3 research outputs found

    Analyzing the use and benefits of green communication in higher educational institutes

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    In India, higher education institutions (HEIs) are realizing the value of green interaction, which includes using social media (S.M.) in an environmentally responsible manner. However, there needs to be more consistency on the adoption's present status, the particular tactics used, and the advantages that follow. The current research investigates the various aspects of sustainable communication and its benefits in HEIs throughout India. Through a questionnaire approach, the research enrolled learners across India. The study model's conceptual structure was validated, and its assumptions were proven through the implementation of a quantitative survey. The number of accepted samples was calculated using a conceptual model, and data analysis was performed using the structural equation model (SEM). There were 500 respondents in the study, ranging in age and academic degree and from different institutions of higher learning. The age range of 280 women and 220 men was 80% between 19 and 28. Respondents employed prominent S.M. sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) with purpose and had robust computer abilities. The results demonstrated that inspiration for employing S.M., S.M. characteristics, and information exchange had a favorable impact on students' opinions of user-friendliness and the benefits of digital learning platforms, raising their adoption of them. The research strategy in this investigation delivers suggestions for additional exploration into how HEIs in India may maximize the advantages and utilization of digital learning systems and can be an efficient structure for similar study ventures

    Задоволеність споживачів та їх поведінка у роздрібній-торгівлі: адаптивна регресійна модель та LINGO аналіз

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    Зростаюча конкуренція у сфері роздрібної торгівлі обумовлює необхідність підвищення якості обслуговування споживачів. Головною метою статті є розроблення економіко-математичної моделі для аналізу факторів, що впливають на поведінку та прийняття рішень споживачами у роздрібно-торгівельній мережі. Авторами запропоновано удосконалити модель нейро-поверхні та використовувати адаптивну Fuzzy-регресійну модель (AFLRM). У статті систематизовано переваги адаптивної Fuzzy-регресійної моделі перед еврестичним методом нейро-поверхні. Емпіричне дослідження проведено на основі панельних даних, сформованих для вибірки зі 100 споживачів роздрібноторгівельної мережі. Для аналізу панельних даних використано модель нейро-поверхні (NRSM), еврестичну модель середнього попиту (MDSM), а також адаптивну Fuzzy-регресійну модель. Наголошено, що адаптивна Fuzzy-регресійна модель забезпечує найвищу точність результатів прогнозування поведінки споживачів. У свою чергу, LINGO модель застосовано для інтерпретації поведінки досліджуваної системи. Результати даної моделі дозволили визначити поведінку системи та лояльність споживачів до певного магазину. Авторами відмічено, що вплив атрибутів послуг та товарів неявно описується адаптивною Fuzzy-регресійною моделлю. При цьому встановлено, що є критичний розрив між лояльністю клієнтів та якістю продуктів (послуг) на який мають статистично значущий вплив такі параметри як: рівень задоволення товаром чи послугами, рівень мотивації, купівельний досвід, рівень довіри та впевненості у якості товару. Визначено, що ефективність маркетингової програми промоції відповідного товару (послугу) повинна визначатись на основі результатів оцінювання рівня лояльності та задоволення споживачів із використанням Fuzzyрегресійної моделі. Одним із обмежень даного дослідження є незначна вибірка респондентів та їх регіональна приналежність. У зв’язку з цим у подальшому необхідним є аналіз більшої вибірки респондентів із різних міст Саудівської Аравії.Increasing rivalry for-profit or non-profit is pushing companies to devote more and more attention to pleasing consumers with excellent quality customer services. This study aims to develop a model to analyse customer behaviour in a retail store and provide accurate inference for decision making. Another critical objective for this research work is the adaptation of the faceted form of neuro-response, which is substituted by the Adaptive Fuzzy Logistic Regression Model (AFLRM). AFLRM has resulting benefits over Neuro-surface and Mean Demand Heuristic methods. A sample of 100 customers who visited or walked in the retails was used as a sample. Other than neuroresponse surfaces (NRSM) and The Mean Demand Heuristic models (MDSM), the present study has accustomed a generalized form known as Adaptive Fuzzy Linear Regression Model (AFLRM) to deliver the benchmark for former models and give the highest level of accuracy for future behaviour of a customer. LINGO based Markovian analysis has also been used with the above model to understand the behaviour of the system under study. The significance of service and product attributes is implicitly derived via the fuzzy regression model for customer satisfaction measurement. It is observed that the critical gap between the quality of product and services and Customer Satisfaction is Product/Service Satisfaction, Motivation and Buying Experience, and Credibility and Security. The authors’ finding indicates that the effort of listening to the customer's voice should be more critical. Result analysis based on computational results concerning the questionnaire for measuring the customer behaviour and the system validates the model under study. Appropriate, useful with reliable action plans for every critical product and service aspect can be developed by applying the adaptive regression methodology to control the quality of service or managing the customer satisfaction, thereby providing executives with a competitive gain. Also explored the behaviour of the system, i.e., whether the customer will move to the new retail outlets or they will remain in the same state by using the LINGO based software program model

    Online Education and Managing Service Quality with the Challenges of COVID 19: The Case of University of Business and Technology (UBT) Saudi Arabia

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    With the pandemic of COVID 19 hitting global economy and forcing social distance, all sectors were exposed to the wave. The educational sector is not exceptional, most universities were forced to adopt online education with the lack of experience necessary needed. This step was like walking blind in a foggy road without realizing the suitability of this service or how to satisfy students. The pandemic spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) has created stress, anxiety, and several concerns among people around the world. It is disrupting every aspect of human life including education. Since customer satisfaction has always been linked to customer retention, there is a need to measure how students perceive the quality of online learning services. In this study, the perceived quality of online learning at the University of Business and Technology (UBT) was measured, and the modified service performance model (modified SERVPERF) was applied as an instrument for measuring service quality. This study has brought ideas that could be very important for educational institutions in general and managers in UBT specifically. It could help creating more focused marketing plans by giving the priority in investing to sides that promote students’ perception of the quality of online learning services in UBT. Management of educational institutions can better customize their marketing efforts to guarantee customers’ expectations are satisfied by identifying students’ views of service quality. Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) has accurately specified and prioritized the areas that need more care from UBT management to improve online learning experience