366 research outputs found

    Composition Orderings for Linear Functions and Matrix Multiplication Orderings

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    We consider composition orderings for linear functions of one variable. Given nn linear functions f1,,fnf_1,\dots,f_n and a constant cc, the objective is to find a permutation σ\sigma that minimizes/maximizes fσ(n)fσ(1)(c)f_{\sigma(n)}\circ\dots\circ f_{\sigma(1)}(c). It was first studied in the area of time-dependent scheduling, and known to be solvable in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time if all functions are nondecreasing. In this paper, we present a complete characterization of optimal composition orderings for this case, by regarding linear functions as two-dimensional vectors. We also show several interesting properties on optimal composition orderings such as the equivalence between local and global optimality. Furthermore, by using the characterization above, we provide a fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithm for the composition ordering problem for general linear functions, with respect to the number of decreasing linear functions. We next deal with matrix multiplication orderings as a generalization of composition of linear functions. Given nn matrices M1,,MnRm×mM_1,\dots,M_n\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times m} and two vectors w,yRmw,y\in\mathbb{R}^m, where mm denotes a positive integer, the objective is to find a permutation σ\sigma that minimizes/maximizes wMσ(n)Mσ(1)yw^\top M_{\sigma(n)}\dots M_{\sigma(1)} y. The problem is also viewed as a generalization of flow shop scheduling through a limit. By this extension, we show that the multiplication ordering problem for 2×22\times 2 matrices is solvable in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time if all the matrices are simultaneously triangularizable and have nonnegative determinants, and FPT with respect to the number of matrices with negative determinants, if all the matrices are simultaneously triangularizable. As the negative side, we finally prove that three possible natural generalizations are NP-hard: 1) when m=2m=2, 2) when m3m\geq 3, and 3) the target version of the problem.Comment: 38 page

    Decision Making in Design Process

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    In design process, decision making with a great choice is very difficult, and we need some kind of criterion. Sense of value, image, conceptualizing, goal and others are musually interwound, and they can not be unified. If a man acts logically, the normative model by von Neumann-Morgestern is useful in decision making. However, it is impossible for a man to act logically always. The convex dependence theory which seems to compensate man's illogicality can not also solve the actual problems. Decision making in design process is the bulletin of his total personality, and it must possesses a synthesis. The most important key-word of the synthesis is circulation. We must stop the production system with waste which can not be circulated. The authors propose a circulated production system and countermeasures for the waste

    Fingerstall-type tissue oximetry reduced anxiety of nurses in postoperative nursing monitoring of free flaps

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    Background: Postoperative free flap monitoring is essential for immediately detecting obstruction of anastomosed vessels with successive recovery surgery for salvaging flaps. We performed postoperative nursing monitoring using handheld Doppler sonography, but nurses reported feeling anxious with this approach and demanded a clear-cut evaluation method. Therefore, we implemented monitoring with the fingerstall-type tissue oximeter Toccare, a noninvasive device that enables easy flap checking by simply touching the flap with a probe. Method: Handheld Doppler was used for nursing monitoring from April to October 2020, with anxiety associated with its use reported. We collected information via an anonymous questionnaire to determine the reason for the anxiety. Toccare was subsequently applied for postoperative free flap monitoring by nurses. The protocol involved measuring tissue oxygen saturation by touching the flap with a Toccare probe every 4 hours from 24 to 100 hours postoperatively. Seven months later, a second anonymous questionnaire was conducted, and results were compared. Result: Free deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps and anterolateral thigh flaps (n = 5 each) were included. The average tissue oxygen saturation values in the deep inferior epigastric artery perforator and anterolateral thigh flaps were 52.0% and 52.4%, respectively. According to the second questionnaire about Toccare, 7% felt anxious, 62% felt slightly anxious, and 31% did not feel anxious. Toccare was preferred by 89% of nurses who had used both methods. Conclusions: Flap monitoring using Toccare reduced nurses’ anxiety. A numerical evaluation method with easy handling and clear doctor call criteria is essential for low-anxiety nursing monitoring

    Electron Beam Lithography for Large Area Patterning 1: Development of Large Field Deflection E-Beam Lithography System

