7 research outputs found

    Internal and external job stress of high school teachers in a private institution

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    Private schools are working tirelessly to provide a quality education without support from the government. This article aims to evaluate the internal and external job stress of high school teachers in private schools in Leyte, Philippines, and determine its governing factors. The study involved a complete enumeration process in selecting the participants and gathering primary data. In analyzing and extracting relevant information from the data, standard descriptive metrics, correlation analysis, and Chi-square test for independence were employed with the aid of statistical software. The findings of the study depicted that private teachers are both internally and externally moderately stressful in their jobs. The Chi-square test revealed that employment status and years in service are associated with the private teachers’ internal job stress and it is significant at a 10% level. In addition, it is depicted that gender, monthly salary, and years in service are significantly dependent on the teachers’ external job stress at a 10% level. Conclusively, the school heads and management of private schools must lessen the work assignments to avoid exhaustion and increase benefits to improve the well-being of teachers. Moreover, it is suggested that teachers in private schools must be provided with training and seminars, incentives, supplies for teaching, and other benefits that improve their productivity and become globally competitive educators


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    Burnout on a teaching job refers to exhaustion that leads to depression which can affect the teacher’s well-being and satisfaction. This article looks into the level of job burnout and satisfaction of high school teachers during modular distance learning and determines its association at different levels. Cross-sectional primary data were gathered from a random sample of secondary teachers in Ormoc City, Leyte, Philippines. The gathered data were job burnout and satisfaction scores and described using standard statistical metrics. Moreover, correlation and regression analysis were employed to analyze its association, and K-means clustering was used to identify homogeneous categories of job burnout and satisfaction scores with similar characteristics. On average, results showed that the high school teachers were still  “satisfied” despite the “high burnout” they were facing during the modular distance learning amid the pandemic. Using the correlation analysis, it is revealed that teachers’ satisfaction and burnout are significantly and inversely correlated to each other. This implies that the burnout level adversely affects the satisfaction in teaching. Based on regression analysis, there is a decrease of 0.653 units in the satisfaction perception score for every 1 unit increase in the burnout perception score and it is significant at a 1% level. It is depicted in K-means clustering that teachers’ satisfaction and burnout levels are compact and converge to the interpretation that they were highly burnout yet satisfied in modular distance learning. Hence, the study suggests that teachers' tasks during distance education must be lessened to increase their well-being as educators

    On Public Teachers’ Intention to Stay in the Profession and its Profile Determinants

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    Teachers are considered committed to their job if they remain in their profession and accept professional responsibilities. This article aimed to investigate the public teachers' willingness to remain in their jobs and identify some determinants that causally affect it. The study employed a developed research instrument based on an existing research paper in the literature to gather primary data from cross-sectional public teachers. This study used random sampling to select the required participants of the survey and utilized appropriate statistical methods (descriptive and inferential statistics) to summarize and extract information from the data gathered. This study involved five schools as subjects. Some descriptive analysis was utilized such as frequencies and percentages to give a description of the gathered data and extract relevant information. The results showed that female public teachers are more likely to stay in the profession as opposed to male teachers. In addition, employment status and job position are significant factors that influence teachers to stay in their profession. Conclusively, public teachers who are satisfied with their current income and work assignments are more likely economically secure and willing to serve. Hence, the study suggests that the government must support public teachers regarding incentives and benefits, salary increases, and other resources that improve their well-being and productivity, and avoid employee turnover

    Burnout among secondary teachers amid the new normal: Case in Ormoc City, Philippines

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    The new normal has shifted high school teachers' jobs from face-to-face to modular distance learning which requires more paperwork. This research article investigated job burnout among secondary teachers in Ormoc City Division, Leyte, Philippines, and elucidated the statistically significant factors affecting it. Primary data were gathered from a simple random sample of 132 high school teachers in the City of Ormoc. To summarise the acquired survey results, typical descriptive metrics such as frequency tables, percentages, mean average, and standard deviation were used to summarize the gathered survey data. The Chi-square test of independence was employed to capture the different factors influencing job burnout. The findings revealed that, on average, secondary teachers are “highly burnout” in modular and distance learning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic setup. The Chi-square test showed that marital status and department/school assignment are the factors influencing teachers’ burnout levels. In particular, the cross-tabulation of marital status and burnout category revealed that married teachers are mostly highly burnout. Finally, responsibilities and duties in their household contribute to the teachers’ working stress and tiredness. Furthermore, different schools have varying job assignments, with some schools assigning heavier loads, resulting in severe teacher burnout. According to the report, school leaders should prioritize teachers’ well-being by reducing their responsibilities and implementing leisure school activities to alleviate stressful circumstances

