13 research outputs found

    La relación entre el tipo de cambio, los términos de intercambio y el empleo en Turquía

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of real exchange rate (RER) on employment and real wage using quarterly disaggregated data (ISIC Rev 4 classification) composed of 19 industries in Turkey from 2010 to 2017. This study employed the Fixed Effect Model, where industry-specific effects are used to control heterogeneity within the industry. The results reflect that currency appreciation negatively affects employment, though insignificant, whereas it has a remarkably positive impact on real wage. Although the terms of trade have no visible impact on employment and real wages, the study uniquely finds that the effects of the larger industries on employment are distinctly adverse. Nevertheless, the interaction between currency appreciation and the top 25 per cent larger industries indicates a moderate increase in employment. The findings reflect that the appreciation of the domestic currency causes employment to decrease at the industry level. The originality of this paper includes the effects of the terms of trade and interaction with currency appreciation in larger industries using the Fixed Effect Model approach.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto del tipo de cambio real (TCR) en el empleo y el salario real utilizando datos desagregados trimestrales (clasificación ISIC Rev 4) compuestos por 19 industrias en Turquía de 2010 a 2017. Se empleó un modelo de efectos fijos, donde los efectos específicos de la industria se utilizan para controlar la heterogeneidad dentro de aquella. Los resultados reflejan que la apreciación de la moneda afecta negativamente al empleo, aunque de manera insignificante, mientras que tiene un impacto notablemente positivo en el salario real. Aunque los términos de intercambio no tienen un impacto visible en el empleo y los salarios reales, el estudio encuentra de manera única que los efectos de las industrias más grandes en el empleo son claramente adversos. No obstante, la interacción entre la apreciación de la moneda y el 25 % de las principales industrias más grandes indica un aumento moderado del empleo. Los hallazgos reflejan que la apreciación de la moneda nacional hace que el empleo disminuya en la industria. La originalidad de este documento incluye los efectos de los términos de intercambio y la interacción con la apreciación de la moneda en industrias más grandes utilizando el enfoque del modelo de efectos fijos

    Effect of temperature and litter quality on decomposition rate of Pinus patula needle litter

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    Decomposition of plant litter is an important component of the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Litter decomposition is regulated by the physical environment, litter quality and the nature and abundance of microbial communities. Climate has been found to exert strong controls over rates of litter decomposition and climate change may alter both carbon and nitrogen cycles. Global temperatures have increased by 0.74 ºC, and are predicted to increase by 1.1- 6.4 ºC within this century as a result of climate change, increases in temperature coupled with other climatic parameters are expected to affect litter decomposition rate. This study examined the mass loss and CO2 production from Pinus patula (Schlecht et Cham) leaf litter collected from fertilized plots in the Mpumalanga Province. The litter was incubated at various temperature regimes (15 ºC, 18 ºC, 24 ºC and 30 ºC) for 16 weeks. Litter decomposition increased with increasing temperature. Warming between 15 ºC and 18 ºC significantly increased the amount of CO2 emissions from the litter; at 30 ºC there was a marked increase in the amount of CO2 emitted. At the highest temperature there was a marked increase in the amount of CO2 emitted from the litter; when compared to 15 ºC the amount of CO2 evolved from litter incubated at 18 ºC was 58 % higher. Thus, future warming will increase the CO2 emission from the forest floor. Mass loss of the litter was positively correlated with temperature levels with the highest temperature (30 ºC) recorded 41% more mass loss than 15 ºC. Nitrogen fertilizer applications had significant effects on litter decomposition rate but a minor effect on litter nitrogen quality. In addition, the residual effect of fertilizer was reflected in the nitrogen concentration of the litter and the decomposition rate. Nitrogen accumulation of the litter was positively correlated with temperature and nitrogen concentration in the original needle litter. The litter quality was not a strong predictor of litter decomposition rates implying that temperature is the major factor influencing the decomposition rate of Pinus patula needle litter. The results of this study are consistent with the hypothesis that the rate of nutrient cycling in non-limiting environments will increase, due primarily to an increase in litter decomposition as a result of increased temperatures

