193 research outputs found

    Cost optimization for data placement strategies in an analytical cloud service

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    Analyzing a large amount of business-relevant data in near-realtime in order to assist decision making became a crucial requirement for many businesses in the last years. Therefore, all major database system vendors offer solutions that assist customers in this requirement with systems that are specially tuned for accelerating analytical workloads. Before the decision is made to buy such a huge and expensive solution, customers are interested in getting a detailed workload analysis in order to estimate potential benefits. Therefore, a more agile solution is desirable having lower barriers to entry that allows customers to assess analytical solutions for their workloads and lets data scientists experiment with available data on test systems before rolling out valuable analytical reports on a production system. In such a scenario where separate systems are deployed for handling transactional workloads of daily customers business and conducting business analytics on either a cloud service or a dedicated accelerator appliance, data management and placement strategies are of high importance. Multiple approaches exist for keeping the data set in-sync and guaranteeing data coherence with unique characteristics regarding important metrics that impact query performance, such as the latency when data will be propagated, achievable throughputs for larger data volumes, or the amount of required CPU to detect and deploy data changes. So the important heuristics are analyzed and evolved in order to develop a general model for data placement and maintenance strategies. Based on this theoretical model, a prototype is also implemented that predicts these metrics

    A prospective comparative study of Proximal Femoral Nailing Anti-rotation (PFNA) and Sliding Hip Screw (SHS) for Per-trochanteric Femur Fracture

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    Objectives: To determine the functional outcome, operative risks, rate of union, and complication in Per-trochanteric  Fracture fixed with PFNA and SHS. Material and Methods: The present study has been conducted at Shalamar Medical and Dental College Lahore from January 2018 to December 2018.40 patients with per-trochanteric femur fracture treated with proximal femoral nailing anti-rotation (PFNA)  and Sliding hip screw (SHS) were enrolled in our study.20 patients were treated by PFNA and 20 patients by SHS. Timing of surgery, mobilization status, hospital stay, infection, weight-bearing status, radiological union, complications both technical and implant-related, amount of blood loss(ml), C ARM Exposures, and Harris hip score at the end of 6 months were recorded. Results: Union was better in the PFNA group (95%) as compared to the SHS group (85%). Complication rate, hospital stay, surgery timing, and requirement of revision surgery were more in the SHS group. The functional outcome was better in the PFNA group as compared to the SHS group. Conclusion: From our study, we concluded that PFNA is a better alternative than SHS in terms of higher union rates, low complication rates, and better functional outcomes. &nbsp

    Association of Etiological and Pathological Features of Brain Abscess with Outcome

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    To study the etiological andpathological factors of brain abscess and to relatewith the final outcome.Methods: In this observational study patients withbrain abscess were observed in detail with theclinical profile, etiology, microbiology and theirfinal outcome after one year.Chi-square test wasapplied to associate etiological and pathologicalfactors with management outcome.Results: The majority of patients were in their 2ndand 3rd decade of life with two third proportioncomprising of males. The most frequent etiologicalfactor was chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM)( 55%),followed by head injury (12% ) and congenitalheart disease (10%). Microbiological data revealed16% streptococci, 10% staph. aureus, 7% staph.epidermidis and 5% proteus as major pathogens inthe study patients. Head injury and CSOM werefound associated with death and morbidity in thisstudy.Conclusion: Brain abscess has multi dimensionalcauses. CSOM and head injury were foundassociated with death and severe morbidity ashemiparesis and fits. CT findings andmicrobiological data were not associated withoutcome

    Exploring the challenges in classroom assessment: A mixed-method study of secondary schools in Pakistan

