94 research outputs found

    Content Analysis of Pupils’ Self-Assessment Using Dual-video Comparison <Article>

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    本研究の目的は,学習者自身の映像を用いた自己評価と,モデル映像と学習者自身の映像を並べて2画面同時に提示するビデオ映像を用いた自己評価を比較することによって,動きや技の改善点や高まりの気づきに違いがみられるのか,その観察対象の違いによる児童の気づきの特徴を明らかにすることである。 そこで,小学4年マット運動の授業において,観察対象の違う2つの自己評価の記述を比較した。その結果,学習者自身の映像を用いた自己評価では,動きや技の高まりに関する記述が多く,学習者自身が意識的に修正しようしたことや,児童が試技を行った際に自分で感じた気づきが記述されやすいことが推察された。また,2画面比較映像による自己評価では,授業で指導された運動課題についての評価基準をより高く修正したり,自らが意識していなかった改善点を見出したりしやすいが,自分で感じた気づきが捨象される可能性があることが示唆された。This research compares pupils' self-assessments made from watching their own videos with the self-assessments they made from watching their own videos and a model video simultaneously. The research also examines whether the pupils showed differences in recognizing improvements in their moves and techniques, and it studies the characteristics pupils displayed while recognizing these improvements in the two kinds of self-assessment. We compared the two different self-assessments made by fourth-year elementary school pupils in a mat exercise class. On the basis of the comparison, we found that the pupils extensively reported the improvements in their moves and techniques in the self-assessment of their own videos. This showed that they were liable to report what they wanted to modify consciously and what they noticed during the trial. From the self-assessments made using the dual-video comparison, we inferred that they were liable to raise the evaluation criteria of the exercise taught in the class, that they easily identified improvements they had not recognized from their own videos, and that they were likely to disregard any recognition they made by themselves.本研究は,科学研究補助金・基盤研究(C)(No.25350726)の助成を受けたものである

    Development of video tests for elementary school physical education to assess pupil’s ability to think and judge: Utilization of simultaneously reproduced four-split screen videos

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    This study is a follow-up report of a study by Osedo et al. (2018), wherein a video test in which pupils “think and judge” based on the knowledge gained in physical education classes was developed. In this study, we developed a new video test that simultaneously reproduces video images with two technical differences on a four-split screen. We then administered a survey to third grade students to examine whether there were any differences in their viewpoints when observing the video. The results from an analysis of the data suggest that if a teacher wants his or her students to “think and judge” based on the observation of physical exercise from several viewpoints, a four-split screen video acts as a teaching material that requires more comprehensive “thinking and judging” as compared to Osedo et al.’s (2018) test. However, because of the increase in the number of video images, students may have developed dispersed observation viewpoints; therefore, a further examination of developmentally appropriate utilization methods is necessary.本研究は,日本学術振興会科研費の助成(16K01619)を受けたものです

    Demonstration of periodic nanostructure formation with less ablation by double-pulse laser irradiation on titanium

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    By pairing femtosecond laser pulses (duration ∼40 fs and central wavelength ∼810 nm) at an appropriate time interval, a laser-induced periodic surface structure (LIPSS) is formed with much less ablation than one formed with a single pulse. On a titanium plate, a pair of laser pulses with fluences of 70 and 140 mJ/cm² and a rather large time interval (>10 ps) creates a LIPSS with an interspace of 600 nm, the same as that formed by a single pulse of 210 mJ/cm², while the double pulse ablates only 4 nm, a quarter of the ablation depth of a single pulse

    Development of a Learning Model Effective for the Neck Spring Vault Exercise for Elementary School Children

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    本研究は,「首はね跳び」につなげるための学習モデルの開発を目的としている。本年度は,台上で行う「首はね跳び」の前段階として,頭越しの回転を含む腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するための下位教材として,「前転ブリッジ」に焦点を当てて研究を行った。 本研究により,「首はね跳び」に必要な腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するためには,アンテナブリッジで腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得した後に,前転ブリッジにおいて頭越しの回転を含む腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得する学習モデルが有効であることが分かった。また,前転ブリッジにおいて腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するためには,前転のスピードコントロールを意識させる学習が必要になることが明らかとなった。This research aimed to develop a learning model effective for the neck spring. In the current academic year, we researched the preliminary step in the neck spring on the vault and focused on the forward roll bridge as the lower-level teaching material to allow children to acquire the ability to perform a spring motion with hip subduction, including a forward roll. In this research, we found a learning model that is effective for children to acquire the spring motion with hip subduction. This spring motion is necessary for neck spring vault exercise. Our model allows children to acquire this spring motion, which includes a forward roll bridge, after acquiring a similar spring motion with hip subduction and an antenna bridge. We also clarified that this learning model allows children to be conscious of controlling the speed of their forward roll. This is necessary for performing the spring motion with hip subduction in the forward roll bridge

    Effect of Film-Forming Additive in Ionic Liquid Electrolyte on Electrochemical Performance of Si Negative-Electrode for LIBs

