13 research outputs found

    Anthelminthic Effect of Dichrostachys cinerea on Infectious L3 Larvae of Cyathostomes Resistant to Albendazol.

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    In vitro  anthelminthic  effect of raw aqueous extracts from leaves and bark of  Dichrostachys cinerea on infectious L3  larvae of  Cyathostomes resistant to Albendazol was evaluated. An inhibition assay for larval hatching was made. Third-stage larvae (L3) were exposed to raw aqueous extracts from leaves (4 mg/ml), and bark (6.8 mg/ml) of Dichrostachys cinerea, for three hours, then hatching was induced. Observations were made every 10 min. Paired T-Student was used to determine the differences in per cent of hatched larvae between the control and the treatment groups.  GraphPadPrism 5.0.0 was used in the study. Significant inhibition levels were observed in all the extracts (P < 0.05)  during the process; whereas hatching in the control group was 100 %, for  the leaf and bark extracts of D. cinerea were 24.05, and 12.56 %, respectively. The results suggest the use of D. cinerea as an alternative anthelminthic treatment to Albendazol-resistant Cyasthostome populations

    Efecto antihelmíntico de Dichrostachys cinerea sobre larvas infectantes (L 3 ) de ciatostomas resistentes a Albendazol.

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    Se evaluó el efecto antihelmíntico  in vitro  de los extractos acuosos crudos de las hojas y corteza deDichrostachys cinerea  sobre larvas infectantes (L3) de ciatostomas resistentes al Albendazol.  Primeramentese  se  realizó el ensayo de inhibición del desenvaine larval. Las larvas del tercer estadio (L3) fueron expuestas durante tres horas a los extractos acuosos crudos de las hojas (4 mg/ml) y corteza (6,8 mg/ml) de Dichrostachys cinerea, y luego sometidas al pro-ceso de desenvaine artificial con observaciones del proceso cada 10 min. Se utilizó un T-student pareado para deter-minar la diferencia de los por cientos de larvas desenvainadas entre el control y los grupos de tratamiento. El programa estadístico empleado fue GraphPadPrism 5.0.0.  Todos los extractos inhibieron significativamente (P < 0,05) el proceso de desenvainado. Mientras en el control el desenvaine fue del 100 %, con el extracto de las hojas y la corteza de D. cinerea fue del 24,05 y el 12,56 %, respectivamente. Los resultados sugieren el uso de D. cinerea como alternativa en tratamientos antihelmínticos sobre poblaciones de ciatostomas resistentes a Albendazol.Anthelminthic Effect of Dichrostachys cinerea on Infectious L3larvae of Cyasthomes Resistant to Albendazol.ABSTRACTIn vitro  anthelminthic  effect of raw aqueous extracts from leaves and bark of  Dichrostachys  cinerea on infectious L3 larvae of Cyasthomes  resistant to  Albendazol, was evaluated. An inhibition assay for larval hatching was made. Third-stage larvae (L3 ) were exposed to raw aqueous extracts from leaves (4 mg/ml), and bark  (6.8 mg/ml) of  Dich-rostachys cinerea, for three hours, and hatching was induced, with observations every 10 min. Paired T-Student was used to determine the percent difference of hatched larvae between the control and the treatment groups. GraphPad-Prism 5.0.0 was used in the study. Significant inhibition levels were observed in all the extracts (P< 0.05) during the process; whereas hatching in the control group was 100 %, the leaf and bark extracts of D. cinerea  were 24.05, and 12.56 %, respectively. The results suggest the use of  D. cinerea  as an alternative  anthelminthic  treatment  to Albendazol-resistant Cyasthome populations

    Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes at Las Criollas Equine Unit, La Belén Ranch.

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    The prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in 65 horses at Las Criollas, La Belén Ranch, from the National Enterprise for Wildlife Protection, in the province of Camagüey, Cuba, was determined. Parascaris equorumand Oxyu-ris equi´s spreading ways were identified by floating helminth-ovoscopic analysis. The rest of the species were clas-sified according to the morphological characteristics of previously cultured larvae. The formula referred by Vaklas Kouba to achieve temporary prevalence of parasitic nematodes was used in the study. The type with the highest prevalence found was Cyathostomas; the least was Parascaris equoromand Strongylus vulgaris. Other nematodes found were Strongylus edentatus, Gyalocephalus capitatus, Poteriostomumsp. Oesophagodontus robustus, Triodontophorussp, Trichostrongylus axeiand Strongyloide westeri

