2 research outputs found

    Ummatan WasaĆŁan dalam Pancasila Perspektif Tafsir M. Quraish Shihab

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how ummatan Wasaƣan in Pancasila according to the point of view of understanding M. Quraish Shihab. It was then traced that the idea of wasaƣan ummah is an idea that can combine individual and public activities so that there is a balance throughout daily life. This research method uses a literature research approach. The results of the study show that actually according to M. Quraish Shihab the existence of Muslims is still far from the positive side of ummaƣan wasaƣan, the understanding of ummatan wasaƣan in Pancasila is moderate individuals, not left and right, in order to create a just mentality, people who are used as witnesses and all parties witness as an example. There are eight things According to Quraish Shihab about the concept of ummatan wasaƣan namely (a) Belief in Allah Almighty and His Messenger; (b) steadiness; (c) Intelligence; (d) Solidarity and solidarity and fraternity; (e) Equity; (f) Commendable; (g) Balance; and (h) Comprehensive. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Ummatan Wasaƣan dalam Pancasila menurut sudut pandang pemahaman M. Quraish Shihab. Kemudian dilacak bahwa gagasan wasaƣan ummah adalah gagasan yang dapat menggabungkan aktivitas individu dan publik sehingga terjadi keseimbangan sepanjang kehidupan sehari-hari. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa sebenarnya menurut M. Quraish Shihab keberadaan umat Islam masih jauh dari sisi positif ummaƣan wasaƣan, pemahaman ummatan wasaƣan dalam Pancasila adalah individu-individu moderat, tidak ke kiri dan ke kanan, agar tercipta mental yang adil, orang-orang yang dijadikan saksi dan semua pihak menyaksikan sebagai contoh. Terdapat  delapan hal Menurut  Quraish Shihab tentang konsep ummatan wasaƣan yaitu (a) Keyakinan kepada Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya; (b) kemantapan; (c) Kecerdasan; (d) Solidaritas dan solidaritas dan persaudaraan; (e) Ekuitas; (f) Terpuji; (g) Keseimbangan; dan (h) Komprehensif

    Marriage Guidance Towards Family Resilience in Aceh: A Study of Islamic Law Philosophy

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    This paper aims to examine government policies related to marriage guidance in order to establish family resilience with an Islamic legal philosophy approach. This study used a philosophical approach to Islamic law. The data were collected through literature studies and in-depth interviews. The results of the study indicate that government policy has created a marriage guidance program to increase family resilience. The implementation of marriage guidance in Aceh still faces obstacles from the formulation of the implementation model, the preparation of operational standards, methods, techniques, materials, and time allocation, as well as synergies with other related agencies. Marriage guidance is not an absolute requirement for marriage. Both the provincial Ministry of Religion and the City Regency Ministry of Religion do not periodically evaluate the marriage guidance program. The budget from the government is still minimal, and the need for cooperation between institutions causes the implementation of marriage guidance not to run optimally. However, marriage guidance from the perspective of Islamic legal philosophy aims for the benefit of prospective husband and wife, their families and communities, and even the state, therefore, this program is quite essential. Moreover, it is associated with family resilience, meaning that marriage guidance will strongly influence family resilience