25 research outputs found

    Exploring the Impact of Mental Health Education on Adolescents’ Perceptions About Mental Health and Mental Illness. Improving community health

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    The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of mental health and mental illness as well as the perceptions towards people with mental illness among adolescents, and further to examine the impact that a mental health educational intervention has on these perceptions. The review of the literature revealed a small number of publications on mental health educational interventions among adolescents which aimed at increasing knowledge and affecting attitudes towards mental illness with positive results. Fifty nine pupils (13-16 years old) from two randomly selected secondary schools around Athens, Greece, participated in this study. These schools were randomly selected as the experimental group (n=28) which participated in the mental health educational intervention, and the comparison group (n=31), which did not receive any intervention. Data were collected using individual interviews with open-ended questions, drawings and a questionnaire (Opinions about Mental Illness - O.M.I. scale). The participants described mental health and mental illness before and after the intervention, using the same expressions for both terms. Among the experimental group, changes were seen within the same expressions after the intervention, although some descriptions did not change. However, after the intervention, participants in the experimental group did not confuse mental health with mental illness and they also included specific diagnostic examples or stated that mental illness can happen to anyone and it can be managed. Moreover, they expressed positive attitudes towards mentally ill people, which they had not done before the intervention. The analysis of the drawings before the intervention showed that mentally ill persons were drawn similarly in both groups. After the intervention, the drawings of the participants in the experimental group changed, including fewer negative elements, while the drawings of the comparison group did not change. Regarding the results on the O.M.I. scale, it was found that the score on the Social Discrimination factor significantly decreased from pre-test to post-test in both study groups. The experimental group had higher levels on Social Discrimination at pre-test compared to the comparison group, but this difference was not significant at post-test. No significant changes were found for the Social Restriction factor for either study group. Scores of the Social Care and Social Integration factors increased significantly only in the intervention group. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the mental health educational intervention had a positive impact on the perceptions about mental health and mental illness among adolescents, and (mental) health professionals can use these results for implementing similar interventions and further research.Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia miten mielenterveys ja mielisairaudet mielletään sekä sitä, miten nuoret suhtautuvat ihmisiin, joilla on mielisairaus, ja tutkia lisäksi mielenterveyteen liittyvän opetuksen vaikutusta näihin käsityksiin. Kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ilmeni pieni määrä julkaisuja, jotka käsittelivät nuorille kohdennettua mielenterveyttä koskevaa opetusta, jolla pyrittiin vaikuttamaan mielisairauksien tuntemukseen ja asenteisiin positiivisin tuloksin. Tutkimukseen osallistui 59 oppilasta ikähaarukassa 13–16 kahdesta satunnaisesti valitusta peruskoulusta Ateenan (Kreikka) alueelta. Koulut oli valittu satunnaisesti tutkimusryhmäksi, joka muodostui 28 oppilaasta, jotka osallistuivat mielenterveysasioiden opetukseen, ja 31 osallistujan vertailuryhmästä, joka ei saanut opetusta mielenterveysasioista. Tietoa kerättiin yksittäisillä haastatteluilla, joihin sisältyi avoimia kysymyksiä, piirroksia ja kyselylomake. Osallistujat kuvasivat mielenterveyttä ja mielisairautta ennen opetusta ja sen jälkeen käyttäen molemmissa samoja ilmaisuja. Vaikka koeryhmässä nähtiin muutoksia samoissa ilmaisuissa opetuksen jälkeen, oli myös kuvauksia, jotka eivät olleet muuttuneet. Opetuksen jälkeen koeryhmään osallistuneet eivät