1 research outputs found

    Degradaci贸n f铆sico-qu铆mica de suelos agr铆colas en San Pedro Lagunillas, Nayarit

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate soil degradation to propose strategies for remediation and recovery of the agricultural soils of San Pedro Lagunillas, Nayarit, Mexico. Soils maintained with natural but slightly grazed vegetation were compared against seasonal agricultural soils used for more than 20 years for the production of various crops. Eight sites (four cultivated and four non-cultivated) were studied, in each one of them agricultural soils (cultivated) were located at a distance of 30 to 80m with respect to their counterpart or soils with natural vegetation (non-cultivated). Samples of the following strata were obtained: 0 to 10, 10 to 20 and 20 to 30 cm of depth; Was quantified: weight of particles smaller than 2 mm, pH, organic matter, extractable phosphorus; Potassium, calcium and magnesium exchangeable, and texture. The rate of infiltration of water was also measured. We performed an analysis of variance and Tukey's mean test (伪 = 0.05). It is concluded that traditional cultivation practices caused adverse changes in chemical parameters (MO, P extractable, and K) in the first 20 cm of soil. The physical properties were also deteriorated as the infiltrated sheet and rate of infiltration were reduced by about 50% in the soils cultured. The results of this work make evident the need to take appropriate measures to avoid the physical and chemical degradation of cultivated soils, in order to preserve this resource and maintain its productivityEl objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la degradaci贸n de suelos para proponer estrategias de remediaci贸n y recuperaci贸n de los suelos agr铆colas de San Pedro Lagunillas, Nayarit, M茅xico. Se compararon suelos mantenidos con vegetaci贸n natural pero ligeramente pastoreados contra suelos agr铆colas de temporal utilizados por m谩s de 20 a帽os para la producci贸n de diversos cultivos. Se estudiaron ocho sitios (cuatro cultivados y cuatro no cultivados), en cada uno de ellos los suelos agr铆colas (cultivados) se ubicaron a una distancia entre 30 a 80m con respecto a su contra parte o suelos con vegetaci贸n natural (no cultivados). Se obtuvieron muestras de los siguientes estratos:0 a 10, 10 a 20 y 20 a 30 cm de profundidad; se cuantific贸: peso de part铆culas menores a 2 mm, pH, materia org谩nica, f贸sforo extractable; potasio, calcio y magnesio intercambiables, y textura. Tambi茅n se midi贸 la velocidad de infiltraci贸n de agua. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de varianza y la prueba de medias de Tukey (伪=0.05). Se concluye que las pr谩cticas de cultivo tradicionales provocaron cambios adversos en los par谩metros qu铆micos (MO, P extractable, y K) en los primeros 20 cm de suelo. Las propiedades f铆sicas tambi茅n se vieron deterioradas ya que la l谩mina infiltrada y velocidad de infiltraci贸n se redujeron cerca del 50% en los suelos cultivados. Los resultados de este trabajo hacen evidente la necesidad de tomar medidas convenientes para evitar la degradaci贸n f铆sica y qu铆mica de los suelos cultivados, con el prop贸sito de preservar este recurso y mantener su productivida