7 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebijakan Hubungan Antarsektor Perekonomian Nasional

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    Keterlibatan masing-masing negara dalam kerjasama, baik multilateral maupun regional, memiliki kepentingan sendiri-sendiri. Indonesia pun turut memperjuangkan perlindungan komoditas, khususnya komoditas pertanian yang dihasilkannya, baik melalui WTO ataupun ASEAN , terlebih-lebih menghadapi rencana Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN (AFTA) yang akan terjadi pada tahun 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Melakukan analisis ketersediaan pangan utama padi/beras, jagung dan kedelai) dalam kaitannya dengan produksi pangan, ekonomi pertanian, jumlah penduduk dan nilai tambah pertanian terhadap GDP., (2) Melakukan analisis dampak perdagangan bebas ASEAN terhadap perkembangan perekonomian, produksi pangan utama (padi, jagung dan kedelai) dan permintaan faktor produksi : lahan, tenaga kerja, modal dan sumberdaya alam lainnya, (3) Melakukan analisis perubahan lahan, produksi dan produktivitas pangan utama yang terjadi di pedesaan, dan (4) Melakukan analisis identifikasi prioritas kebijakan terhadap pengembangan produksi pangan (padi, jagung dan kedelai), pasca panen/pengolahan hasil, perdagangan, distribusi dan konsumsi. Empat tujuan tersebut dilakukan dengan alat analisis : Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Global Trade Analysis Project [GTAP) Model, Deskriptif dan Analisis Hirarki Proses (AHP). Hasil analisis belum menunjukkan korelasi yang kuat antara ketersediaan padi, jagung dan kedelai dengan produksinya. Hasil analisis dampak perdagangan bebas ASEAN terhadap pengembangan produk pangan Indonesia menunjukkan hanya produksi (output) padi saja yang mengalami penurunan (negatif) sedangkan kedua komoditas lainnya, komoditas jagung dan kedelai, mengalami peningkatan (positif). Seiring dengan peningkatan luas garapan maka terjadi peningkatan produksi namun tidak diimbangi dengan peningkatan produktivitas, namun pada kurun 2006-2010 produksi mengalami penurunan di semua wilayah. Dalam kaitannya dengan dampak perdagangan bebas, sebagian besar arahan kebijakan yang telah dilakukan tertuju pada Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, kecuali untuk komoditas Jagung dan Kedelai di Jawa, sedangkan tujuan lainnya relatif beragam. Berkaitan dengan terjadinya penurunan output (produksi) komoditas beras Indonesia dengan penurunan tarif lingkup ASEAN, menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia masih memerlukan kebijakan yang lebih komprehensif dalam pengembangan produk. Selain itu, kebijakan lain yang diperlukan adalah penyesuaian kebijakan pola pengembangan Padi, Jagung dalan Kedelai yang cukup beragam antara Jawa dan Luar Jawa dimana kebijakan tersebut adalah kebijakan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masa depan khususnya dalam era perdagangan bebas. Secara khusus dalam pengembangan model perdagangan internasional dibutuhkan keterkaitan sistem yang lebih luas sehingga penggunaan alat analisis yang lebih relevan dapat digunakan sesuai dengan tujuan pembangunan pertanian yang terarah pada kedaulatan pangan nasional.</p


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    Any country�s involvement in the multilateral or regional blocks has its own interest. Indonesia also has certain interest in ASEAN collaboration such as commodity protection, especially its agricultural commodities either through WTO or ASEAN. In this contending world, the main issue is how to protect domestic production in coping with more competitive world�s production, especially in dealing with AFTA which will be implemented in 2015. the research objectives are: (1) Analyzing main food supply (rice, corn, and soybean) in terms of food production, agricultural economy, total population, and agricultural value added on GDP, (2) Analysis AFTA�s impacts on enhancement of economy, main food production (rice, corn, and soybean), and demand for production inputs: land, labor, capital, and other natural resources, (3) Analyzing changes in land, production and yields of main food in rural areas, and (4) Analyzing policy priorities on food (rice, corn, and soybean), post harvest, trade, distribution, and consumption. The four objectives are conducted with the tools analysis: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Model, Descriptive Analysis and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). Rice, maize and soybean stock are not parallel with its production growth. This decrease could be due to increased planting of corn and rice crops, causing soybean decreased. Along with increase of land holding area, the production also increases but it does not correspond to yield improvement, but in the period 2006-2010 the production has decreased in all regions. In terms of free trade impacts, all policies are directed toward community�s welfare. It is, however, is not suggested for corn and soybean in Java and other objectives are various. Output drop of rice commodity in Indonesia due to lower tariff in ASEAN countries indicates that Indonesia still needs more comprehensive policy on product development. In addition, various policies are required in developing rice, corn, and soybean both in Java and outside Java

