2 research outputs found

    Electrocardiographic fragmented activity (I): physiological meaning of multivariate signal decompositions

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    Recent research has proven the existence of statistical relation among fragmented QRS and several highly prevalence diseases, such as cardiac sarcoidosis, acute coronary syndrome, arrythmogenic cardiomyopathies, Brugada syndrome, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. One out of five hundred people suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathies. The relation among the fragmentation and arrhythmias drives the objective of this work, which is to propose a valid method for QRS fragmentation detection. With that aim, we followed a two-stage approach. First, we identified the features that better characterize the fragmentation by analyzing the physiological interpretation of multivariate approaches, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA). Second, we created an invariant transformation method for the multilead electrocardiogram (ECG), by scrutinizing the statistical distributions of the PCA eigenvectors and of the ICA transformation arrays, in order to anchor the desired elements in the suitable leads in the feature space. A complete database was compounded incorporating real fragmented ECGs, surrogate registers by synthetically adding fragmented activity to real non-fragmented ECG registers, and standard clean ECGs. Results showed that the creation of beat templates together with the application of PCA over eight independent leads achieves 0.995 fragmentation enhancement ratio and 0.07 dispersion coefficient. In the case of ICA over twelve leads, the results were 0.995 fragmentation enhancement ratio and 0.70 dispersion coefficient. We conclude that the algorithm presented in this work constructs a new paradigm, by creating a systematic and powerful tool for clinical anamnesis and evaluation based on multilead ECG. This approach consistently consolidates the inconspicuous elements present in multiple leads onto designated variables in the output space, hence offering additional and valid visual and non-visual information to standard clinical review, and opening the door to a more accurate automatic detection and statistically valid systematic approach for a wide number of applications. In this direction and within the companion paper, further developments are presented applying this technique to fragmentation detection

    Electrocardiographic fragmented activity (II): a machine learning approach to detection

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, according to its prevalence, is a comparatively common disease related to the risk of suffering sudden cardiac death, heart failure and stroke. This illness is characterized by the excessive deposition of collagen among healthy myocardium cells. This situation, which is medically known as fibrosis, constitutes effective conduction obstacles in the myocardium electrical path, and when severe enough, it can be outlined as additional peaks or notches in the QRS, clinically entitled as fragmentation. Nowadays, the fragmentation detection is performed by visual inspection, but the fragmented QRS can be confused with the noise present in the electrocardiogram (ECG). On the other hand, fibrosis detection is performed by magnetic resonance imaging with late gadolinium enhancement, the main drawback of this technique being its cost in terms of time and money. In this work, we propose two automatic algorithms, one for fragmented QRS detection and another for fibrosis detection. For this purpose, we used four different databases, including the subrogated database described in the companion paper and incorporating three additional ones, one compounded by more accurate subrogated ECG signals and two compounded by real and affected subjects as labeled by expert clinicians. The first real-world database contains QRS fragmented records and the second one contains records with fibrosis and both were recorded in Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (Spain). To deeply analyze the scope of these datasets, we benchmarked several classifiers such as Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision Trees and Gaussian Naïve Bayes (NB). For the fragmentation dataset, the best results were 0.94 sensitivity, 0.88 specificity, 0.89 positive predictive value, 0.93 negative predictive value and 0.91 accuracy when using SVM with Gaussian kernel. For the fibrosis databases, more limited accuracy was reached, with 0.47 sensitivity, 0.91 specificity, 0.82 predictive positive value, 0.66 negative predictive value and 0.70 accuracy when using Gaussian NB. Nevertheless, this is the first time that fibrosis detection is attempted automatically from ECG postprocessing, paving the way towards improved algorithms and methods for it. Therefore, we can conclude that the proposed techniques could offer a valuable tool to clinicians for both fragmentation and fibrosis diagnoses support