1 research outputs found

    Diferencias demogr谩ficas de climas motivacionales, necesidades psicol贸gicas b谩sicas y cohesi贸n en j贸venes

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the behavior of the variables of motivational climate (empowering and disempowering), psychological needs (satisfaction and frustration) and cohesion (task and social) as a function of sex (men and women), nature of physical activity (group-individual sport and physical education) and years of sport experience (4 years or less, 5 years or more); in addition, to analyze the interrelation between the psychological variables. A total of 237 young Mexican athletes (Mage = 12.22, SD = 1.27) of elementary level participated. With respect to the differences according to gender, there were no significant differences; with respect to the nature of the activity, there were differences between all the psychological variables; finally, according to the years of experience, only the empowering climate showed a significant difference, being greater in the athletes with fewer years of experience. In order to be conclusive about these results, further research is needed. Regarding the interaction between variables, there was evidence of a positive relationship between the empowering climate, NPB satisfaction and both cohesions, as well as the disempowering climate and NPB frustration.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el comportamiento de las variables de clima motivacional (empowering y disempowering), necesidades psicol贸gicas (satisfacci贸n y frustraci贸n) y cohesi贸n (tarea y social) en funci贸n del sexo (hombres y mujeres), naturaleza de la actividad f铆sica (deporte conjunto-individual y educaci贸n f铆sica) y a帽os de experiencia deportiva (4 a帽os o menos, 5 a帽os o m谩s); adem谩s, analizar la interrelaci贸n entre las variables psicol贸gicas. Participaron 237 j贸venes deportistas mexicanos (Medad= 12.22, DT = 1.27) de nivel b谩sico. Con respecto a las diferencias en funci贸n del g茅nero, no hubo diferencias significativas; en cuanto a la naturaleza de la actividad, se presentaron diferencias entre todas las variables psicol贸gicas; por 煤ltimo, en funci贸n de los a帽os de experiencia, 煤nicamente el clima empowering mostr贸 diferencia significativa, siendo mayor en los deportistas con menos a帽os de experiencia. Para poder ser concluyentes en estos resultados es necesario realizar una mayor investigacion. Respecto a la interacci贸n entre variables, se evidencia la relaci贸n positiva entre el clima empowering, la satisfacci贸n de las NPB y ambas cohesiones; as铆 como, el clima disempowering y la frustraci贸n de las NPB