56 research outputs found


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    To detect cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), virus samples and conjugate were incubated together in a simplified double-antibody sandwich ELISA. The use of the same monoclonal antibody (MAb) as trapping (coating) and detecting antibodies resulted in considerable decrease of ELISA values and sensitivity due to the competition for antigen between trapping and detecting antibodies. The simplified ELISA using two MAbs which recognize different epitopes of CMV proved to be a rapid and sensitive method for virus detection.キュウリモザイクウイルス(CMV)に対するモノクローナル抗体(MAb)をコンジュゲートと試料を同時に反応させる簡易DAS-ELISAに適用したところ、同じMAbを捕捉抗体と検出抗体に使用した場合、ELISA値がかなり低くなり検出感度も低下した。一方、CMVの異なるエピトープ(抗原決定基)を認識する2種のMAbを用いた場合には、高感度な検出可能であったことから、この検出システムはCMVの迅速で高感度な検出法であることが示された

    Circadian Rhythms of the Indices in the Diffusing Function of the Lung in Healthy Men

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    Diurnal variation in the lung diffusing function can influence the results of clinical evaluations. We investigated circadian rhythms from diurnal variations of the indices in the diffusing function of the lung. We measured the single breath lung diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) and alveolar volume (VA) in 13 healthy men, and also measured pulse rate at 7:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00 and 23:00. To identify the presence of a circadian rhythm from daily variations, data were analyzed by the group mean cosinor method. Significant circadian rhythms were apparent for DLCO/VA, VA and pulse rate. The acrophases for these parameters occurred at 20:15, 5:26 and 18:08, respectively. The double amplitude of DLCO/VA was statistically 4.72%. Our results suggest that diurnal variations in VA and pulse rate may contribute to the variation in DLCO/VA. Although DLCO/VA showed only a small change throughout the day, our findings suggest that the examination of DLCO/VA should be performed preferably at the same time of day in an individual

    Human pulmonary dirofilariasis presenting as a small nodule with a cavity

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    A 73-year-old woman had a 4-year history of lung fibrosis from collagen vascular disease. She presented with a complaint of dry cough. A chest radiograph showed a 2-cm solitary pulmonary nodule with a small cavity in the right lower lobe. Preoperatively, we performed computed tomography of the chest and measured tumor markers. Video-assisted thoracotomy was performed because we could not rule out lung cancer. Pathologic analysis confirmed the presence of a granuloma with Dirofilaria immitis. In Japan, the incidence of human dirofilariasis has steadily increased and must be considered in the workup of cavitary pulmonary nodules

    Membrane Humidifier That Does Not Require Addition of Water

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    We developed a new device called "a membrane humidifier" which does not require an external water supply. Fifteen patients inhaled humidified-oxygen from the membrane humidifier and were asked about their subjective impression. The relative humidity of room air and that of humidified-oxygen from the membrane humidifier or a conventional bubble water humidifier were measured with a digital hygrometer. The relative humidity of the oxygen humidified by humidifiers was measured after the gas was flowed into a partially opened 500-mL container for 30 min. None of the patients experienced dryness of the nose or throat. All patients answered that there was no difference in their subjective impression between breathing oxygen from the membrane humidifier and from the conventional bubble water humidifier. A significant regression was observed between the relative humidity of room air and that of the oxygen humidified from the membrane humidifier. The membrane humidifier was able to produce humidification very well. This new compact device can be used not only in hospitals, but can also be incorporated in home oxygen concentrators. This new device also saves the procedure of changing water

    Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Treated with Oral Ambroxol Hydrochloride and Bronchoalveolar Lavage

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    A 59-year-old man visited our hospital in June 1997 because of cough and dyspnea at rest. He was diagnosed as pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and transbronchial lung biopsy. The alveoli were distended with pink homogeneous material that showed staining with the periodic acid Schiff method. The concentration of surfactant protein A in BAL fluid was significantly increased. We treated the patient with oral ambroxol hydrochloride and therapeutic BAL. We believe that this combination of therapies is the first choice for the treatment of PAP

    A Case of Metastatic Fumarate Hydratase-Deficient–like Renal Cell Carcinoma Successfully Managed by Ipilimumab plus Nivolumab

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    We report a 62-year-old male with metastatic fumarate hydratase-deficient renal cell carcinoma (FH-deficient RCC) without fumarate hydratase (FH) mutation (FH-deficient–like RCC). The International Metastatic RCC Database Consortium risk score was intermediate, and immunotherapy with nivolumab and ipilimumab (Ipi/ Nivo) was initiated. Four cycles of Ipi/Nivo and 5 cycles of nivolumab resulted in a complete response of the metastases. Hypophysitis occurred as an immune-related adverse event after four cycles of Ipi/Nivo. The prognosis of patients with FH-deficient RCC is generally poor. Few reports of FH-deficient RCC successfully treated with Ipi/Nivo have been published. Ipi/Nivo can be effective for treating FH-deficient RCC

    Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Sitafloxacin 200 mg Once Daily for Refractory Genitourinary Tract Infections

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    The aim of this ongoing trial is to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of sitafloxacin (STFX) 200 mg once daily (QD) for 7 days in patients with refractory genitourinary tract infections, which include recurrent or complicated cystitis, complicated pyelonephritis, bacterial prostatitis, and epididymitis. The primary endpoint is the microbiological efficacy at 5-9 days after the last administration of STFX. Recruitment began in February 2021, and the target total sample size is 92 participants

    Combined Laparoscopic and CT Monitoring of the Ice-Ball Margin during Cryoablation for Renal Cell Carcinoma Associated with von Hippel-Lindau Disease: First Case

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    We report a 47-year-old Japanese female with 10 previous treatments for multiple bilateral renal cell carcinoma (RCC) associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease. The 14-mm right lower pole renal tumor was in contact with the right ureter. Laparoscopic cryoablation was performed to protect the ureter wrapped with gauze. Computed tomography (CT) monitoring was used to confirm the precise ≥ 6 mm ice-ball margin. There was no local progression at 6-months post-surgery. The serum creatinine has been stable. This is apparently the first report of combined laparoscopic and CT monitoring of an ice-ball formation and its margin during cryoablation for RCC

    Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy in the nascent era

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    The detections of gravitational waves (GW) by the LIGO/Virgo collaborations provide various possibilities for both physics and astronomy. We are quite sure that GW observations will develop a lot, both in precision and in number, thanks to the continuous work on the improvement of detectors, including the expected new detector, KAGRA, and the planned detector, LIGO-India. On this occasion, we review the fundamental outcomes and prospects of gravitational wave physics and astronomy. We survey the development, focusing on representative sources of gravitational waves: binary black holes, binary neutron stars, and supernovae. We also summarize the role of gravitational wave observations as a probe of new physics