    Fruit Quality of Grafted Bitter Melon with Different Sponge Gourd Rootstocks Stored Under Evaporative Cooling Conditions

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    Evaporative cooling helps maintain quality of produce over a longer period of time. This condition slows metabolic processes and inhibits undesirable changes in quality due to biotic and abiotic factors. The study determined the fruit quality of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) grafted with sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica L.) held at evaporative cooling condition (25–27 °C) with a relative humidity ranging from 85% to 96%. Bitter melon var. Galaxy was grafted to different sponge gourd rootstocks before establishment and regular maintenance in the field. Hybrid sponge gourd var. Mutya, open-pollinated variety (var. Esmeralda), and Bureau of Plant Industry bacterial wilt–resistant sponge gourd (BPI BW-resistant var.) were utilized as rootstocks. Nongrafted bitter melon served as the control. Commercially mature fruit samples were then harvested and brought to the laboratory for quality assessment and monitoring. A completely randomized design was used and treatments were replicated thrice. Results revealed that nongrafted bitter melon samples had higher weight loss and lower visual quality rating compared to the grafted sample fruits. Disease incidence and color change were also higher for the nongrafted bitter melon compared to the grafted bitter melon sample fruits suggesting reduced bacterial wilt activity resulting to better quality after storage. Bitter melon grafted into hybrid sponge gourd rootstock (var. Mutya) revealed the longest shelf life of 6 days. The shelf lives of OPV var. Esmeralda (5.57 days) and BPI BW-resistant var. (5.43 days) were comparable with hybrid sponge gourd var. Mutya. However, hybrid sponge gourd var. Mutya had significantly longer shelf life compared to the nongrafted bitter melon (4.33 days). The results could greatly contribute to addressing food security issues, which are often encountered during production

    Postharvest Quality of Wood Vinegar–Treated Eggplants under Various Storage Conditions

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    Wood vinegar (pyroligneous acid or pyrolysis oil) is a liquid produced by means of natural carbonization from available plant refuse. It has been reported to have numerous potential benefits both to agriculture and human health and to enhance harvest and postharvest quality of various fruits and vegetables. In this study, evaluation of the effects of wood vinegar and storage conditions to enhance the postharvest quality of ‘Morena’ eggplant was evaluated. A 2 × 3 factorial experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications and each replication having 30 fruit samples. The highly perishable eggplant was treated with wood vinegar (10%) from citrus tree refuse as postharvest dip, while tap water served as control, for 2 minutes before storage at ambient (25–28 °C), refrigerated (7–10 °C), or evaporative cooling box-type (18–21 °C) condition with a relative humidity of 66%, 76%, and 96%, respectively. Samples were stored for a week. Results revealed that eggplants treated with 10% wood vinegar did not differ in terms of percent weight loss, shelf life (days), total soluble solids (°Brix), and titratable acidity (% malic acid) relative to the control. For storage conditions, ambient condition displayed the highest total soluble solids and percent weight loss. Titratable acidity and shelf life were not significantly affected among storage treatments, which ranged from 0.17% to 0.21% and 4.5 to 7.1 days, respectively. Chilling injury was evident on the eggplants in evaporative cooling condition. The preliminary results could serve as basis for further intervention studies to enhance the quality of eggplant

    Effects of Packaging Systems on Eggplant Quality during Transport

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    Eggplants (Solanum melongena) are extremely predisposed to injury during haulage, which considerably diminishes fruit value. The study aimed to develop packaging systems to maintain the market quality of ‘Morena’ eggplant during transport along the market continuum. A 6 × 2 factorial in completely randomized design was laid out using freshly harvested eggplant. Fruits with uniform maturity and size and were damage free were procured from Brgy. Butigan, Baybay, Leyte. Fruits were packed using six types of containers, namely, rattan basket, plastic crate, polyethylene plastic bag, and styrofoam cooler in which both rattan basket and plastic crates were with and without banana leaves as liners. Fruits were arranged together following the conventional practice of product loading by the traders. After transport, fruits from the different containers were stored in ambient (25–30 °C) or refrigerated (8– 10 °C) conditions at a postharvest technology laboratory wherein storage behavior was monitored and evaluated. The results revealed that chemical quality attributes were not significantly affected by the kind of packing materials used. Quantitative physico-chemical attributes were affected by the type of storage condition. Storing the fruits at refrigerated condition prolonged the shelf life up to 8–10 days. The results provide valuable information for establishing a better transport scheme that could be utilized in both domestic and export markets