2 research outputs found

    Conflict and violence in Latin America (in search of a theoretical approach)

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    La instrumentaci贸n del Plan Colombia en el pa铆s suramericano a partir del a帽o 2000, no es una sorpresa dentro del campo observacional del conflicto colombiano, dado que las variables que integran el plan intervencionista fueron confeccionadas en forma paulatina por la administraci贸n Clinton a partir delos desenclaves que sufri贸 la pol铆tica de presencia militar de los EE.UU. en la Zona del Canal de Panam谩 y la regi贸n de influencia.The implementation of Plan Colombia in the South American country from the year 2000 is not a surprise within the observational field of the Colombian conflict, given that the variables that make up the interventionist plan were made gradually by the Clinton administration from the disenclaves that suffered from the US military presence policy in the Panama Canal Zone and the region of influence

    Reflexi贸n Pol铆tica. Volumen 3 No. 6 de 2001

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    Este texto concierne al gradual esfuerzo de los pueblos para ajustar su vida social a normas tutelares que le deparen estabilidad y sosiego. Cada pueblo ha vivido una evoluci贸n, a veces m谩s acelerada, otras m谩s lenta, para lograr la institucionalidad regida mediante una Constituci贸n. El constitucionalismo ha cimentado el principio de legalidad, cuyos frutos maduros han sido la libertad, la igualdad ante la ley, la justicia y la paz para nutrir la vida democr谩tica que hoy es anhelo de los pueblos que conocen sus reglas y conf铆an en su estructura. El proceso de constitucionalizaci贸n del Estado ha significado la consolidaci贸n de los reg铆menes de garant铆as sociales y libertades p煤blicas.This text concerns the gradual effort of people to adjust their social life to protective norms that provide stability and peace. Each town has experienced an evolution, sometimes more accelerated, other times slower, to achieve institutionality governed by a Constitution. Constitutionalism has cemented the principle of legality, whose ripe fruits have been freedom, equality before the law, justice and peace to nourish the democratic life that today is the desire of the people who know its rules and trust its structure. The process of constitutionalization of the State has meant the consolidation of regimes of social guarantees and public freedoms