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    1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide (EMI-TFSA) is one of the promising ionic liquids as electrolyte solvent to enhance the electrochemical performance of Si electrode for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) because of its low viscosity and high conductivity. However, it has low stability against reduction and its reductive decomposition product inhibits Li+ insertion to electrodes, leading to poor cycling stability. To exert a potential of EMI-TFSA, we employed vinylene carbonate (VC) as film-forming additive. Si electrode exhibited very high cycling stability and rate capability in 20 vol.% VC-added EMI-TFSA-based electrolyte. In addition, by replacing TFSA anion with bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide (FSA) for Li salt and ionic liquid solvent, an excellent cycling performance and outstanding rate capability was achieved. VC cannot only fabricate a good surface film but also lower the interaction between Li+ and FSA-, providing smooth desolvation of FSA- to obtain better high-rate performance. Non-flammability of the VC-added electrolytes was confirmed by fire resistance test in closed-system: no ignition was observed even at 300°C. Consequently, we found that mixture electrolyte consisted of EMI-based ionic liquid and VC, especially 1 M LiFSA/EMI-FSA with 20 vol.% VC, is a prospective candidate for simultaneously enhancing the electrochemical performance of Si electrode as well as safety of LIBs

    Zinc-pyrithione exerts diverse actions on human leukemia K562 cells : A preliminary study on hormetic action

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    Zinc-pyrithione is widely used as a topical agent. It may be likely that zinc-pyrithione possesses unique cytotoxic action because zinc exerts diverse actions on process of cell death. In this study, we examined the cytotoxicity of zinc-pyrithione on human leukemia K562 cells in order to examine the possibility of hormetic action. Zinc-pyrithione at concentrations ranging from 0.3 μM to 3 μM induced diverse actions on K562 cells. The agent at 0.3 and 1 μM significantly inhibited spontaneous occurrence of cell death during 72 h incubation while it was not the case for 3 μM. Significant decrease in population of shrunken cells was observed when the concentrations of zinc-pyrithione were 0.3 and 1 μM. Cell growth was significantly inhibited by 1 and 3 μM zinc-pyrithione, but not by 0.3 μM. Although the inhibition of cell growth by zinc-pyrithione was concentration-dependent, the inhibition of spontaneous cell death was observed only at lower concentrations (0.3 and 1 μM) of zinc-pyrithione. Results suggest that zinc-pyrithione possesses diverse actions, including hormetic action, on proliferative cells

    A Case of Ischemic Ileal Obstruction Secondary to Seat Belt Trauma

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    We report a case of seat belt trauma with delayed ischemic ileal obstruction. A 62-year-old woman presented with symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction three weeks after an automobile traffic accident. A plain radiograph of the abdomen showed dilated small bowel loops with air fluid levels that were consistent with intestinal obstruction. Enhanced computed tomography clearly demonstrated a stenotic ileal loop with mural thickening that was associated with a mesenteric hematoma. Upper endoscopy revealed an ulcer of the ischemic ileal obstruction. The patient underwent resection of the stenotic ileal loop by single-incision laparoscopic surgery. The stenotic ileal loop was located 120 cm oral side from the terminal ileum. In gross finding, the wall of stenotic ileal loop was thickened and the adjacent mesentery was shortened with a hematoma. The mucosa of the ischemic ileal obstruction showed ulcerative changes. The abnormal ileal loop, which was 15 cm in length, was resected. Postoperative recovery was uneventful

    Magnetized Fast Isochoric Laser Heating for Efficient Creation of Ultra-High-Energy-Density States

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    The quest for the inertial confinement fusion (ICF) ignition is a grand challenge, as exemplified by extraordinary large laser facilities. Fast isochoric heating of a pre-compressed plasma core with a high-intensity short-pulse laser is an attractive and alternative approach to create ultra-high-energy-density states like those found in ICF ignition sparks. This avoids the ignition quench caused by the hot spark mixing with the surrounding cold fuel, which is the crucial problem of the currently pursued ignition scheme. High-intensity lasers efficiently produce relativistic electron beams (REB). A part of the REB kinetic energy is deposited in the core, and then the heated region becomes the hot spark to trigger the ignition. However, only a small portion of the REB collides with the core because of its large divergence. Here we have demonstrated enhanced laser-to-core energy coupling with the magnetized fast isochoric heating. The method employs a kilo-tesla-level magnetic field that is applied to the transport region from the REB generation point to the core which results in guiding the REB along the magnetic field lines to the core. 7.7 ±\pm 1.3 % of the maximum coupling was achieved even with a relatively small radial area density core (ρR\rho R \sim 0.1 g/cm2^2). The guided REB transport was clearly visualized in a pre-compressed core by using Cu-KαK_\alpha imaging technique. A simplified model coupled with the comprehensive diagnostics yields 6.2\% of the coupling that agrees fairly with the measured coupling. This model also reveals that an ignition-scale areal density core (ρR\rho R \sim 0.4 g/cm2^2) leads to much higher laser-to-core coupling (>> 15%), this is much higher than that achieved by the current scheme