132 research outputs found

    Pengambilan Keputusan Memilih Pasangan Hidup Pada Wanita Dewasa Awal Yang Orangtuanya Berbeda Suku

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    Indonesia sebagai negara yang multi-etnik sehingga mempunyai peluang besar dalam perkawinan beda suku. Masyarakat Indonesia yang masih berpegang teguh pada nilai budaya, membuat orangtua memiliki ketentuan dalam memilih calon pasangan yang sesuai dengan tradisi budaya. Pada keluarga Jawa, orangtua memiliki kontrol terhadap pemilihan pasangan anaknya. Konflik yang sering muncul dalam pengambilan keputusan yaitu berbedanya penilaian orangtua dan anak dalam memilih pasangan hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran dan memahami proses pengambilan keputusan memilih pasangan hidup yang dilakukan oleh wanita dewasa awal yang orangtuanya berbeda suku. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif melalui wawancara mendalam kepada tiga subjek. Analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Teknik Eksplikasi Data, Memperoleh pemahaman data sebagai suatu keseluruhan, Menyusun Deskripsi Fenomena Individual, Mengidentifikasi episode-episode umum di setiap DFI, Eksplikasi tema-tema dalam setiap episode, Sintesis dari penjelasan tema-tema dalam setiap episode Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengambilan keputusan memilih pasangan hidup pada wanita dewasa awal yang orangtuanya berbeda suku merupakan pengambilan keputusan yang dipengaruhi oleh konflik keluarga, long distance relationship, bibit bobot bebet, pengalaman ibu, tidak imbangnya informasi tentang suku ayah dan prinsip dalam pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini diharapkan membuat orangtua memahami penilaian anaknya terhadap keputusan yang diambil dan anak dapat bersikap terbuka terhadap anggota keluarga dalam mengkomunikasikan keinginannya, sehingga melahirkan penilaian positif terhadap calon pasangan

    Tithe Website Making and Using Html and Vbscript Calculation

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    Islam is a religion that has a universal or comprehensive nature. Islam thus bettermanage all aspects of economic life, social, cultural, political. One of the importantaspects of life forms the social aspect. And regulate with the Islamic tithe.Tithe is an important aspect of societal life. Inside Islam to know the value of charity,issued a person must use the calculation of tithe or should know the science itself.In line with the global information age where information can be obtained quicklyand completely sophisticated information is needed fast, accurate and practical aboutthe charity, that is by computerize tithe calculation and can be accessed using theInternet. Makes it easier for Muslims to get information and know the amount of tithemust be spent. Program This website making programs using HTML and VBScript

    Analisis Persepsi Petani Kelapa Sawit Swadaya Bersertifikasi Rspo dalam Menghadapi Kegiatan Peremajaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Oil palm is an important vegetable oil in various products including food, non-food, and biodiesel. Increasing demand in palm oil has provoked growers to augment their oil palm product through land expansion and intensification. Land expansion is preferable due to less effort and low costs however it is not recommended due to negative impacts caused by deforestation. Therefore, intensification is suggested using best practices and good plant material. Replanting is one of alternatives to improve oil palm production when best practices are no longer effective due to bad plant material. Replanting become a challenging issue for oil palm smallholders because of their limited acces to information, inputs and fund. The aim of this study is to analyse farmers' perception on replanting program. A survey on farmers' perception on replanting was conducted using likert-scale method. The result show that the farmers have positive thinking on replanting program. However, they still uncertain when to implement the replanting program. Some farmers consider that the existing production still an important source of household income

    Prospek dan Tantangan Petani Kelapa Sawit Swadaya di Desa Air Hitam Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan dalam Menghadapi Sertifikasi ISPO

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    Increasing demand for palm oil and palm oil derivative products has triggered demand for oil palm fruit. This phenomena has been responded by Indonesian oil palm growers by increasing oil palm production through land expansi on. Land expansion has been claimed as the source of deforestation, land degradation, biodiversity loss, greenhouse gas emission, and land conflicts. The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil has been established to promote sustainable oil palm production. However, the implementation of the certification program face various problem, especially at the smallholder levels. The objective of this study is to analyze the performance of independent oil palm smallholders, to assess the application of good agricultural practices in relation with the ISPO standards and to analyses prospects and chalenges toward certification ISPO. The study use agribusiness income analyses, scaling method to measure the smallholders practices based on the ISPO standard and descriptive method to analyze prospects and chalenges faced by smallholders to obtain ISPO certification. The result shows that the oil palm smallholder profits on average are above the regional wage standard. However, the smallholders compliance to the ISPO standards is only 43.5%. Certification ISPO would promote better acces to independent smalholder in market acces, financial acces and endorse sustainable production of oil palm. However, independent oil palm smallholers face various chalenges to obtain certificate of ISPO. This figure shows that there will be lots of effort to be done to get the ISPO certification
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