5 research outputs found

    Investigating the Social Media Presence of Articles in Altmetrics Field Indexed in Scopus Database: An Altmetrics study

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    Introduction: Altmetrics is one of the novel measures of citation in social media which can be used to investigate scientific and research output. The current study was carried out in order to determine the presence of articles in Altmetrics field in social media, determining superior articles in this field based on Altmetrics criteria and determining the relation between Altmetrics measure and citation performance of these articles. Method: This is a descriptive study with scientometrics approach using altmetrics method. The study population consisted of 337 articles in the altmetrics field indexed in Scopus database. Among these articles, 53 lacked Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which were eliminated from the study. The citation score of each article was determined by entering each article in Google Scholar database. SPSS16 software was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics (average and standard deviation) was used to determine the average presence of articles in social media while Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between citation performance of articles and their total altmetrics score. Findings: Mendeley was the most important social media used by researchers in the field of altmetrics with average score of 45.34 which was followed by Twitter with average score of 19. U-like website with average score of 0.77 and Facebook with average of 0.47 were at the next ranks. The average altmetrics score for articles in the altmetrics field was 20.77 and average citation score was 19.046 and showed that the presence of altmetrics articles in social media and citation databases (Google Scholar) is almost identical. Conclusion: The results of the current study showed that social media greatly affect the amount of citations to scientific works. Researchers in the field of altmetrics share their articles and research results using social media almost as much as they share them over citation databases. Improving the awareness and educating researchers about social media and their altmetrics scores can improve the sharing of articles and research results in social media

    Survey status of providing Virtual Reference Services in academic libraries of Tehran Universities of Medical Sciences

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    Abstract Aim and background: Advent internet and related technologies have changed the way academic libraries provide reference services. One of the new ways providing services is virtual reference services. This study is conducted with the aim of determining the current status of providing virtual references services in college libraries of five medical science universities of Tehran. Materials and methods: this is an applied research, which was carried out through a survey descriptive. Data was gathered using a researcher- developed questionnaire that was answered by 31 library managers of five medical science universities of Tehran. We used SPSS software version 16 to analyze the collected data. Results: the results showed that %90 of the library managers had B.sc degree or higher. 29% of the libraries use email, % 3/2 use chat and %3/2 use short message system (SMS) for providing virtual reference services. None of the libraries use video conference. %40 of ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences and 35% of the Baghiyatollah University of Medical Sciences use email virtual reference services. Overall, ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences has better status. Conclusion: from this study, it can be concluded that a few numbers of the understudy libraries provide virtual reference services and there are not in a good status. In order to provide Modern services to users, library managers should improve virtual reference services. Keywords: Virtual reference, academic library, Health Science Universit

    Content Analysis of Teleconsultation Enquiries in Positive Health Club, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran

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    Objective: With the availability of specialists and the overflowing information in public and social networks, individuals have easy access to information about HIV and AIDS. However, medical counselling and healthcare settings still have an essential role. The aim of the present study was to analyze phone enquiries directed to the Positive Club of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran; this analysis was based on demographic features of participants.Design/Methodology/Approach: In this cross-sectional study, 5255 questions were extracted and coded from the Positive Club's counselling questionnaires; the coding procedure was based on Huber and Gilapsy's decimal classification. Data were processed by descriptive statistics and SPSS software.Findings: A majority of callers were men (59.43%), most callers were aged between 26 and 30 years, and HIV transmission and high-risk sexual behaviours were among frequently asked questions (47%).Originality/Value: Taking into account that most callers were concern about transmission via sexual contact (anal, vaginal, and oral) rather than injection and its related equipment, it seems reasonable to assume that HIV transmission flow may shift from shared injection equipment to high-risk sexual behaviors

    Investigating the Social Media Presence of Articles in Altmetrics Field Indexed in Scopus Database: An Altmetrics study

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    Introduction: Altmetrics is one of the novel measures of citation in social media which can be used to investigate scientific and research output. The current study was carried out in order to determine the presence of articles in Altmetrics field in social media, determining superior articles in this field based on Altmetrics criteria and determining the relation between Altmetrics measure and citation performance of these articles. Method: This is a descriptive study with scientometrics approach using altmetrics method. The study population consisted of 337 articles in the altmetrics field indexed in Scopus database. Among these articles, 53 lacked Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which were eliminated from the study. The citation score of each article was determined by entering each article in Google Scholar database. SPSS16 software was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics (average and standard deviation) was used to determine the average presence of articles in social media while Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between citation performance of articles and their total altmetrics score. Findings: Mendeley was the most important social media used by researchers in the field of altmetrics with average score of 45.34 which was followed by Twitter with average score of 19. U-like website with average score of 0.77 and Facebook with average of 0.47 were at the next ranks. The average altmetrics score for articles in the altmetrics field was 20.77 and average citation score was 19.046 and showed that the presence of altmetrics articles in social media and citation databases (Google Scholar) is almost identical. Conclusion: The results of the current study showed that social media greatly affect the amount of citations to scientific works. Researchers in the field of altmetrics share their articles and research results using social media almost as much as they share them over citation databases. Improving the awareness and educating researchers about social media and their altmetrics scores can improve the sharing of articles and research results in social media

    Survey status of providing Virtual Reference Services in academic libraries of Tehran Universities of Medical Sciences

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    Abstract Aim and background: Advent internet and related technologies have changed the way academic libraries provide reference services. One of the new ways providing services is virtual reference services. This study is conducted with the aim of determining the current status of providing virtual references services in college libraries of five medical science universities of Tehran. Materials and methods: this is an applied research, which was carried out through a survey descriptive. Data was gathered using a researcher- developed questionnaire that was answered by 31 library managers of five medical science universities of Tehran. We used SPSS software version 16 to analyze the collected data. Results: the results showed that %90 of the library managers had B.sc degree or higher. 29% of the libraries use email, % 3/2 use chat and %3/2 use short message system (SMS) for providing virtual reference services. None of the libraries use video conference. %40 of ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences and 35% of the Baghiyatollah University of Medical Sciences use email virtual reference services. Overall, ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Sciences has better status. Conclusion: from this study, it can be concluded that a few numbers of the understudy libraries provide virtual reference services and there are not in a good status. In order to provide Modern services to users, library managers should improve virtual reference services. Keywords: Virtual reference, academic library, Health Science Universit