461 research outputs found

    Sustainability of seafood production - challenges and the way forward

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    Sustainability of seafood supplies is a matter of growing concern at a time when demand is increasing and some of the factors constraining the development of aquaculture are challenging the efforts towards increasing production. Stabilization of harvest from fisheries has generated a great deal of interest in aquaculture. Besides directly enhancing production, aquaculture can reduce pressure on wild stocks and biodiversity, and contribute to enhancing depleted stocks. Aquaculture systems are diverse, requiring a comprehensive understanding of the different issues and knowledge-based solutions, and an enabling environment that favours application of innovative ideas to support development of this sector. Diversity in aquaculture often requires adopting more balanced and informed approaches that take into consideration the environmental, social and economic conditions. The future of aquaculture depends on management of key issues and application of appropriate strategies. This chapter discusses the trends that characterize the emergence of aquaculture as a major provider of high quality protein, the challenges it faces in a changing climate, the impact of adaptation measures on sustainability, the possible role of some forms of biotechnology, introducing ecosystem perspectives and the potential of forging synergies of this sector with other means of producing seafood

    Effect of the Use of Black Seed Powder, Cinnamon, Yeast and their Mixtures on the Productive Performance of the Ross Broiler Chicken

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            يهدف البحث الى تأثير إستعمال مسحوق الحبة السوداء والقرفة والخميرة ومخاليطها على الأداء الإنتاجي لفروج اللحم سلالة روز أذ وزعت 240 فرخة لحم ( سلالة روزRoss) بعمر يوم واحد عشوائيا على ثماني معاملات وبواقع مكررين /معاملة (15فرخة/مكرر) وبمعدل وزن حي 40غم ، وغذيت المعاملات على عليقة قياسية موحدة وأضيفت 0.05% خميرة Saccharomycecs cerevisiae للمعاملة الثانية و0.4 % لكل من مسحوقي القرفة وحبة السوداء للمعاملتين الثالثة والرابعة على التوالي وخليط مسحوق القرفة (0.2%) والخميرة (0.025%) للمعاملة الخامسة وخليط مسحوقي القرفة والحبة السوداء 0.2% لكل منهما للمعاملة السادسة وخليط الخميرة (0.025%) ومسحوق الحبة السوداء0.2% للمعاملة السابعة والخليط الثلاثي (0.2% لكل من مسحوقي القرفة والحبة السوداء و0.025% خميرة) للمعاملة الثامنة وتركت المعاملة الأولى بدون إضافة للمقارنة. تم حساب معدل الأوزان الأسبوعية ، والزيادة الوزنية الأسبوعية والكلية وحساب معدل إستهلاك العلف الأسبوعي والكلي وكذلك كفاءة التحويل الغذائي الأسبوعية والكلية للمعاملات .         وأظهرت النتائج وجود فروقات معنوية في معدلات الأوزان الأسبوعية والزيادة الوزنية الأسبوعية والكلية لصالح المعاملات (T3 ، T4 ، T6 ،T7 ،T8) مقارنته مع معاملة السيطرة (T1) ولم تكن معنوية مع المعاملتين الثانية والخامسة (T2 ، T5) والمعاملتين الأخيريتين لم تكن ذات فروق معنوية مع معاملة السيطرة في هاتين الصفتين ، وقد أظهرت النتائج  عدم وجود فروق معنوية في معدل إستهلاك العلف مابين معاملات الأضافة والسيطرة عدا المعاملة الثالثة التي تحتوي على 0.4% مسحوق القرفة فكانت ذات فروق معنوية قياسا بمعاملة السيطرة في معدل إستهلاك العلف ولم تكن معنوية مع بقية معاملات الأضافة ،وكذلك أظهرت النتائج وجود إنخفاض معنوي في كفاءة التحويل الغذائي لجميع معاملات الأضافة مقارنتا بمعاملة السيطرة (T1) وكانت أفضلية النتائج لصالح المعاملة الرابعة (إضافة مسحوق الحبة السوداء0.2%) أذ كانت معنوية مع معاملة الأولى (السيطرة) والثانية (إضافة الخميرة) . ولم تكن معنوية مع باقي معاملات الأضافة.        This research investigated the effect of the use of black seed powder, cinnamon, yeast and their mixtures on the productive performance of the Rose meat breeds, where they distributed 240of one day old 40gm/chick body weight (Ross strain) randomly on 8 treatments , each treatment included two replicate (15chicks/replicate) and fed on  standard diet with addition 0.05% yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to second treatment , 0.4%cinnamon powder to third treatment, 0.4% black seed powder to fourth treatment 0.2% Cinnamon powder mixture with 0.025% yeast for the fifth treatment, 0.2% for each cinnamon black seed powder mixture, for the sixth treatment, 0.025% yeast mixture with 0.2%black seed powder for the seventh treatment, the triple mixture of 0.025% yeast and0.2% for each cinnamon black seed powder for the eighth treatment, and the first treatment was left on the ordinary diet without addition as control.     Weekly weights with weekly and total weight gain, weekly and the total feed consumption rate,  weekly and the total dietary conversion efficiency were calculated.       The results showed significant differences in weekly weight rate weekly and total weights gain toward the treatments (T3, T4, T6, T7, T8) compared with the control treatment (T1) and were not significant with the second and fifth treatments (T2, T5) and the last two treatments were not related Significant differences with control treatment in these two characters, As well as the results showed no significant differences in feed consumption between the additional treatment and control factors, except for the third treatment containing 0.4% cinnamon powder. The cinnamon powder had significant differences compared to the control treatment in feed consumption rate and was not significant with the rest of the additive treatments. as well as the results showed that there was a significant decrease in the conversion efficiency of all additive treatments compared to control treatment (T1) and the best of the results toward the fourth treatment (adding black seed powder) was signed with the first treatment (control) and the second(yeast addition). and was not significant with the rest of the additive treatments