    An Update in Helminth Fauna and Other Equine Parasites in Cuba

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    Understanding of parasitic diseases begins by knowing the species of a population. Accordingly, information to identify the equine helminth faunas of Cuba was re-collected due to the gradual loss of data caused by deterioration of the printed scientific literature. These parasitic populations were first identified by Doctor Idelfonso Pérez Vigueras during the first half of the 21st Century. Further studies were conducted on horse populations in different provinces. Currently, 34 helminths have been properly reported, including nine benzimidazole-resistant species of cyathostomes in several herds. As a result of a large number of nematodes described in the international scientific literature, and due to the insufficient studies made in Cuba, the equine helminth faunas probably include a larger number of species. Hence, further comprehensive studies should be conducted on this topic.Understanding of parasitic diseases begins by knowing the species of a population. Accordingly, information to identify the equine helminth faunas of Cuba was re-collected due to the gradual loss of data caused by deterioration of the printed scientific literature. These parasitic populations were first identified by Doctor Idelfonso Pérez Vigueras during the first half of the 21st Century. Further studies were conducted on horse populations in different provinces. Currently, 34 helminths have been properly reported, including nine benzimidazole-resistant species of cyathostomes in several herds. As a result of a large number of nematodes described in the international scientific literature, and due to the insufficient studies made in Cuba, the equine helminth faunas probably include a larger number of species. Hence, further comprehensive studies should be conducted on this topic

    In Vitro Ovicidal Effect of Crude Hydro-Alcoholic Extract on Pouteria sapota (Mamey sapote) Seeds Against Haemonchus contortus Eggs. First Report

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    The crude alcoholic extract of Pouteria sapota seeds is traditionally used as a pediculicide in Cuba. This study was made in order to evaluate the in vitro anthelmintic effect of crude hydro-alcoholic extract of Pouteria sapota seeds on Haemonchus contortus eggs. A hatching test was performed, in which several concentrations of the extract were tested for concentrations of 0.08-5.32 mg/mL. In comparison with the negative control group, a significant ovicidal effect was observed (P < 0.05), with 100% hatching inhibition to the greatest concentration used (5.32 mg/mL). These results suggest that P. sapota has an anthelmintic effect against H. contortus

    Especies de Ciatostomas Resistentes al Albendazol en Equinos, Cuba

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    This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of anthelmintic used in an equine ranch in Cuba. The faecal egg count reduction test of Strongyles (FECRT) was used to evaluate albendazole and ivermectin. Thirty-three horses were selected (18 treated with albendazole, 15 treated with ivermectin). The egg count reduction for albendazole was 38% for micronized albendazole and 33% for albendazole sulfoxide. Ivermectin effectiveness was 100%. Subsequently, four horses that showed high counts of eggs after the albendazole treatment were treated with ivermectin on day 17 after the initial deworming to collect resistant nematodes in the faeces. These nematodes were morphologically identified. It was possible to identified 493 specimens: Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicostephanus longibursatus, Cylicostephanus goldi and Cylicostephanus minutus which represented 78.5, 7.7, 6.5, 3.9 and 3.4% respectively. This has been the first report for Cylicostephanus minutus in equines in Cuba. It is concluded that at least five of species of cyathostomes were resistant to albendazole.Con el objetivo de evaluar la eficacia antihelmíntica de las presentaciones empleadas en los equinos de un rancho cubano, se realizó un test de reducción del recuento fecal de huevos de estróngilos (TRCFH) frente al albendazol y a la ivermectina, administrados vía oral. Se seleccionaron 33 equinos (albendazol 18; ivermectina 15). La reducción del conteo de huevos frente al albendazol varió entre 38% para el albendazol micronizado y 33% para el albendazol sulfóxido. La eficacia de la ivermectina fue del 100%. Posteriormente, a cuatro equinos con altos recuentos de huevos de los grupos tratados con albendazol se les hizo una segunda desparasitación con ivermectina en el día 17 posterior a la dosificación inicial para colectar los nematodos resistentes al benzimidazol en las heces. Estos nematodos fueron identificados morfológicamente. Del total de nematodos colectados, se identificaron 493 pertenecientes a las especies Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicostephanus longibursatus, Cylicostephanus goldi y Cylicostephanus minutus, las cuales representaron el 78.5, 7.7, 6.5, 3.9 y 3.4%, respectivamente. Este fue el primero reporte de C. minutus en equinos de Cuba. Se concluye que al menos cinco de las especies de ciatostomas fueron resistentes al albendazol

    Prevalencia de nematodos gastrointestinales en la unidad equina Las criollas Rancho La Belén.

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    Se determinó la prevalencia de los nematodos gastrointestinales de 65 equinos de la unidad Las Criollasdel Rancho La Belén, perteneciente a la Empresa Nacional para la Protección de la Flora y la Fauna, provincia Camagüey, Cuba. Las formas de dispersión de Parascaris equorumy Oxyuris equi, se identificaron por la técnica helminto-ovoscópica de flotación. El resto de las especies se clasificaron según las características morfológicas de las larvas previamente cultivadas. Se utilizó la fórmula referida por Vaklas Kouba para obtener la prevalencia momentánea de los géneros parasitarios. La mayor prevalencia fue de Cyathostomas; la menor de Parascaris equoromy Strongylus vulgaris. Otros nematodos encontrados fueron Strongylus edentatus, Gyalocephalus capitatus, Poteriostomumsp. Oesophagodontus robustus, Triodontophorussp, Trichostrongylus axeiy Strongyloide westeri

    Eficiencia productiva y alimentaria de una finca ganadera en relación con las pariciones y el déficit de precipitaciones anuales

