5 research outputs found

    TinyHD: Efficient video saliency prediction with heterogeneous decoders using hierarchical maps distillation

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    Video saliency prediction has recently attracted atten- tion of the research community, as it is an upstream task for several practical applications. However, current so- lutions are particurly computationally demanding, espe- cially due to the wide usage of spatio-temporal 3D convolu- tions. We observe that, while different model architectures achieve similar performance on benchmarks, visual varia- tions between predicted saliency maps are still significant. Inspired by this intuition, we propose a lightweight model that employs multiple simple heterogeneous decoders and adopts several practical approaches to improve accuracy while keeping computational costs low, such as hierarchi- cal multi-map knowledge distillation, multi-output saliency prediction, unlabeled auxiliary datasets and channel re- duction with teacher assistant supervision. Our approach achieves saliency prediction accuracy on par or better than state-of-the-art methods on DFH1K, UCF-Sports and Hol- lywood2 benchmarks, while enhancing significantly the ef- ficiency of the model

    Neural Transformers for Intraductal Papillary Mucosal Neoplasms (IPMN) Classification in MRI images

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    Early detection of precancerous cysts or neoplasms, i.e., Intraductal Papillary Mucosal Neoplasms (IPMN), in pancreas is a challenging and complex task, and it may lead to a more favourable outcome. Once detected, grading IPMNs accurately is also necessary, since low-risk IPMNs can be under surveillance program, while high-risk IPMNs have to be surgically resected before they turn into cancer. Current standards (Fukuoka and others) for IPMN classification show significant intra- and inter-operator variability, beside being error-prone, making a proper diagnosis unreliable. The established progress in artificial intelligence, through the deep learning paradigm, may provide a key tool for an effective support to medical decision for pancreatic cancer. In this work, we follow this trend, by proposing a novel AI-based IPMN classifier that leverages the recent success of transformer networks in generalizing across a wide variety of tasks, including vision ones. We specifically show that our transformer-based model exploits pre-training better than standard convolutional neural networks, thus supporting the sought architectural universalism of transformers in vision, including the medical image domain and it allows for a better interpretation of the obtained results

    An Explainable AI System for Automated COVID-19 Assessment and Lesion Categorization from CT-scans

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    COVID-19 infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 pathogen is a catastrophic pandemic outbreak all over the world with exponential increasing of confirmed cases and, unfortunately, deaths. In this work we propose an AI-powered pipeline, based on the deep-learning paradigm, for automated COVID-19 detection and lesion categorization from CT scans. We first propose a new segmentation module aimed at identifying automatically lung parenchyma and lobes. Next, we combined such segmentation network with classification networks for COVID-19 identification and lesion categorization. We compare the obtained classification results with those obtained by three expert radiologists on a dataset consisting of 162 CT scans. Results showed a sensitivity of 90\% and a specificity of 93.5% for COVID-19 detection, outperforming those yielded by the expert radiologists, and an average lesion categorization accuracy of over 84%. Results also show that a significant role is played by prior lung and lobe segmentation that allowed us to enhance performance by over 20 percent points. The interpretation of the trained AI models, moreover, reveals that the most significant areas for supporting the decision on COVID-19 identification are consistent with the lesions clinically associated to the virus, i.e., crazy paving, consolidation and ground glass. This means that the artificial models are able to discriminate a positive patient from a negative one (both controls and patients with interstitial pneumonia tested negative to COVID) by evaluating the presence of those lesions into CT scans. Finally, the AI models are integrated into a user-friendly GUI to support AI explainability for radiologists, which is publicly available at http://perceivelab.com/covid-ai

    A Privacy-Preserving Walk in the Latent Space of Generative Models for Medical Applications

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have demonstrated their ability to generate synthetic samples that match a target distribution. However, from a privacy perspective, using GANs as a proxy for data sharing is not a safe solution, as they tend to embed near-duplicates of real samples in the latent space. Recent works, inspired by k-anonymity principles, address this issue through sample aggregation in the latent space, with the drawback of reducing the dataset by a factor of k. Our work aims to mitigate this problem by proposing a latent space navigation strategy able to generate diverse synthetic samples that may support effective training of deep models, while addressing privacy concerns in a principled way. Our approach leverages an auxiliary identity classifier as a guide to non-linearly walk between points in the latent space, minimizing the risk of collision with near-duplicates of real samples. We empirically demonstrate that, given any random pair of points in the latent space, our walking strategy is safer than linear interpolation. We then test our path-finding strategy combined to k-same methods and demonstrate, on two benchmarks for tuberculosis and diabetic retinopathy classification, that training a model using samples generated by our approach mitigate drops in performance, while keeping privacy preservation.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 202

    An Explainable AI System for Automated COVID-19 Assessment and Lesion Categorization from CT-scans

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    COVID-19 infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 pathogen is a catastrophic pandemic outbreak all over the world with exponential increasing of conrmed cases and, unfortunately, deaths. In this work we propose an AI-powered pipeline, based on the deep-learning paradigm, for automated COVID-19 detection and lesion categorization from CT scans. We rst propose a new segmentation module aimed at identifying automatically lung parenchyma and lobes. Next, we combined such segmentation network with classication networks for COVID-19 identication and lesion categorization. We compare the obtained classification results with those obtained by three expert radiologists on a dataset consisting of 162 CT scans. Results showed a sensitivity of 90% and a specicity of 93.5% for COVID-19 detection, outperforming those yielded by the expert radiologists, and an average lesion categorization accuracy of over 84%. Results also show that a signicant role is played by prior lung and lobe segmentation that allowed us to enhance performance by over 20 percent points. The interpretation of the trained AI models, moreover, reveals that the most signicant areas for supporting the decision on COVID-19 identification are consistent with the lesions clinically associated to the virus, i.e., crazy paving, consolidation and ground glass. This means that the articial models are able to discriminate a positive patient from a negative one (both controls and patients with interstitial pneumonia tested negative to COVID) by evaluating the presence of those lesions into CT scans. Finally, the AI models are integrated into a user-friendly GUI to support AI explainability for radiologists, which is publicly available at http: // perceivelab. com/ covid-ai . The whole AI system is unique since, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first AI-based software, publicly available, that attempts to explain to radiologists what information is used by AI methods for making decision and that involves proactively them in the decision loop to further improve the COVID-19 understanding