68 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized electronic structures and transport properties of Fe-Co alloys

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    The electrical resistivities of Fe-Co alloys owing to random alloy disorder are calculated using the Kubo-Greenwood formula. The obtained electrical esistivities agree well with experimental data quantitatively at low temperature. The spin-polarization of Fe50Co50 estimated from the conductivity (86%) has opposite sign to that from the densities of the states at the Fermi level (-73%). It is found that the conductivity is governed mainly by s-electrons, and the s-electrons in the minority spin states are less conductive due to strong scattering by the large densities of the states of d-electrons than the majority spin electrons.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Inter-assay variability of next-generation sequencing-based gene panels

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor heterogeneity has been known to cause inter-assay discordance among next-generation sequencing (NGS) results. However, whether preclinical factors such as sample type, sample quality and analytical features of gene panel can affect the concordance between two different assays remains largely unexplored. METHODS: Replicate sets of DNA samples extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues (FFPE) (n = 20) and fresh frozen (FF) tissues (n = 10) were herein analyzed using a tumor-only (TO) and paired tumor-normal (TN) gene panel in laboratories certified by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment. Reported variants from the TO and TN panels were then compared. Furthermore, additional FFPE samples were sequentially sliced from the same FFPE block and submitted to another TN panel assay. RESULTS: Substantial discordance (71.8%) was observed between the results of the two panels despite using identical DNA samples, with the discordance rate being significantly higher for FFPE samples (p < 0.05). Among the 99 variants reported only in the TO panel, 32.3% were consistent with germline variants, which were excluded in the TN panel, while 30.3% had an allele frequency of less than 5%, some of which were highly likely to be artificial calls. The comparison of two independent TN panel assay results from the same FFPE block also showed substantial discordance rate (55.3%). CONCLUSIONS: In the context of clinical settings, our comparative analysis revealed that inter-NGS assay discordance commonly occurred due to sample types and the different analytical features of each panel


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    The purpose of this short report is to provide the essential results of applying analysis using HLM (Hierarchical Liner Model) to various financial measures


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    報告Reports 本調査は、東海地方にあるA看護系大学に在籍する623 名を対象に、アルバイト実施の実態と学業への影響を把握し、学生指導の方向性を検討することを目的に実施した。 本論では、アルバイトが原因と思われる眠気や体調不良について学業への影響の有無とアルバイトの職種、実施時期、週の回数などの実施状況から、学業に影響を及ぼす要因を探ると共に、学生のアルバイト経験から得られたことの自由記載内容を社会人基礎力(箕浦,2014)を参考に分析し、社会性の発達効果について検討した。 本調査の結果、学業に影響を及ぼす要因として、複数のアルバイトに従事している、従事日数が週4 日以上、就労時間が6時間以上、終了時刻が夜10 時以降の4項目に関与が認められた。また学生が個人的努力として、アルバイトと学業を両立するために、課題やレポート提出の期限に対し「アルバイトの入れ方の調整」や「終了時刻の調整」をしていても、学業に影響が出ている実態が明らかになった。 しかしアルバイトの経験は、学生の社会性の発達向上を促しており、アルバイトで得た収入を学費に充てる必要がある学生もいることから、全てを制限するのではなく、アルバイトと学業を両立させていくための実施の目安となる基準を学生指導の方針に盛り込んでいく必要性が示唆された

    In vivo Visualization of the Rat Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus of the Preoptic Area

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    In vivo Visualization of Estrogen Receptor α Gene Promoter Activity

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