kuitenkaan sekoittaneet keskenään mielenterveyttä ja mielisairautta ja he myös kertoivat erityisiä esimerkkejä diagnooseista tai totesivat mielisairautta voivan ilmetä kenellä tahansa ja että sitä voidaan hoitaa. Heidän asenteensa mielenterveyspotilaisiin oli positiivinen, toisin kuin ennen opetusta. Ennen opetusta tehtyjen piirustusten analyysistä ilmeni, että mielenterveyspotilaat kuvattiin samalla tavalla molemmissa ryhmissä. Opetuksen jälkeen koeryhmään osallistuneiden piirustukset muuttuivat ja niissä oli vähemmän negatiivisia elementtejä, mutta vertailuryhmän piirustuksissa ei sitä vastoin tapahtunut muutosta. O.M.I. mielipidemittarin tuloksista selvisi, että sosiaalisen syrjintätekijän (Social Discrimination factor) tulos kasvoi merkittävästi koetta edeltäneestä tilanteesta testin jälkeiseen tilanteeseen verrattuna molemmissa tutkimusryhmissä, kun taas koeryhmässä sosiaalisen syrjinnän tasot olivat korkeampia ennen koetta verrattuna vertailuryhmään, mutta tämä ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Sosiaalisen rajoitustekijän (Social Restriction factor) osalta ei löytynyt merkittäviä muutoksia kummassakaan tutkimusryhmässä. Sosiaalista sopeutumista (Social Care and Social Integration factors) koskeva tulos kasvoi merkittävästi ainoastaan opetusta saaneessa ryhmässä. Yleisesti tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että mielenterveyteen liittyvä opetus vaikutti positiivisesti siihen, miten nuoret mieltävät mielenterveyden ja mielisairauden ja (mielen)terveysalan ammattilaiset voivat käyttää tuloksia toteuttaessaan vastaavia toimenpiteitä ja lisätutkimuksia.Ο σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν να διερευνήσει τις αντιλήψεις των εφήβων για την ψυχική υγεία και την ψυχική νόσο, καθώς και για τα άτομα με ψυχική νόσο, και περαιτέρω να εξετάσει την επίδραση μίας παρέμβασης αγωγής ψυχικής υγείας σε αυτές τις αντιλήψεις. Η βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση εντόπισε ένα μικρό αριθμό δημοσιεύσεων σχετικά με παρεμβάσεις αγωγής ψυχικής υγείας σε έφηβους με στόχο να επηρεάσουν τις γνώσεις και τις στάσεις απέναντι στην ψυχική νόσο. Στην μελέτη αυτή συμμετείχαν 59 μαθητές ηλικίας 13-16 ετών από δύο τυχαία επιλεγμένα σχολεία της δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης της Αθήνας. Η ομάδα παρέμβασης (28 μαθητές) συμμετείχε στην αγωγή ψυχικής υγείας, ενώ η ομάδα σύγκρισης (31 μαθητές) δεν συμμετείχε σε καμία παρέμβαση αγωγής υγείας. Τα δεδομένα συλλέχθηκαν μέσω ατομικών συνεντεύξεων με ανοιχτού τύπου ερωτήσεις, ζωγραφιές και ένα ερωτηματολόγιο (Κλίμακα για τις Στάσεις για την Ψυχική Ασθένεια – O.M.I. scale). Οι συμμετέχοντες περιέγραψαν την ψυχική υγεία και την ψυχική νόσο, πριν και μετά την παρέμβαση, χρησιμοποιώντας τις ίδιες εκφράσεις για τους δύο όρους. Μετά την παρέμβαση, μεταξύ των συμμετεχόντων της ομάδας παρέμβασης υπήρξαν αλλαγές στις περιγραφές, ενώ υπάρχουν και περιγραφές οι οποίες δεν άλλαξαν. Επιπλέον, η σύγχυση της ψυχικής υγείας με την ψυχική νόσο δεν υπάρχει στους συμμετέχοντες της ομάδας παρέμβασης, οι οποίοι επίσης ανέφεραν διαγνώσεις, ότι η ψυχική νόσος αφορά στον καθένα και μπορεί να αντιμετωπιστεί, εκφράζοντας θετικές στάσεις απέναντι στα άτομα με ψυχικές ασθένειες. Οι ψυχικά ασθενείς παρουσιάζονται αρχικά ομοίως στις ζωγραφιές και των δύο ομάδων. Μετά την παρέμβαση, οι ζωγραφιές των συμμετεχόντων στην ομάδα παρέμβασης είχαν αλλαγές, παρουσιάζοντας λιγότερα αρνητικά στοιχεία, ενώ οι ζωγραφιές της ομάδας σύγκρισης δεν άλλαξαν. Όσον αφορά στα αποτελέσματα της κλίμακας «O.M.I.», βρέθηκε ότι οι τιμές του παράγοντα Κοινωνική Διάκριση μειώθηκαν σημαντικά στην β’ φάση και στις δύο ομάδες. Δεν παρατηρήθηκαν σημαντικές αλλαγές για τον παράγοντα Κοινωνικός Περιορισμός και για τις δύο ομάδες μελέτης. Οι τιμές των παραγόντων Κοινωνική Φροντίδα και Κοινωνική Ενσωμάτωση είχαν σημαντική αύξηση μόνο στην ομάδα παρέμβασης. Συμπερασματικά, τα αποτελέσματα αυτής της μελέτης δείχνουν ότι η παρέμβαση αγωγής ψυχικής υγείας είχε θετικό αντίκτυπο στις αντιλήψεις σχετικά με την ψυχική υγεία και την ψυχική νόσο μεταξύ των εφήβων. Οι επαγγελματίες (ψυχικής) υγείας μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν τα αποτελέσματα αυτά για την εφαρμογή παρόμοιων παρεμβάσεων και την εκπόνηση περαιτέρω μελετών.Siirretty Doriast

    Empowering mentally ill people: A new health promotion challenge?