    Numerical Numerical of hybrid method for third grade flow due to variable accelerated plate in a rotating frame

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    The aim of this article is to obtain numerical solution for incompressible unsteady flow for third grade fluid induced by variable accelerated plate. Numerical solution is obtained by using Hybrid method which combine between finite difference method (FDM) and asymptotic interpolation method. The influence of difference values of material constant parameters on the velocity flow fluid are discussed and shown graphically

    Molecular Characterization of Kidd Antigens Polymorphism (Jk) among Sudanese patients with Chronic Renal Failure in Khartoum State - Sudan

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    Background: The Kidd glycoprotein is expressed in the kidney, where it enables the kidney to build up a high concentration of urea, which is needed for the kidney to produce concentrated urine. The urea transport across Kidd null RBC membranes is ~1000 times slower than across normal RBC membrane. Chronic kidney disease develops slowly and, initially, show few symptoms. CKD can be the long term consequence of irreversible acute disease or part of a disease progression. The most common causes of chronic renal failure are related to poorly controlled diabetes, poorly controlled high blood pressure. Objective: the aim of this study was to assess the association between the Kidd antigen polymorphism and chronic kidney disease, in Sudan. Results: The distribution of kidd blood group between chronic kidneydisease patient and control group were (49%) and (50%) for Jk (a + b−), 40% and 44% for Jk (a + b+) and 11% and 6% Jk (a − b+) respectively. also there were different in ten samples represented genomic typing (Jk ab ) but phenoptying represented as (Jka). Conclusion: There were no obvious effects of  kidd antigens polymorphism on kidney function . Keywords: Kidd blood group, Genomic typing, Phenotyping, Chronic kidney disease

    Hybrid numerical solution for unsteady state of constant accelerated MHD in a third-grade fluid with a rotation

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the problem related to the constant accelerated of unsteady MHD third grade fluid in a rotating frame. New numerical approach will be used in order to solve the problem. Hybrid numerical approach of finite difference method and asymptotic interpolation method is introduced. This method is suitable for solving unbounded domain where the domain of the problems tends to infinity. Validation has been made with other analytical method; Homotopy Analysis Method to show that this hybrid method is acceptable. The equation of unsteady state MHD third grade fluid in a rotation about z-axis is derived. The nonlinear equation will be discretized by using finite difference method and couple with asymptotic interpolation to fulfil the unbounded domain of boundary condition. The effect of various values of parameters such as MHD, rotation, time, second and third grade are being tested and discussed. This study concludes that the velocity of distribution decreased when the value of MHD and rotation increased. Meanwhile a contrary result occurs when the factor of time increased. The velocity profile for real part also will be increased and imaginary part will be decreased when the parameter of second and third grade increased

    Theoretical Error Analysis of Hybrid Finite Difference–Asymptotic Interpolation Method for Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow

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    In this paper, we utilized a hybrid method for the unsteady flow of the non-Newtonian third-grade fluid that combines the finite difference with the asymptotic interpolation method. This hybrid method is used to satisfy the semiunbound domain condition of the fluid flow’s length approaching infinity. The primary issue with this research is how much of the hybrid approach’s error may be accepted to guarantee that the method is significant. This paper discussed theoretical error analysis for numerical solutions, including the range and norm of error. The perturbation method’s concept is used to assess the hybrid method’s error. It is discovered that the hybrid approach’s relative error norm is lower than that of the finite difference method. In terms of the error standard, the hybrid approach is more consistent. Error analysis is performed to check for the accuracy as well as the platform for variable mesh size finite difference method in the future research

    Application of finite difference method in MHD differential type fluid flow in rotating frame

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    The research is focused on the problem relating to non-Newtonian fluid. The paper will highlight a differential type of fluid which include third grade and fourth grade fluids. The effect of material parameters of third and fourth grades fluids and rotation upon the velocity is discussed. The nonlinear problem is numerically solved by finite difference method. We discuss the consequence of material parameters for third and fourth grade fluids and rotation on the velocity profile