currently, there is a major threat to the earth's environment which is due to the increase in environmental damages, and welfare losses as a result of green house gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, wars and political instability in the world. In addition, the climate is changing, scarce species as well as resources in general are depleting. Among others, foreign direct investment (FDI) is the major factors that may lead to this result. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3621