1,825 research outputs found

    FREEDOM OF RELIGION: Historical Review of Islam

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    This paper wants to describe and analyze religious freedom in the view of Islam and in the trajectory of Islamic history. Whereas the approach used is a historical and descriptive analytical approach. The Islamic view of freedom of religion is to give freedom to a person to choose, carry out and exchange thoughts in religious matters, whether done with religionists or followers of other religions, whether in public or separate places, whether done alone or with other people. And when someone has declared himself to enter Islam he is obliged to carry out the teachings of Islam as a whole. In Islamic history, from the time of the Prophet Muhammad, al-Khulafa 'al-Rashidin, the Umayyads and the Abbasids, they gave religious freedom to anyone and any party and coexisted together to build civilization at that time

    Hemicircle d'honneur

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    Employee ownership and the drive to do business responsibly: A study of the John Lewis Partnership

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    As a means towards revealing both the strategic and the day to day operational practicalities of managing a ‘responsible business’, this paper reports on research conducted over an extended period in the John Lewis Partnership (JLP). This is a major retail organization based in the UK which operates at scale (90,000 employees and annual sales of £11bn). It has sustained itself as an employee-owned enterprise for nearly a century, and it makes explicit claims to conduct itself in a ‘responsible manner’ which differs markedly from the notions of responsibility maintained by many conventional businesses. But what do these commitments mean in practice and what compromises, if any, do they entail or require, and crucially how are these tensions managed? We find that there are many lessons that conventional organizations could learn from this case, and yet we also show that the process of managing in this responsible way is a practical accomplishment that requires considerable conceptual and applied skills

    Analysis to Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development of Regions

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    The article analyzes the dynamics of socio-economic development in the regions in recent years, and the factors that have changed the quantitative and qualitative changes in them. Indicators of the impact of the new economic and social facilities on the living standards of different economic regions and Baku city were also given, including the Theil index and Gini coefficient for economic regions. The article uses systematic analysis, scientific logical summarization, economic classification and other research methods. At the end of the analysis, the relevant findings were substantiated
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