    Farmer’s perception on climate-related disasters and their impacts to support food farming

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    Changes and extreme climate events have an impact on and cause vulnerability to the food crop sub-sector. Extreme climatic events that have a significant impact on food farming are floods, drought, and pest/disease. The purpose of this study was to determine farmers’ perceptions of climate-related disasters and their impacts to support food farming. The survey and interviews were conducted in Leles Sub-District, Garut Regency in 2019, with the number of respondents was 28 people, were selected randomly. The results of the analysis showed that the climate-related disasters that occurred were pest/disease (43%), drought (18%) and floods (11%). The impact of extreme climates at the study site was a reduction in yields ranging from 5% to crop failure (puso). According to farmers, climate-related disasters occur as a result of weather factors, broken channels/embankments, excessive upstream water, closed drains, poor drainage and uneven water allocation to each land. The handling of this climate-related disaster by farmers was still limited. Farmers' perceptions, understanding and abilities in managing and anticipating climate disasters are needed in order to reduce the risk of food farming

    Economic perspective of indonesian rubber on agroforestry development

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    Rubber commodity is one of the plantation commodities that supports agroforestry, besides that it is one of the attractors in the creation of labor in rural areas. The economic linkages around intensive plantations will affect development of rubber in agroforestry areas. Rubber agroforestry is important because demands of global trade will encourage the development of agroforestry itself. For this reason, this paper can provide a description of the rubber economy in supporting the national economy. The data used is secondary data including national and global data, especially for countries of ITRC forum group members. The analytical method uses Principal Component Analysis which is expected to provide an overview of the conditions for the development of the national rubber economy. The results showed that 55.34 percent indicated that the economic development of rubber was already export-oriented, while 8.56 percent indicated that global production would affect the decline in rubber area, while 13.70 percent of the global relative price had its own characteristics. Thus, it can be seen that the challenges ahead, need to anticipate the development of rubber cultivation, both in monoculture and agroforestry plantations, which can support each other with an interconnected agribusiness system for harmony with global demand

    The dynamics of rural transformation, household income, and poverty reduction: Case study in North Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Rural transformation (RT) is a process in which the agricultural system undergoes transformation towards off-farm, commercial, and market-oriented ones. The research objective is to analyze the dynamics of rural transformation, farmer incomes, and poverty in rural areas in North Sumatra. This study used secondary data from Statistics Indonesia and analyzed using descriptive and tabular methods. The results show that the agricultural structure has shifted over the last two decades from low-value commodities (food crops) to high-value commodities. At the same time, non-farm employment opportunities also showed an increase. The development of high-value commodities and non-farm sectors has also contributed to reducing rural poverty rates. The plantation sub-sector is the highest contributor to agricultural GDP in North Sumatra and tends to increase yearly, in addition to the livestock and horticulture. The non-agricultural industry began to increase and contributed significantly to GDP. Per capita income in 2011-2020 has increased. Poverty depth and severity are still below the national average, meaning that efforts to alleviate poverty have been relatively successful to increase incomes and reduce poverty in rural areas, one of the strategies that need to be taken is to encourage the development of high-value commodities and expand non-agricultural employment opportunities in rural areas

    Technical efficiency changes of rice farming in the favorable irrigated areas of Indonesia

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    The main sources of rice production growth are increases in the yield and area harvested. Yield improvement is carried out through intensification, mainly using more inputs and better irrigation, while increasing the harvested area is associated with increasing the cropping intensity. Unfortunately, even in favorable irrigated areas, outcomes of the coupled approach are not always synergistic. This study aims to assess technical efficiency (TE), its changes in direction, and the factors responsible for inefficiency during the last 10 years. The data analyzed were those of rice farming through a panel survey of farmer households in several villages with favorable irrigation. The survey was conducted in 2010, 2016, and 2021. The results showed that the use of higher seed quality and inorganic fertilizers positively affected the yield. The TE level was relatively high but tended to degrade in these 3 years. The farmers’ TE in Java Island was higher than that outside Java. The older the farmer, the more inefficient the farmer was. The number of family members working in rice farming negatively affected efficiency. TE increased as the agricultural contribution to household income increased. On the other hand, the farmers’ educational background did not significantly affect TE. Based on these findings, it is recommended to encourage farmers to adopt higher quality seeds of improved rice varieties. It is also urgent to encourage young farmers to pursue rice farming as their main profession. In the middle and long term, breeding improved rice varieties adapted to climate stress will become a pressing need