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    A 4-year-follow-up study comprising two periods (2004-2005 and 2006-2007) was carried out on a dairy farm located at 21°N latitude and 77°W longitude, approximately, on a brown soil without carbonates with a humid tropical climate, and 1 163 mm average annual rainfall in Camagüey province. The objective of this study was to evaluate this farm productive and feeding efficiency indexes in relation to the calving number strategy for the rainy season and to the average annual rainfall. During the first two years (2004-2005), average annual rainfall rates scored only 71 % and 74 %, respectively, lower than the rate of 89 % in 2006 and 103 % in 2007. On the other hand, calving number during the rainy season reached 82 % in 2004-2005 and 72 % in 2006-2007. Productive indexes like annual milk production and total annual forage intake per dairy cow were higher (P < 0,05) for 2004-2005, scoring 21 420 kg of milk and 6,11 tons of dry matter per dairy cow, in comparison to 2006-2007. However, tons of milk/tons of forage scores were lower for the first two years than for the other years. Calving patterns over 60 % at the beginning of the rainy season showed better productive indexes responses concerning milk production and feeding efficiency, even when forage was depleted by a deficit in annual rainfall.Se evaluaron los indicadores productivos y de eficiencia alimentaria de una finca ganadera para los bienios 20042005 y 2006-2007, en función de la estrategia de ocurrencia de partos para la etapa lluviosa, y el nivel de precipitaciones anuales. Se desarrolló en una finca de Camagüey, Cuba, ubicada a los 21o de latitud norte y 77o de longitud oeste aproximadamente, con suelo Pardo sin Carbonatos. El clima es tropical húmedo, con 1 163 mm de precipitación anual. Los años 2004 y 2005 se consideraron muy secos, con sólo el 71 y 74 % de la media de lluvia respectivamente. En 2006 se alcanzó el 89 % y en 2007 se produjo un 103 %. En el bienio 2004-2005 se produjo el 82 % de los partos y en el 2006-2007 ocurrió el 72 % en lluvias, respectivamente. Los indicadores productivos como el rendimiento anual lácteo y el forraje total anual por vaca, fueron superiores (P < 0,05) en el 2004-2005 con respecto a 2006-2007, con valores de 21 420 kg de leche y 6,11 t de ms/vaca, pero tuvo menor eficiencia en toneladas de leche/toneladas de forraje. Los patrones de parición al inicio de las lluvias por encima del 60 % anual tienen las mejores respuestas productivas en la leche y en la eficiencia alimentaria, incluso, en caso de reducciones de los forrajes por déficit de precipitaciones anuales

    Prevalencia de Dictyocaulus viviparus en una unidad afectada

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    Feces from 47 creole Siboney heifers were sampled to determine Dictyocaulus viviparus prevalence on a livestock farm in Camagüey municipality. A twelve-hour feces culture was prepared and Baerman’s larvoscopic test was performed to obtain D.viviparus larvas and identify their morphological features. A high prevalence of 55,3 % was detected. This finding was consistent with cattle management and grazing conditions.Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de Dictyocaulus viviparus en una unidad afectada del municipio de Camagüey, se colectaron muestras de heces fecales de 47 añojas mestizas Siboney las cuales se cultivaron por 12 horas con el propósito de obtener las larvas por medio de la técnica larvoscópica de Baerman y ser identificadas por sus características morfológicas. La prevalencia detectada fue del 55,3 %. Este valor constituyó una prevalencia alta, que presentó concordancia con las condiciones de manejo y pastoreo a que está sometida la masa

    Actualización sobre la helmintofauna y otros parásitos de los equinos en Cuba. Artículo de revisión

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    The understanding of parasitic diseases begins by knowing the species of a population. Accordingly, information to identify the equine helminth faunas of Cuba was re-collected due to the gradual loss of data caused by deterioration of the printed scientific literature. These parasitic populations were first identified by Doctor Idelfonso Pérez Vigueras during the first half of the 21st Century. Further studies were conducted on horse populations in different provinces. Currently, 34 helminths have been properly reported, including nine benzimidazole-resistant species of cyathostomes in several herds. As a result of a large number of nematodes described in the international scientific literature, and due to the insufficient studies made in Cuba, the equine helminth faunas probably include a larger number of species. Hence, further comprehensive studies should be conducted on this topic.La comprensión de las enfermedades parasitarias, comienza por el conocimiento de las especies presentes en una población. Debido a la pérdida paulatina por deterioro de las fuentes bibliográficas impresas, se procedió a recopilar información sobre la identificación de la helmintofauna equina de Cuba. Estas poblaciones de parásitos comenzaron a ser identificada por el doctor Idelfonso Pérez Vigueras a mediados de la primera mitad del siglo xx. Posteriormente otros trabajos fueron realizados en poblaciones de caballos en diferentes provincias. Hasta el momento un total de 34 helmintos se encuentran debidamente reportados. Entre los cuales nueve especies de ciatostomas resultaron resistentes a los benzimidazoles en varios rebaños del País. Como consecuencia del gran número de especies de nematodos descritos en los últimos años en la literatura internacional y lo poco estudiado del tema en Cuba, es muy probable que la helmintofauna equina en el país esté compuesta por un mayor número de especies. Por lo cual, se requiere realizar estudios más abarcadores del tema