5 research outputs found

    Environmental assessment of small rivers in the Kiev region (Ukraine) according to the health and hygienic indicators

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    The study of water in reservoirs of Ukraine through passive monitoring methods permit to detect heavy metals in the proportion that far exceeds the maximum allowable concentrations. The aim of our article is to analyze the state of aquatic ecosystems of the small rivers of Kiev region according to the toxicological indices. The objects of our research are the superficial waters of the small rivers of Kiev region. Materials and research methods. The ecological assessment of the mentioned was conducted in the different seasons on the basis of analytical research program according to the sanitary indicators. Our researches were made in the Institute of agro-ecology and environmental usage of the national academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine during 2007-2010. The heavy metals’ content in the water was determined by the extraction of 1 N acid HNO3, and its quantity in the solutions-extracts was found by the atomic adsorption spectrometry. There was analyzed the state of aquatic ecosystems and there was made their ecological assessment based on sanitary indicators. This article presents the results of monitoring of some toxic substances in several small rivers in Kiev region considering the influence of anthropogenic factors. In conclusion nowadays we can provide the ecological safety using waste-free technologies with full utilization of all the raw materials’ constituents. In our future research area we plan to elaborate the ecological control methods of the quality of superficial waters for the small rivers of Kiev

    Oxidative and mutagenic effects of low intensity microwave radiation on quail embryos

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    Intensive implementation of wireless communication systems raised the question of the possible adverse effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation. This study aims to assess the biological effects of low intensity microwaves (MW) radiation from smartphone Huawei Y5I commercial model used alone or in combination with attached Waveex chip that balances low frequency electromagnetic field but does not affect microwave signal. The biological model of developing quail embryos in ovo was used in the study. The phone as a source of low intensity 1800 MHz (0.32 µW/cm2) microwaves radiation was placed at 3 cm over the surface of hatching eggs and discontinuously activated with a computer program (48 s – on, 12 s – off). It was demonstrated that the exposure of quail embryos to radiation resulted in a statistically significant increase in the content of superoxide, nitrogen oxide and TBA products, DNA integrity damage in embryo cells and increased embryo mortality. Application of Waveex chip during the exposure resulted in a partial normalization of oxidative status and DNA integrity in embryonic cells indicating a negative impact not only of MW radiation, but of low-frequency electromagnetic fields from mobile devices as well

    Удосконалена технологічна схема очищення стічних вод від азотовмісних сполук

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    Wastewater containing nitrogen compounds stimulates the development of plankton, algae, and disrupts oxygen regime, which negatively affect the livelihoods of aquatic organisms. Sewage treatment from nitrogen compounds is carried out by active suspended sludge or immobilized active biomass.Сточные воды, содержащие соединения азота стимулируют развитие планктона, водорослей и нарушают кислородный режим, что отрицательно влияет на жизнедеятельность гидробионтов. Очистка сточных вод от соединений азота осуществляется активным илом во взвешенном состоянии или с использованием иммобилизованной активной биомассы.Стічні води, які містять сполуки азоту стимулюють розвиток планктону, водоростей та порушують кисневий режим, що негативно впливає на життєдіяльність гідробіонтів. Очищення стічних вод від сполук азоту здійснюється активним мулом у завислому стані або з використанням іммобілізованої активної біомаси

    Reshetniak L., at al. Improved flowsheet of wastewater treatment from nitrogen-containing compounds // Проблеми екологічної біотехнології. ̶ [Електронне наукове видання]. ̶ К. : НАУ, 2015. ̶ № 2. ̶ Режим доступу: http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua

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    Wastewater containing nitrogen compounds stimulates the development of plankton, algae, and disrupts oxygen regime, which negatively affect the livelihoods of aquatic organisms. Sewage treatment from nitrogen compounds is carried out by active suspended sludge or immobilized active biomass