62 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Antarbudaya Studi Negosiasi Wajah dalam Interaksi Etnik Batak dan Etnik Minang di Duri Kelurahan Gajah Sakti Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Indonesian society is a plural society. This pluralism is made up of diverse national backgrounds in tribes, religions, races and classes. In addition to this every culture also has certain characteristics such as differences in language, customs, and habits, food and norms and values are believed. This makes the two ethnics in the city Duri ethnic Batak and ethnic Minang require to be able to adapt to different cultures. In the process of daily interaction the differences between ethnic Batak and ethnic Minang cause misunderstandings occur in everyday interactions seen from the form Facework seen from the negotiation of the face of each ethnic. This study aims to determine the forms of intercultural communication facework between ethnic batak and ethnic Minang when interacting in their daily life as well as ethnic conflict management in facial rescue to maintain their respective cultural identity in the city of Duri Kelurahan Gajah Sakti, Mandau District Bengkalis District.This research uses qualitative method with Phenomenology approach by Alfred Schutz. The location of this research is in Duri City of Gajah Sakti Village, Mandau Sub-district, Bengkalis Regency. Informants in this study amounted to ten people and determined by purposive technique. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, interview and documentation. In achieving the validity of the data in this study, the authors use extension of participation and triangulation.The results of this study indicate that the intercultural interactions that.occur between ethnic Batak and ethnic Minang show accommodative behavior in the form of Facework through facial negotiation in the form of verbal and nonverbal when interacting in ethnic batak ethnic and ethnic Minang. Intercultural communication of ethnic Batak and ethnic Minang also experience obstacles such as cultural barriers, parangliustik, different perceptions and different nonverbal habits. These barriers are resolved through conflict managem

    Etnografi Komunikasi Tradisi Ayun Budak pada Adat Melayu Siak di Kota Dumai Provinsi Riau

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    The Ayun Budak tradition in Dumai City is part of the culture which inherited hereditary from the Siak Malays custom. Technically, the tradition done by the parents to calm their crying child or make it as a lullaby. However, the Ayun Budak is important for the locals in case of consisting the local wisdom such as forming character, an expression of hapiness and grateful to Allah subhanawataala, as a media to offered advices, also to strengthen the relations among the locals. So that the tradition established as the succession of custom which held simultaneously or not with aqiqah. The aim of this research is to ascertain how the communication activity in Ayun Budak which setted as one event called Ayun Budak ceremonial.The method that used in this research is qualitative method with etnography communication approach. The datas gathered through observation, interview and documentation. There are 10 (ten) informant that determined by purposive sampling technique.The result of this research shows that the communicative situasion in Ayun Budak ceremonial could be done in parents home, the males seat in the front room and females in the back room of the house. The communicative occasion based in the type of the occasion that is opening and the verse to be sung. The discourse topic is an expression of gratefulness to Allah subhanawataala, offering advice and praying. Purpose and function of this tradition as an instrument to strengthen the relations, trancendental feelings, and gratefulness. The setting of Ayun Budak is in parents home and unbound to the time which attended by theologians, traditional leader, tambourine group, and elders whether from the inner family or local communities. The message shaped verbally and nonverbally. It consists advice, religious advice, and character forming. The step of the event does not begin by opening, marhaban and barzanji and the child is to be swung. Interaction theorem is rule and norm which exist in the event, interpretation norm in Ayun Budak drives to courtesy, sociability or kindness, and respecting each other, also obey and understand to religion and custom principles. Whereas in communicative acts mean people who understand the Ayun Budak are tradition leader, theologians, tambourine group, and the elders.Keyword: Tradition, Ayun Budak Tradition, Ethnography Communicatio

    Konstruksi Sosial Tradisi Manggiliang Ghompah Pada Acara Perkawinan Di Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau

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    Manggiliang ghompah is a tradition of cooking a mutual to prepare the meal of food in the event of marriage society Sub Cerenti Kuantan Singingi Regency of Riau Province which is currently still being done in the marriage of the local community, the purpose of this research study focuses on sight, enthusiasm as well as a deeper meaning towards the tradition of Manggiliang ghompah in the perspective of social construction.This type of research is qualitative research with approach of Phenomenology. Data collection techniques using observation and in-depth interview with 8 persons specified in Informant purposive sampling accompanied documentation field. To affirm the validity of research data is made through an extension of the participation and the triangulation of the data.The results of this research show the process of externalization of the community in view of the development of the case of the manggiliang tradition Cerenti ghompah who no longer classify the community into the future then as matrilineal tribe, then Manggiliang ghompah tradition that objectification is exposed to a new culture that is cattering, then shift the tool and entertainment that is used on the ghompah manggiliang tradition has changed, as well as the internalization of society Cerenti in interpret the presence of these manggiliang ghompah tradition

