4 research outputs found

    The Economy of Developing Countries in the Context of Globalization: Global Supply Chain Management

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    Globalization has a great influence on the development of the independent state economies. Supply chain management (SCM) in the era of expanding global sourcing can play a critical role in diffusing corporate responsible practices throughout the emerging developing countries economies. Thus, this paper aims to examine how responsible SCM can contribute to supplier performance, including environmental, social and operational performances through the improvement of relationship commitment in the Asian context. The research deals with the economic aspect of globalization and analyzes the indicators that most closely reflect the development of countries in the globalizing world economy inward foreign direct investment, outward foreign direct investment, economic globalization index and the dependence of a country's GDP on foreign direct investment. It is assumed that foreign direct investment has a significant impact on the development of the country's economy. To check this hypothesis, the relationship between the growth of the gross domestic product of Asian countries and foreign direct investment is being investigated. The calculated correlation coefficient between the growth rates of the country's GDP and the growth rates of foreign direct investment did not show a relationship between these variables. Using the matrix to analyze Asian countries from the standpoint of inward foreign direct investment and the economic globalization index, it was determined that China and Singapore are the countries with high levels of inward FDI and high rates of economic globalization. The coefficient of economic globalization of such countries as Japan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, India, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan is above 50 out of 100. However, foreign direct investment in these countries is much lower than in China

    Impact of supply chain management strategies on the performance indicators of small and medium-sized businesses

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    Abstract鈥擳he study considers the impact of supply chain management strategies on the performance of small and medium-sized businesses. It is shown that developed 4PL operators are economic integrators of countries dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises. The study deals with the data of the Federal Republic of Germany, China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation. The research hypothesis has been statistically confirmed: higher-level business models of supply chain management (for example, 4PL) are used in countries where there are significant investments in information and communication technologies. This positively affects the turnover of small and medium-sized enterprises. Logistics providers are supply chain integrators. It has been established that the higher the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the country's economy, the more developed the supply chain management system is. It has been shown that developed small and medium-sized businesses are integrated into a single management system with the help of 4PL operators; this makes it possible to increase the efficiency of both small and medium-sized enterprises and logistics operators. The scheme for increasing the efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses based on e-logistics has been presented

    The relationship between corporate responsibility and the performance of the company

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    The purpose of the research is to study and deepen the theoretical provisions regarding the relationship between corporate responsibility and the performance of organizations via a set of scientific methods of cognition. The results obtained demonstrate certain differences in the impact of corporate responsibility on the activities of enterprises in the context of different countries of the world. The practical relevance of the research conclusions and recommendations lies in the possibility of their practical application at the level of the state and individual business entities, which will allow creating social and economic value for all interested parties.El prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n es estudiar y profundizar las disposiciones te贸ricas sobre la relaci贸n entre la responsabilidad corporativa y el desempe帽o de las organizaciones a trav茅s de un conjunto de m茅todos cient铆ficos de cognici贸n. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran ciertas diferencias en el impacto de la responsabilidad corporativa en las actividades de las empresas en el contexto de diferentes pa铆ses del mundo. La relevancia pr谩ctica de las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la investigaci贸n radica en la posibilidad de su aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica a nivel de las entidades empresariales estatales e individuales, lo que permitir谩 crear valor social y econ贸mico para todas las partes interesadas

    New assessment technologies to evaluate current and intermediate knowledge of learners

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    Modern education development trends, and the emergence of new modes of study put forward new requirements for testing. The purpose of the research is to scientifically substantiate the application of testing technologies aimed at increasing student motivation to acquire economic competencies. In order to experimentally verify the feasibility of testing technologies as a factor that increases the motivation and success of learners of non-economic specialties, a pedagogical experiment was conducted. It has been established that the maximum effect is achieved through the integrated approach - the use of testing technologies to assess both current and intermediate (final) knowledge of learners.Las tendencias modernas de desarrollo educativo, y la aparici贸n de nuevos modos de estudio plantean nuevos requisitos para las pruebas. El prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n es fundamentar cient铆ficamente la aplicaci贸n de tecnolog铆as de prueba destinadas an aumentar la motivaci贸n de los estudiantes para adquirir competencias econ贸micas. Con el fin de verificar experimentalmente la viabilidad de las tecnolog铆as de prueba como un factor que aumenta la motivaci贸n y el 茅xito de los estudiantes de especialidades no econ贸micas, se realiz贸 un experimento pedag贸gico. Se ha establecido que el efecto m谩ximo se logra a trav茅s Del enfoque integrado: el uso de tecnolog铆as de prueba para evaluar el conocimiento actual e intermedio (final) de los alumnos