    Harmonizing the Tenth Malaysia Plan priorities with the new economic model and the green world order

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    The New Economic Model (NEM) integrates innovative ideas in socio‐economic development of Malaysia. Specifically, it aims at achieving high income, sustainability and inclusiveness in the economic transformation through this new policy initiative. NEM will build resilience into the economic system for sustainable benefits to the society. The sustainability dimension of NEM will require focus on natural resources. This is achievable by aligning our activities with the new concept of ‘Green World Order’. Under this concept, there is a need for making changes in our activities. Development planning will require resetting in the light of environmental limitations to achieve the goals of NEM. With the valuation of ecosystem services becoming increasingly important, we should pursue this matter with a sense of urgency for positioning Malaysia as a major player in the global environmental governance and claimant to a substantial stake in the fund to mitigate the effects of climate change. Out of US$33 trillion per year as the economic value of world ecosystems, our resources such as forests, mangroves and seagrasses, wetlands and groundwater recharge systems, coral refs and ability to implement green technology projects should enable the country to have a significant stake and role in global environmental mitigation programs. With an effective action plan, Malaysia can take advantage of the growing carbon market and green economy. Investment in carbon sinks should be a sort of foreign direct investment free of strings and riders while supporting our national goals of food security, environmental conservation, education, health care and socio‐economic development. However, we need to develop expertise to deal with international institutions in carbon economy. We propose setting up an autonomous center to address all such matters related to human resource needs and global environmental governance to position Malaysia for a fair share of benefits that will accrue

    Natural resources management and food security in the context of sustainable development

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    Sejumlah 51 takson pteridofit yang tergolong dalam 30 genus dan 18 famili telah direkodkan di Hutan Simpan Angsi, Negeri Sembilan. Ini termasuk lapan spesies lokofit dalam dua genus dan dua famili. Jumlah ini merangkumi lapan peratus daripada 647 spesies yang telah dilaporkan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Famili terbesar yang direkodkan terdiri daripada Selaginellaceae dan Pteridaceae masing-masing dengan tujuh spesies diikuti oleh Polypodiaceae (enam spesies) dan Tectariaceae (empat spesies). Paku-pakis terestrial merupakan yang paling banyak direkodkan iaitu 60% daripada keseluruhan takson yang didapati diikuti dengan paku pakis epifit (24%) dan paku pakis batuan (16%)

    Optimization of depth-based routing for underwater wireless sensor networks through intelligent assignment of initial energy

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    Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) are extensively used to explore the diverse marine environment. Energy efficiency is one of the main concerns regarding performance of UWSNs. In a cooperative wireless sensor network, nodes with no energy are known as coverage holes. These coverage holes are created due to non-uniform energy utilization by the sensor nodes in the network. These coverage holes degrade the performance and reduce the lifetime of UWSNs. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Depth Based Routing (IDBR) scheme which addresses this issue and contributes towards maximization of network lifetime. In our proposed scheme, we allocate initial energy to the sensor nodes according to their usage requirements. This idea is helpful to balance energy consumption amongst the nodes and keep the network functional for a longer time as evidenced by the results provided

    Water quality remediation using aquaponics sub-systems as biological and mechanical filters in aquaculture

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    This paper presents data obtained through trials on small-scale aquaponics sub-system which performs the roles of biological and mechanical filters for aquaculture water quality remediation. Aquaponics is a bio-integrated food production system, consisting of closed recirculating aquaculture combined with hydroponics. The trials were conducted on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and the Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa chinensis) over a period of 70 days. The results revealed that the system is more efficient in terms of plant growth and does not adversely affect the growth of captive stock of fish. Mean (± S.D.) values of water temperature, DO, pH, NH3-N, NO2-N, NO3-N and PO4-P during the trial were 25.2 ± 0.25 °C, 6.6 ± 0.13 mg/L, 7.14 ± 0.06, 0.23 ± 0.02 mg/L, 0.39 ± 0.22 mg/L, 0.89 ± 0.37 mg/L and 0.45 ± 0.04 mg/L, respectively. The average total weight gain by O. niloticus was 637.2 ± 8.49 g, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) was 1.47 ± 0.01 which indicated the efficiency of Nile tilapia in converting feed mass – a universally standard measure of efficiency of feed assimilation into weight gain, especially when there is no additional source of nourishment. High survival rate (95 ± 2.8%) was noticed during the trials. The average (±SD) values of biomass gain by P. vulgaris and B. rapa were 951.6 ± 1.6 g and 85.3 ± 13.4 g, respectively. The system was cost-effective and efficient in purging the toxic waste from water, resulting in remediation of water quality for the recirculating aquaculture system. This reflected the effectiveness of biofiltration which is currently assessed by its ability to completely remove the ammonia and minimize the generation of nitrite

    The ecological paradigm in seafood security

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    The ecological paradigm in seafood security

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    Psychosocial implications in breast cancer

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