    Efektifitas Portal Akademik Sebagai Sarana Penyampaian Informasi Akademik Bagi Mahasiswa Universitas Riau

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    University of Riau in practice has a goal of learning is Three Dharma University. So as to manage the information that is extremely diverse academic university, the University of Riau using academic portal. However, in reality Riau University academic portal system can not ensure smooth in the delivery of academic information that can be enjoyed by the students. So the purpose of this first study, to determine the effectiveness of academic information as a means of delivering information to students. Second, to find out why the service is in the navigation can not be entirely accessible. Third, to determine the constraints of Riau University computer center to provide information updates.This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Students research subject is the University of Riau, Riau University Computer Center employees and Agency Services Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, using purposive sampling technique.The technique of collecting data through participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation.The results show first, academic portal as a means of delivering academic information is strongly influenced by 3rd parties, namely the performance of the computer room, computer center and the University of Riau quality ISP (Internet Service Provider) have not been effective. Second, academic portal navigation facilities can not be entirely inaccessible due to lack of supervision of Riau University computer center employees. Third, the lack of the number of servers, expertise and supervision of the computer center staff and network intrusions from the Internet Service Provider is a barrier in providing information that is updated

    Kontruksi Realitas Sosial Manjopuik Limau Pada Masyarakat Kenegerian Lubuk Jambi Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau

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    Tradition Manjopuik Limau (picked limes) is a tradition-laden society norms and values in each set of the procession. Messages in a procession Manjopuik Limau (picked limes) that are transmitted through symbols, objects, musical instruments all have meaning. In Kenegerian Lubuk Jambi, Manjopuik Limau (picked limes) has always been an annual event for the community, that is exactly on the eve of Idul Fitri. The existence of a tradition Manjopuik Limau as local wisdom raises a variety of views and meanings of society against the tradition. Daripenelitian destination is to know the process of externalization, objectification, and internalization of society Kenegerian Lubuk Jambi.This study uses qualitative research methods with the presentation of descriptive analysis. The informants are perpetrators of tradition, community, traditional leaders, government and traditional leaders as a supporter informant, the informant election tradition by choosing actors who have participated in Limau Manjopuik more than three times and through other considerations. Informants selected by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. technical validity of the data used in this study is an extension of participation and triangulation. The results obtained suggests that the process of externalization of the government which supports the tradition Manjopuik Limau this tradition by making the national agenda. Externalization process of society that they assume Manjopuik Limau important to continue to be preserved as a valuable asset. Community considers this tradition as upara as well as an entertainment center. The process of objectification of society explains that the tradition Manjopuik Lemons has experienced a shift, but even so the community. There is an organization that continues to support the Nature Batobo the continuity of tradition Manjopuik Limau to socialize about how the importance of maintaining the existing potential of cultural assets. Kenegerian Lubuk Jambi community also participated in the success of every implementation Manjopuik Limau tradition by providing assistance in the form of material and equipment required and lend. The internalization process Kenegerian society Lubuk Jambi namely Manjopuik Limau interpret tradition as tradition formed by the union and unity, as a venue for young people as well friendship society. Tradition Manjopuik Limau can also embrace young people in shaping socially correc

    Aktivitas Humas PT. Pln (Persero) Wilayah Riau dan Kepulauan Riau dalam Meningkatkan Citra Positif Perusahaan