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    In the process of classroom assessment, data is collected regarding the skills, understanding and knowledge of students. It has very important role in enhancing academic achievement of students. Present study was designed at exploring the challenges of classroom assessment. The sample of study contained a sample of 360 participants and a concurrent mixed-method design was deployed to conduct the research. Data collection was carried out using researchers’ self-developed questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using statistical software of SPSS version 24.0 for descriptive and inferential stats. For collection and analyses of qualitative data, classroom observation and semi-structured interviews were also conducted. The study explored those major challenges included lack of interest of both, the parents and the students; insufficient guidance on the assessment by school administration; and less or no provision of professional training in assessment to the teachers. It was recommended that the school administration should take appropriate steps for the involvement of all stakeholders. Extensive professional training should be provided to all the teachers on regular basis by the concerned departments

    Management Earnings Forecast and Technical Innovation: The Mediating Effects of Cost of Debt

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    Purpose - This study examines whether a firm's management earnings forecasts affect its technical innovation activities. Our study also examines whether the cost of debt plays a mediating role between the management earnings forecasts and the innovation nexus. Design/methodology/approach - We obtained data from 1032 Chinese non-financial firms listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2005 to 2022 (i.e., 18576 firm-year observations). We used various econometrics techniques, such as Heckman's (1979) two-stage selection method and two-stage least square, to examine the relationship between management earnings forecasts and the firm's technical innovation activities. Findings - We find a positive relationship between management earnings forecasts and the firms' technical innovation. We also find that the cost of debt mediates the relationship between management earnings forecast and technical innovation. Further analysis indicates that frequent earnings forecasts provide incremental information regarding a firm's future value and cash flows, thus reducing the volatility and uncertainty in cash flow calculations. Our findings are robust to several tests. Research Implications - Our study has implications for policymakers, practitioners, and high-level management of Chinese firms, enabling them to understand the relationship between management earnings forecasts and firms' innovation activities

    Molecular probing of Aflatoxigenic fungi in rice grains collected from local markets of Lahore, Pakistan

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    Background: Aflatoxigenic Aspergillus strains have emerged as a serious threat to food safety and quality assurance. The objective of this study was to identify the aflatoxigenic Aspergillus sp. by targeting the amplification of aflatoxigenic genes i.e., aflR, nor1, omt1, ver1, in different fugal strains isolated from the rice grains being marketed in local markets of Lahore city, Pakistan.Methods: Total eleven (11) Aspergillus strains were isolated from rice grains and aflatoxigenic genes i.e., aflR, nor1, omt1, ver1 were amplified to differentiate between aflatoxin producing and non-producing strains.Results: Four (04) out of total eleven (11) strains showed the presence of aflatoxins producing genes, indicating the possible contamination of aflatoxins in rice grains being sold in local markets of Lahore.Conclusion: This research provides the basis for the quantification of aflatoxins; a significant threat to the quality of foodstuffs and consumers. The situation demands the attention of rice growers, processors as well as government officials to tackle the problem to assure the safety of rice eaters.Keywords: Aflatoxins; Aspergillus; Cereal grains; Contamination; Mycotoxigenic


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    OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this study was to minimize post-harvest damages and improve the handling of agricultural commodities. The secondary objective was to assess the performance of the dryer by varying inlet velocity of air on temperature, final moisture of the product, drying period, and drying rate METHODS: The present research was carried out for the development, fabrication, and testing of a multi-portioned type solar dryer. The multi-portioned dryer consisted of a collector unit, air storage chamber, drying cabins, and a chimney. A fan assembly was also attached at the inlet of the collector and at the outlet of the drying compartment to control the air velocity and to remove the moist air. RESULTS: The data obtained from the experiments revealed that the maximum temperature elevation of 36.5oC was attained during a no-load test. The results obtained after carrying out load tests revealed that the maximum drying rate of 47 g/hr was achieved at the air inlet velocity of 3.2 m/s. The initial moisture content of 80.50% was brought down to 3.31% in five sunshine hours of 150 gram sliced potatoes. Each portion received air at varying speeds, and it was observed that the portion receiving air at the lowest speed had the maximum temperature. CONCLUSION: The lowest temperature elevation was recorded for the portion receiving air at the highest speed. The dryer was also found to be suitable for the on-field practical application for the drying of perishable commodities