57 research outputs found

    Esthetic education of children with special needs by means of computer art

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    © Author(s).Thematic justification of the problem under study: growth of social stratification in the present context of social and economic transformations and emerging forms of social inequality, which is creating serious obstacles for the younger generation's social adaptation, specifically among those social groups that are dealing with difficulties due to specific circumstances. First of all, it concerns children with special needs. Specifically, processes of modern public reform and how they often lead to the violation of social integration and adaptation for this group of children. Such a process poses a problem of an independent living arrangement, juxtaposed with the background of low efficiency of realization of educational and habilitation technologies. It has been observed that educational institutions have not yet been able to fully counteract these negative factors. Growth of the number of children with special needs, on the one hand, and humanization of public life, wide circulation of ideas, increases the importance of social and rehabilitation activity. The purpose is to enhance the social and educational training and increase maximum achievable adaptation of life, granted to children with special needs, a chance to develop skills for social orientation, ethics and cultural social attitude. This data and analysis of such is relevant to the esthetic education of children with special needs as conditions of formation of a socially valuable personality

    Space in a world view of poetic phraseology of the Tatar language

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    © Journal of Language and Literature. Poetic phraseology is a part of life of Tatar people reflecting its past and present, its representtations and belief, character, psychology, including spatial orientation, an arrangement of objects in space, etc. Includes brief characteristics to terms given: the world view, the language world view, the space; poetic phraseological units used by the Tatar poets are analysed to open psychological and mental features of representation of space by the Tatar people

    Stylistic analysis of Jean Jacques Lagrenet works and his interpretation of Ovid "metamorposes"

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    The article is devoted to the works of Jean-Jacques Lagrenet Junior(September 8, 1739, Paris - 13th of February, 1821., Paris), who along with his brother Jean-Louis Francois is considered as a special master of the second half of XVIIIth century. In his work the aesthetic principles of the era were reflected - the reign period of two kings of France - Louis XV and Louis XVI. This is the period of art evolution from rococo to neoclassicism. This era gave rise to such a specific kind of art as a decorative painting. The samples of this type have mainly a decorative function, being mainly not an object of isolated contemplation, but an active element interior. The works of "Ovid Series" painted by Lagrenet Junior bear the characteristic features of the era: they illustrate one of the most popular works of Roman literature, organized accordance with the compositional principles of style, depict not personalities but ornamental types. The creativity of Lagrenet Junior cannot be included in a string of outstanding XVIIIth century painters in France, beginning from A. Vatto and ending with L. David. However, it belongs to the "artistic layer", to those artists whose art is an integral part of the era style. The article may be of interest to specialists studying the art of XVIIIth century held in the collection of Russia. It introduces into the science a quite remarkable series of Lagrenet Junior paintings. The comparative analysis of Lagrenet Junior works with the works of the Russian artist A.P. Losenko, XVIIIth century (1737-1773), i.e. with his work "The Death of Adonis" (1764). In a study conducted A historical and stylistic analysis of four paintings written by Lagrenet Junior, located in a large collection of fine arts, belonging to Mr. A.G. Semin is performed in a study. The authors hope to continue the study of Lagrenet brothers creativity with the Russian art of that time

    Educational axiological potential of music art for the formation of moral value orientations of student youth

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    © 2014, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved. The article researches educational axiological potential of the music art by the development of moral value orientations among university students. The results of this research prove the effectiveness of the formation process of moral value orientations of the students from Kazan University using the means of music art provided with the structuring content of the musical education among the fundamental moral, human, cultural values, by taking in account students’ level of spiritual and moral development. This is achieved by the combination of musical education and creative activities in the process of artistic creativity among students

    Ceramic materials from low-melting clays modified by industrial wastes from a glass-fiber plant

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    The wastes from the production of glass fiber can be used not only to solve a serious ecological problem but also to increase the quality of construction ceramic articles produced at brick manufacturing plants. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Effect of the pore space on the strength of ceramics

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    The results of studies of the effect of the pore space and microcracks on ceramic strength are presented. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York


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    Aim. To determine the role of immuno-inflammatory responses in the development of acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Material and methods. 93 patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), including 60 patients with unstable angina (UA) and 33 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were involved in the study. Comparison group included 83 patients with stable angina and control group - 25 healthy persons. The diagnosis of ischemic heart disease (IHD) was verified on the basis of clinical and instrumental data. For assessment of immuno-inflammatory responses levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), pro-inflammatory (interleukins [IL-1β, IL-6], tumor necrosis factor [TNF-α]) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines we determined by ELISA method.Results. There were high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α), high CRP level and low levels of anti-inflammatory IL-4, IL-10 cytokines in UA and AMI patients. Insignificant immunological shifts were found in stable angina patients.Conclusion. Destabilization in the IHD course is characterized with more active immuno-inflammatory responses. Activity of these reactions is associated with ACS severity

    Comparative efficacy of Exenatide and Metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with obesity

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    The purpose of the study is to compare the effects of drugs from the group of glucagon–like peptide agonists - 1 – Exenatide and biguanides — Metformin in patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity, the effect on body mass index (BMI), waist size (OT) and the course of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Цель исследования – сравнить эффекты лекарственных средств из группы агонистов глюкагоноподобного пептида - 1 – Эксенатид и бигуанидов - Метформин у пациентов с сахарным диабетом и ожирением, влияние на индекс массы тела (ИМТ), объем талии (ОТ) и течение гастроэзофагальной рефлюксной болезни (ГЭРБ)