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    Public relation department has a big influence in companys existence and positive image. Every institution, company, organization and government want positive image in society. To reach this, public relations department needs to do some activities like: publicity, media relations, and crisis management. PT. PLN (Persero) Wilayah Riau and Kepulauan Riau has some problems like scheduled extiguishing, low standard infrastructure and interconnection problem. These problems affect companys image. The purpose of this research is to find out the activities of public relations department of PT. PLN (Persero) area of Riau and Kepulauan Riau in improving companys positive image. The other purpose is to find out public relation media used by PT. PLN (Persero) area of Riau and Kepulauan Riau in improving companys positive image.Writer used qualitative method. Analysis is shown descriptively. Data collecting technique are observation, interview, and documentation. To get validity of the data, writer used triangulation. Subject of this research is staff of Sub Bidang Humas Dan Hukum PT. PLN (Persero) area of Riau and Kepulauan Riau, customers, and journalists, decided by purposive technique sampling. Object of the research is public relations activity in improving companys positive image.Result shows that activities of public relation of PT. PLN (Persero) are not maximal yet. It is shown by lack of acccurate information for customer, and slow response for problem facing by customers. Public relation media used to improve positive image contains mass media like newspaper and website, street banner, and bulletin Sawit e-news. Public relation media used are not effective yet, because the customers do not get fast and accurate information and also limited media used in spreading the information to society.Keyword: public relations activities, image, communicatio

    Komunikasi pada Teater Bangsawan dalam Menyampaikan Pesan Sejarah dan Budaya Melayu di Riau

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    Communications also occur in a theater, because there are people who come together and work together to deliver the message through theater. Messages and symbols designed by the director to convey meaning to the audience. Theater royalty is a kind of traditional Malay arts that still exists today. This research aims to determine how the communication that occurs in the theater nobility in conveying the message of history and culture in the Riau Malay. This study uses a qualitative method. The number of informants are as many as six people. Techniques used in the determination of the subject is purposive. The data is then discussed and analyzed through interactive data analysis model. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Mechanical checks the validity of the data using techniques extension of participation and triangulation techniques. This study uses a qualitative method. The number of informants are as many as six people. Techniques used in the determination of the subject is purposive. The data is then discussed and analyzed through interactive data analysis model. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Mechanical checks the validity of the data using techniques extension of participation and triangulation techniques. The results showed that the process of the nobility theater is basically the process of communication. Bangsawan theater has symbols Malay ranging from theme stories, fashion, artistic Malay language until the system can be used as a medium to convey the message history and Malay culture. Symbol interpreted by players and spectators differ depending knowledge of the history and culture of the Malays. An environment that is very supportive of the nobility theater is a show that happens in the building staging. People who are involved in the theater is not only the aristocratic background of Malay culture. but there are also people outside of descent and Malay culture. The process of the theater nobility are: 1) The process of selecting text, 2) process of exercise and, 3) The performance theater. The results showed that the process of the nobility theater is basically the process of communication. Bangsawan theater has symbols Malay ranging from theme stories, fashion, artistic Malay language until the system can be used as a medium to convey the message history and Malay culture. Symbol interpreted by players and spectators differ depending knowledge of the history and culture of the Malays. An environment that is very supportive of the nobility theater is a show that happens in the building staging. People who are involved in the theater is not only the aristocratic background of Malay culture. but there are also people outside of descent and Malay culture. The process of the theater nobility are: 1) The process of selecting text, 2) process of exercise and, 3) The performance theater. Keyword: ProcessCommunication, Theatre Bangsawan, Message History and Malay Keyword: ProcessCommunication, Theatre Bangsawan, Message History and Mala

    Makna Simbolik Serah-serahan dalam Upacara Perkawinan Adat Jawa di Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau

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    Serah-serahan is one of the ceremony or procession contained in customary marriages Java in Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis Province Riau. In the Serah-serahan are aspects that will be symbolic meanings that are represented on the various physical objects or items used. The purpose of this research was to determine the meaning of the symbolic transfer of deliverables in terms of physical and social objects and values contained in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony.This research receipts qualitative method with symbolic interaction approach. The subject of research in the form of 5 people who are public figures, interpreter manten, the parties conducting the Srah-serahan and villagers of Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis Province Riau selected use technique of purposive. Data obtained through in-depth interview and documentation. This research use technique analyse data of interactive by using data collecting technique, data reduction, presentation of data and withdrawal of conclusion.The result of research showed that symbolic situation of Serah-serahan in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis Province Riau include physical objects such as pisang sanggan, suruh ayu, cincin, seperangkat busana putri, traditional meal, and some money and the social objects from the Serah-serahan in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony include all the procession of Javanese wedding ceremony. In the Serah-serahan contained the social value and culture value.Keywords: Symbolic Meaning, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Serah-seraha
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