91 research outputs found

    Strings and Super-Yang–Mills theory: the integrable story

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    Commentary on 'Long-range fraktur gfraktur l(n) integrable spin chains and plane-wave matrix theory' by N Beisert and T Klose, 2006 J. Stat. Mech. P07006

    Towards mirror symmetry à la SYZ for generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds

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    Fibrations of flux backgrounds by supersymmetric cycles are investigated. For an internal six-manifold M with static SU(2) structure and mirror hat M, it is argued that the product M × hat M is doubly fibered by supersymmetric three-tori, with both sets of fibers transverse to M and hat M. The mirror map is then realized by T-dualizing the fibers. Mirror-symmetric properties of the fluxes, both geometric and non-geometric, are shown to agree with previous conjectures based on the requirement of mirror symmetry for Killing prepotentials. The fibers are conjectured to be destabilized by fluxes on generic SU(3) × SU(3) backgrounds, though they may survive at type-jumping points. T-dualizing the surviving fibers ensures the exchange of pure spinors under mirror symmetry

    \u3cem\u3eD\u3c/em\u3e-brane Charges in Gepner Models

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    We construct Gepner models in terms of coset conformal field theories and compute their twisted equivariant K-theories. These classify the D-brane charges on the associated geometric backgrounds and therefore agree with the topological K-theories. We show this agreement for various cases, in particular, the Fermat quintic

    Monodromies, fluxes, and compact three-generation F-theory GUTs

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    We analyze constraints for embedding local SU(5) F-theory GUTs into consistent compactifications and construct explicit three-generation models based on the geometry of [1]. The key tool for studying constraints in this problem when there is an underlying E_8 structure is the spectral cover, which encodes all of the symmetries that fix the allowed couplings in the superpotential, as well as the consistent, supersymmetric G-fluxes. Imposing phenomenological requirements such as the existence of three generations, top and bottom Yukawa couplings, good flavor structure and absence of exotics and of a tree-level μ-term, we derive stringent constraints on the allowed spectral covers. The resulting spectral covers are in conflict with the neutrino scenarios that have been studied in local F-theory models unless we allow for the possibility of additional charged fields, perhaps playing the role of gauge messengers, that do not comprise complete GUT multiplets. Quite remarkably, the existence of additional incomplete GUT multiplets below the GUT scale is necessary for consistency with gauge coupling "unification", as their effect can precisely cancel that of the internal hypercharge flux, which distorts the gauge couplings already at M_(GUT)

    F-theory and AdS3/CFT2 (2,0)

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    We continue to develop the program initiated in arXiv:1705.04679 of studying supersymmetric AdS_3 solutions of F-theory and their holographic dual 2d superconformal field theories, which are dimensional reductions of 4d theories with varying coupling. Imposing 2d N=(0,2) supersymmetry, we derive the general conditions on the geometry for Type IIB AdS_3 solutions with varying axio-dilaton and five-form flux. We discuss a class of solutions, which extend AdS_3 x T^2 x M_5 Type IIB backgrounds, to F-theory geometries of the type AdS_3 x K3 x M_5 with varying axio-dilaton characterizing the elliptic fiber of the K3, and describe their dual field theories. For a specific choice of M_5 this corresponds to a family of solutions that are conjectured to be dual to twisted compactifications of 4d N=1 Y^{p,q} quiver gauge theories on a curve with varying coupling. For this setup, we compare the central charges from holography and field theory and find agreement to subleading order in N. Requiring enhanced 2d N=(2,2) supersymmetry we find that the axio-dilaton must be constant. However, if the internal geometry is allowed to be non-compact, we obtain the most general class of Type IIB AdS_5 solutions with varying axio-dilaton, i.e. F-theoretic solutions, that are dual to 4d N=1 SCFTs.Comment: 110 pages. v2: Significant additional results added: two new classes of F-theory solutions with (0,2) supersymmetry included and compared with dual field theorie

    Sine-Gordon-like action for the Superstring in AdS(5) x S(5)

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    We propose an action for a sine-Gordon-like theory, which reproduces the classical equations of motion of the Green-Schwarz-Metsaev-Tseytlin superstring on AdS(5) x S(5). The action is relativistically invariant. It is a mass-deformed gauged WZW model for SO(4,1) x SO(5) / SO(4) x SO(4) interacting with fermions.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX; v2: added discussion of zero modes in Section 3; v3: improved presentatio

    Tate's algorithm and F-theory

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    The "Tate forms" for elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds are reconsidered in order to determine their general validity. We point out that there were some implicit assumptions made in the original derivation of these "Tate forms" from the Tate algorithm. By a careful analysis of the Tate algorithm itself, we deduce that the "Tate forms" (without any futher divisiblity assumptions) do not hold in some instances and have to be replaced by a new type of ansatz. Furthermore, we give examples in which the existence of a "Tate form" can be globally obstructed, i.e., the change of coordinates does not extend globally to sections of the entire base of the elliptic fibration. These results have implications both for model-building and for the exploration of the landscape of F-theory vacua.Comment: 30 page

    Quantum Wrapped Giant Magnon

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    Understanding the finite-size corrections to the fundamental excitations of a theory is the first step towards completely solving for the spectrum in finite volume. We compute the leading exponential correction to the quantum energy of the fundamental excitation of the light-cone gauged string in AdS(5) x S(5), which is the giant magnon solution. We present two independent ways to obtain this correction: the first approach makes use of the algebraic curve description of the giant magnon. The second relies on the purely field-theoretical Luscher formulas, which depend on the world-sheet S-matrix. We demonstrate the agreement to all orders in g/Delta of these approaches, which in particular presents a further test of the S-matrix. We comment on generalizations of this method of computation to other string configurations.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Exact expressions for quantum corrections to spinning strings

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    The one-loop worldsheet quantum corrections to the energy of spinning strings on R x S^3 within AdS_5 x S^5 are reexamined. The explicit expansion in the effective 't Hooft coupling \lambda'= \lambda/J^2 is rigorously derived. The expansion contains both analytic and non-analytic terms in \lambda', as well as exponential corrections. Furthermore, we pin down the origin of the terms that are not captured by the quantum string Bethe ansatz, which only produces analytic terms in \lambda'. It is shown that the analytic terms arise from string fluctuations within the S^3, whereas the non-analytic and exponential terms, which are not captured by the Bethe ansatz, originate from the fluctuations in all directions within the supersymmetric sigma model on AdS_5 x S^5. We also comment on the case of spinning string in AdS_3 x S^1.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur
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