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    During the past decades, psychiatric services have undegone a transition to community-based caresystems. People who are mentally ill need to regain power over their own lives, since they have been disempowered,due to, in some cases, many years of institutionalisation. Psychosocial rehabilitation services should aim towardsempowerment within the framework of the mental health promotion of each particular individual. This paper aimsto offer a review of the literature concerned with the empowerment of mentally ill people and to present the benefitsthat empowered people gain. Research has demonstrated that empowerment among mentally ill people offerslife satisfaction. Mentally ill people are in need of a rehabilitation model that encourages their empowerment, byemphasising the goals defined by them. Empowerment may refer to both outcome and process, that is, not only tothe outcome of the decisions an individual makes, but also to the essential feeling of being an active participant inthe decision-making process. Patient empowerment is a matter of self-determination, hence, it occurs when a patientfreely chooses his or her own path to recovery and well-being. It has been concluded that mentally ill people livingwithin the community should not be treated as mere passive objects of medical interventions. Thus, empowermentshould be a well-established part of mental health care and the base of psychosocial rehabilitation services. Nurses, inassociation with other health care professionals, should develop and implement adequate interventional programmes,which facilitate decision-making skills and promote self-esteem. Furthermore, empowerment sets new challenges forthe nurses’ education and it should, therefore, be the subject of studies in order to test the impact of empowermentinterventions and to develop future practice within the scope of the psychosocial rehabilitation of mentally ill people

    Health service user participation in interprofessional collaborative learning — a systematic review on the use of digital solutions / Die Teilnahme von Gesundheitsdienst-Nutzenden an interprofessionell kollaborativem Lernen — ein systematischer Review über den Gebrauch digitaler Lösungen

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    Background: Interprofessional collaborative learning is the interaction of health and/or social care professionals and/or students who are learning from service users’ clinical data. Digital solutions in primary care facilitate interactive communication. This systematic review aims to identify which digital solutions can facilitate the participation of health service users in collaborative learning for interprofessional service providers, and how service users can participate with the use of digital solutions. Methods: The databases CINAHL, Cochrane Trials, PubMed, Science Direct and Scopus were searched for original studies in October 2022 using keywords related to health, functioning, interprofessional relations, learning, digitalization, communication and collaboration. Studies chosen had to involve one service user and service providers from at least two health and social care professions. Results: Eighteen qualitative and quantitative studies published between 2000 and 2022 met all of the inclusion criteria. Studies were situated in educational (n = 7), outpatient (n = 7), and home-based settings (n = 4) and involved two to 10 professions. Digital solutions provided service-user information via video or digital records, and supported simulated encounters via videoconferencing, virtual reality and avatars, or high-fidelity simulation. In this way, these methods and others facilitated the participation of service users in interprofessional learning, via either collaboration on data or general communication. Conclusion: Several types of digital solutions facilitate active participation of service users in interprofessional collaborative learning, while some facilitate indirect participation. Overall, there is potential to increase the use and implementation of digital solutions in collaborative learning. In future research, the usability of digital tools could also be evaluated

    Mental Health Needs of Adolescents Assessed During the Years of Global Financial Crisis: a Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Mental health issues during adolescence are common and worsen when financial crisis occur across the world. Identification of mental health needs as they are expressed by adolescents themselves is important for efficient mental health promotion interventions. Aim: This systematic review examined studies on the mental health needs among adolescents from their own perspective. Methods: Four databases were searched between 2008-2018, starting with 2008 when the global financial crisis began. Results: The seven studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria used different data collection methods. Emotional and behavioral problems and hyperactivity were found, while adolescents’ own perceptions also showed positive indicators for mental health. Most studies focus on specific adolescent populations, while the general adolescent population needs more attention as a target group for mental health interventions. Conclusion: Interventions should address the needs as they are identified by adolescents in order to promote their mental health. Researchers should develop an instrument which assesses exclusively the adolescents’ mental health needs.</p

    Secondary School Pupils' Mental Wellbeing Is Associated with Belonging to a Perceived Minority and Experiencing Discrimination

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    Adolescents' mental health is a global issue and there is a growing interest in tackling mental health in schools. The study aimed to assess secondary school pupils' mental wellbeing and the factors related to their mental wellbeing (sociodemographic characteristics, perception of belonging to a minority, and discrimination). Data were collected from 12-17-year-old pupils of a Finnish secondary school via an online questionnaire. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and ANOVA for group comparisons. Participants' (N = 114) mental wellbeing scores were above average (47.5, max. 70). Worse family relations were independently associated with worse mental wellbeing. Additionally, significantly lower scores on mental wellbeing were found among pupils who thought they belonged to a minority due to appearance, sexual orientation, and/or chronic disease. Participants who had experienced discrimination had significantly lower mental wellbeing scores in comparison to those who never had such an experience. In conclusion, mental health promotion interventions which promote good family relations should be targeting different youth groups in order to address their specific needs. Thus, screening programs which identify pupils who are at risk or belong to minority groups are needed, in order to direct them to proper services when needed and/or implement mental health promotion interventions accordingly