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    A novel electron beam system has been designed and developed specifically for large area patterning of electronic devices such as printed wiring boards. The prototyped system features a large field deflection, high scanning speed and stably focused beam in the large field. An electron gun with a LaB5 flat cathode was used by operating at 1750-1800 K. The electron beam column provides an electron probe of less than 40 μm in diameter with a current of 50 μA at 60 kV. Fast and large field deflections by a magnetic deflection system enables an area of 104 mm x 104 mm to be covered. The scanning speed can range up to 254 m/s. Particular attention was paid to the materials and shapes of the optics column to minimize the influence of eddy currents from the point of view of controlling the dynamic behavior of beam deflection. It is confirmed that the system can provide accurate beam deflection within a ±20 μm (3) tolerance for the quite large field of 52 mm x 52 mm

    Three-dimensional live imaging of Atoh1 reveals the dynamics of hair cell induction and organization in the developing cochlea

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    During cochlear development, hair cells (HCs) and supporting cells differentiate in the prosensory domain to form the organ of Corti, but how one row of inner HCs (IHCs) and three rows of outer HCs (OHCs) are organized is not well understood. Here, we investigated the process of HC induction by monitoring Atoh1 expression in cochlear explants of Atoh1-EGFP knock-in mouse embryos and showed that only the cells that express Atoh1 over a certain threshold are selected for HC fate determination. HC induction initially occurs at the medial edge of the prosensory domain to form IHCs and subsequently at the lateral edge to form OHCs, while Hedgehog signaling maintains a space between IHCs and OHCs, leading to formation of the tunnel of Corti. These results reveal dynamic Atoh1 expression in HC fate control and suggest that multi-directional signals regulate OHC induction, thereby organizing the prototype of the organ of Corti

    Y-shaped Muscular Wrapping Technique Avoiding Re-infection of a Replaced Aortic Graft: A Cadaveric Study

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    Replacing an infected prosthetic thoracic aorta graft carries a high re-infection risk. We previously reported two clinical cases successfully treated with a new muscular wrapping technique: latissimus dorsi (LD) muscle flap with a distally based serratus anterior (SA) extension; however, a cadaveric study to prove the regular existence of the distal attachment area was lacking. We tried to establish an appropriate way of elevating the combined muscle flap safely. All of the cadavers were preserved using the Thiel embalming technique to retain flexibility. We checked for the existence of the distal attachment area between the LD and SA. Combined muscle flaps were elevated proximally while identifying the thoracodorsal artery, including the LD and SA branches. After the SA branch was ligated and cut, the SA muscle was manually peeled from the LD muscle with only the distal tight attachment area remaining. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography was performed using a multislice computed tomography system. Six human cadavers (three men, three women: 91 years old, on average) were examined. All six LD and SA combined muscle flaps showed a distal tight attachment area at the level from the seventh rib to the ninth rib. The tip of the SA muscle easily reached the sternum. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography failed to reconfirm the distal vascular flow from the LD to the reverse SA muscle, which we had visualized in a clinical case. We demonstrated the anatomical reliability of the new Y-shaped muscular flaps, which are suitable for preventing re-infection of aortic graft replacement

    Disinfection of otorhinolaryngological endoscopes with electrolyzed acid water: A cross-sectional and multicenter study

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    Glutaraldehyde, a germicide for reprocessing endoscopes that is important for hygiene in the clinic, might be hazardous to humans. Electrolyzed acid water (EAW) has a broad anti-microbial spectrum and safety profile and might be a glutaraldehyde alternative. We sought to assess EAW disinfection of flexible endoscopes in clinical otorhinolaryngological settings and its in vitro inactivation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and bacteria commonly isolated in otorhinolaryngology. Ninety endoscopes were tested for bacterial contamination before and after endoscope disinfection with EAW. The species and strains of bacteria were studied. The in vitro inactivation of bacteria and SARS-CoV-2 by EAW was investigated to determine the efficacy of endoscope disinfection. More than 20 colony-forming units of bacteria at one or more sampling sites were detected in 75/90 microbiological cultures of samples from clinically used endoscopes (83.3%). The most common genus detected was Staphylococcus followed by Cutibacterium and Corynebacterium at all sites including the ears, noses, and throats. In the in vitro study, more than 107 CFU/mL of all bacterial species examined were reduced to below the detection limit ( 105 PFU) was decreased to less than 5 PFU. Effective inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 was also observed with a 19:1 ratio of EAW to the virus. EAW effectively reprocessed flexible endoscopes contributing to infection control in medical institutions in the era of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic