324 research outputs found

    Structural, magnetic and phase identification of Fe Oxide nanoparticles

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    A modified sol-gel method was introduced for the synthesis of Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Different sizes (22-56 nm) of pure alpha phase (hematite) as well as an admixture of alpha (hematite) and gamma (maghemite) phases were obtained. The X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and VSM magnetic measurements were carried out to verify and calculate the relative percentage of phases present in the samples. Two major size and phase controlling parameters have been identified. First, the annealing temperature affects the relative fractions of the two phases and consequently the magnetization of the particles. As annealing temperature increases; the average size of particle decreases and the coercivity of particles increases. Second, controlling parameter is molarity of the ligand agent which has been proved as inversely proportional to the size of the nanoparticles.&nbsp

    Compliance to antipsychotic medication: a challenge for client, family and health care providers.

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    Compliance with anti-psychotic medications plays a significant role in managing clients with schizophrenia. It not only helps in controlling the symptoms, but also decreases the risk of relapses and ultimately improves quality of life (QoL) for the clients. However, compliance with anti-psychotic medication remains a challenge for the client, family and healthcare providers. Identification of these associated factors is vital to make appropriate plan to enhance medication compliance. In this paper, various factors are highlighted that are associated with medication compliance in clients with schizophrenia

    Laws of Consumption - An Economic Construal

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    Consumption is one of the important variables of macro economics.  It is that part of income of a house hold which is not saved.  It plays a vital role in the economy; this is the reason that, Quran has given special emphasis on it and gives some basic laws in this regard.  Quran has warned the human being that your consumption is under observation of God and on the Day of Judgment questions will be asked about that.  Moreover it is also ordered that, do not waste your wealth in any way and consume it in the optimum manner.  In addition gratitude of wealth is also compulsory.  The way of gratitude is the obedience of laws of God.  Keywords: Quran; Verses, Consumption, Wastage; Obedience

    Evaluation of Stroke Awareness and Risk Factor Prevalence Among Students at A Public Sector University in Quetta

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    Background and Objective: Stroke is the leading cause of death and disability. Improving stroke knowledge among medical students will help to improve stroke care and its prevention. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of risk factors and stroke awareness among university students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among students at Sardar Bahadur Khan Women\u27s University in Quetta. An eleven-question multiple-choice survey was administered to assess participants\u27 knowledge of stroke-related concepts. The initial study was conducted using descriptive statistics. Additionally, a supplementary screening for common risk factors linked to stroke was included in the study, which involved blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol measures. Data were coded, entered into SPSS, and screened for missing values and outliers. Descriptive analyses were conducted, including frequency tables and graphical representations using pie charts. Results: In our survey of 255 female students, the vast majority (94.9%) correctly classified stroke as a brain disease, whereas a lesser percentage (1.6%) confused it with heart (0.8%), kidney (0.8%), or lung diseases (0.8%) problems. Notably, 74.1% of participants were aware of the precise cause of stroke, but 58.8% identified arm and leg weakness as a symptom. Other symptoms that were recognized by participants included difficulties speaking (25.5%), headache (9.8%), vertigo (2.4%), and chest pain (3.4%). Moreover, 94.9% of participants recognized that stroke is preventable. The most often diagnosed risk factor was hypertension (58.4%), which was followed by high cholesterol (11.8%), diabetes (9.0%), migraine (8.2%), advanced age (7.8%), and smoking (4.7%). Conclusion Our study shows a very good knowledge about stroke among the students at Sardar Bahadur Khan University but our results are biased due to addressing only an educated group of people

    Al-Zakat: Taxation Model in Public Finance

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    Al-zakat is a Quranic term, which is considered as a religious financial worship. From traditional point of view a fixed percentage i.e. 2.5% is imposed as a religion tax on the Muslims which have a certain quantity of gold, silver and some animals. The heads on which this amount may be spent and the rate is considered as fixed. But the actual fact is that, Quran has used this term for the taxation system of an Islamic state. Different reasons from Quran can be given to prove this claim, e.g. Quran has separated al-zakat from al-sadaqat and expenditure in the way of Allah and do not consider it as a donation, imposition of al-zakat is associated with getting of power, Quran did not appeal to pay it but the order is given for the same, the heads and rate of al-zakat are not given in Quran. Keywords: Quran; Verse; al-zakat; Donation; Sadaqa
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