    Physical therapists’ perceptions about patients with incomplete post-traumatic paraplegia adherence to recommended home exercises: a qualitative study

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    Background: The overall purpose of physical therapy for patients with spinal cord injury is to improve health-related quality of life. However, poor adherence is a problem in physical therapy and may have negative impact on outcomes.Objectives: To explore the physical therapists’ perspectives about patients with incomplete post-traumatic paraplegia adherence to recommended home exercises.Methods: A qualitative content analysis was conducted. Data were collected in a convenience sample using semi-structured interviews. Thirteen registered physical therapists in Athens area participated in the study.Results: Five categories emerged from the data: (1) reasons to recommend home exercise by the physical therapist; (2) obstacles to recommend home exercise by the physical therapist; (3) methods addressing these obstacles; (4) the family's role in the adherence to recommended home exercise; and (5) the impact of financial crisis in adherence to recommended home exercise. All participants found the recommended home exercises essential to rehabilitation and health maintenance, and they value their benefits. They also expressed the obstacles that need to be faced during rehabilitation process in order to promote adherence.Conclusion: Physical therapists should take into account the different obstacles that may prevent patients with incomplete post-traumatic paraplegia adherence to recommended home exercises. These involve the patients and their families, while, financial crisis has also an impact in adherence. In order to overcome these obstacles and increase adherence, communication with patient and family while taking into account the individual's needs, capacities, and resources are essential.</p

    The perceptions of sexual harassment among adolescents of four european countries

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    Sexual harassment is a crucial public health issue among adolescents. In order to develop school health promotion programs, there is a need to involve adolescents themselves paying particular attention to their perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and practices. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the adolescents’ perceptions about sexual harassment as well as the ways it could be prevented. Four focus groups were conducted during an online “camp” in autumn 2021, facilitated by members of SHEHAP project research team. Participants were secondary school students from Finland, Greece, Lithuania and Portugal. The qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. Concerning how participants perceive sexual harassment, the themes that emerged were: physically expressed sexual harassment; verbally expressed sexual harassment; virtually expressed sexual harassment; violation of self-determination. Virtual environment; school environment; public environment; familiar environment, were identified as the places where sexual harassment may occur. Finally, in regard to the participants’ views on the prevention of sexual harassment, the following themes emerged: youth education; adult education aiming teachers and parents; professional, peer and family support; official consequences; health education methods. The findings of the current study can be used for the development of school-based programs aiming to prevent sexual harassment among adolescents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mental Health and Wellbeing at Schools: Health Promotion in Primary Schools with the Use of Digital Methods

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    Mental health disorders among primary school children remain a crucial issue. Early health promotion interventions can positively affect and prevent the onset of mental disorders. Promising digital mental health methods have been implemented for adolescents and youths with scarce evidence among younger ages. Therefore, the aim of the current systematic review was to identify health promotion interventions on mental health and wellbeing, with the use of digital methods, delivered in primary school settings. Six digital interventions have been identified, three of which were targeting teachers and the others students. Regardless of the limited number of studies, the effectiveness of the web-based interventions upon teachers' knowledge and attitudes and the positive impact on children's behavioral improvements has been documented. The lack of adequate evidence highlights the need for further research in the field. The current review provides information for professionals working in primary schools useful for the design and implementation of effective mental health and wellbeing interventions

    Online Education for Vaccination Competence Among Health Sciences Students

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    The EDUVAC project aims to develop and implement a web-based course on educating vaccination competence among health sciences students. In the current study students' feedback and evaluation is assessed which guided the partners' efforts to improve the final course content and learning material that will be available for open access. After completing the web-based course, most of the students (N=103, 75.1%) perceived their vaccination knowledge was up to date and their overall participating experience was "above average or excellent (N=119, 86.9%). While, almost all of the students (N=127, 92.7%) found that the web-based course has benefitted them and their future career. Our findings support that the web-based courses can provide satisfactory learning experience to University students and offer flexibility when needed especially in times that remote education is the only option

    Assessment of health needs; the health visiting contribution to public health

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    Health Visiting is targeting to health inequalities and quality of life in communities. Thus, HealthVisiting profession is linked with public health and health promotion interventions in the community.Health needs assessment is a methodology that reviews population health issues in order to produce aset of recommendations for action to improve health outcomes. The methodology of health needsassessment which is described in this paper is determined as a useful tool for the everyday practice ofHealth Visitors. The use of structured tools is also discussed which have lead to suggestions for futureresearch and Health Visitors’ education