78 research outputs found

    アワジシマ ノ ホウゲン ゴイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ジャガイモ サツマイモ サトイモ

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    In this study, we have analyzed the results of the survey done about the dialects around the Awaji island. This analysis was done by using GIS, which is a new tool to analyze the information scientifically in terms of time and space. The purpose of my study is to clarify how the dialects of Awaji island have changed over time by comparing dialectal data shown in “Linguistic Atlas of Seto Inland Sea”(1974) with our latest data including 1999’s data. A comparison between the results of these data was conducted by using the GIS, which has helped us find the change in the geographical range of the dialect. By using the GIS we can obtain a lot of useful details about the geographical range of the dialects; for example, we can see the effect TV has had on the spread of standard Japanese dialect to other areas. Also, we are able to discover more about the change or evolution of the language. I believe that studying the evolution of languages from the past to the present using geographical information, such as GIS, is extremely important in showing how the languages have changed and evolved

    アワジシマ ノ ホウゲン ゴイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ジャガイモ サツマイモ サトイモ

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    In this study, we have analyzed the results of the survey done about the dialects around the Awaji island. This analysis was done by using GIS, which is a new tool to analyze the information scientifically in terms of time and space. The purpose of my study is to clarify how the dialects of Awaji island have changed over time by comparing dialectal data shown in “Linguistic Atlas of Seto Inland Sea”(1974) with our latest data including 1999’s data. A comparison between the results of these data was conducted by using the GIS, which has helped us find the change in the geographical range of the dialect. By using the GIS we can obtain a lot of useful details about the geographical range of the dialects; for example, we can see the effect TV has had on the spread of standard Japanese dialect to other areas. Also, we are able to discover more about the change or evolution of the language. I believe that studying the evolution of languages from the past to the present using geographical information, such as GIS, is extremely important in showing how the languages have changed and evolved

    ゾウトウ バメン ニオケル ハイリョ ヒョウゲン : ツマラナイ モノ デスガ ノ シヨウ オ メグッテ

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    Though it is said that the usage of considerate expression “tsumaranaimonodesuga (small gift)” has been a traditional language behavior in the gift giving situation, some people nowadays tend not to use this expression. Accordingly this study aims at investigating the characteristics of considerate expression “tsumaranaimonodesuga (small gift)” in the gift-giving situation on the basis of analysis of data collected by interviewing the people in Osaka City and conducting questionnaire survey through correspondence in all over Japan. The outcome of the interview at Osaka city shows that the people, especially women, like to use positive expressions for conveying the humility expression and gift-giving expression (P<0.01). In addition, the outcome derived through the questionnaire survey throughout Japan revealed a distribution of the usage of tsumaranaimonodesuga which shows that the usages of this expression are concentrated in West Japan surrounding around the Kinki region. Hence it can be assumed that there likely exists a regional difference in the usage of this very expression. Thus this study reveals that there exist a variation in gender and generation of the respondents with regard to the usage of considerate expression given that there prevails some discrepancy in the respondent selection and questionnaire patterns

    トクシマケン ヨシノガワ リュウイキ ニオケル コエ ノ ゲンゴ チズ サクセイ ノ ココロミ

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    This study aimed to create a Speaking Linguistic Atlas of disappearing dialects in Tokushima Prefecture Yoshino River basin. In addition, a digital archive for the purpose of storage and recording of the dialect speech through a linguistic geography survey was actualized. The "Speaking Linguistic Atlas" added to a multimedia database using the dialect speech was published on the Internet. Dialect audio obtained in this study was placed in the monitoring sites on a map. The user clicks the desired location on the map where a window will open with a feature that allows the user to listen to the recording. We fulfilled the purpose of actualizing a digital archive of a disappearing dialect, which is a widely well-known cultural assets. This archive preserves the dialect permanently. By publishing this archive on the Internet, it becomes possible to spread and preserve various traditional dialects around the country. With a multilingual website, it also becomes possible to introduce a variety of Japanese dialects to people around the world. We introduce an example of creating a "Speaking Linguistic Atlas" with the search engine Google to promote the digital archiving of voice dialect material using the web delivery system and information processing technologies with images and videos

    Dialect of Naruto City, Tokushima, Japan

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    鳴門市の方言の音声上の特徴として,シェ[ʃe]・ジェ[ʒe],長音・短音化,[s]と[h]の交替が挙げられ,代表的な徳島方言あるいは下郡方言(後述)の特徴がみられる。その一方で,カ行・ガ行合拗音クヮ[kwa]・グヮ[gwa]は今回の談話内では確認できなかった。文法面では,徳島方言の特徴の1つである文末詞「デ」「ジェ」「ジョ」が確認された。原因・理由の接続助詞「から」は「ケン」の使用が多数を占め,逆接を表す接続助詞「けれども」は,ケンドの使用が目立った。語彙面においては, 『日葡辞書』にみられるような,伝統的語彙を数多く残していた

    コトナル タシャ トノ カカワリカタ ニ カンレン スル ショヨウイン ノ ケンキュウ : トクシマ ダイガク ソウゴウ カガクブ 1ネンセイ オ タイショウ ニ シタ アンケート チョウサ カラ 

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    This study aimed to determine factors related to the level of acceptance for people who are regarded as being different in terms of country of origin, age and sexual norms. Questionnaires were distributed to first year undergraduate students at The University of Tokushima in Japan and promax rotation factor analysis yielded five factors: 1) orientation toward foreign cultures, 2) openness toward multiculturalism, 3) openness toward discussing sex, 4) openness toward having friendship with members of the opposite sex and 5) orientation toward educational achievement. Results showed that gender and course of study were the most important variables related to openness toward foreign cultures and openness toward multiculturalism, with female students and liberal arts students having a relatively high level of acceptance for people regarded as being different. Results suggest that university curricula should focus more on multiculturalism training for male students and students majoring in mathematics and science

    Low loss Si_3N_4–SiO_2 optical waveguides on Si

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