180 research outputs found

    Spectrum of TeV Particles in Warped Supersymmetric Grand Unification

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    In warped supersymmetric grand unification, XY gauge particles appear near the TeV scale along with Kaluza-Klein towers of the standard model gauge fields. In spite of this exotic low-energy physics, MSSM gauge coupling unification is preserved and proton decay is naturally suppressed. In this paper we study in detail the low-lying mass spectrum of superparticles and GUT particles in this theory, taking supersymmetry breaking to be localized to the TeV brane. The masses of the MSSM particles, Kaluza-Klein modes, and XY states are all determined by two parameters, one which fixes the strength of the supersymmetry breaking and the other which sets the scale of the infrared brane. A particularly interesting result is that for relatively strong supersymmetry breaking, the XY gauginos and the lowest Kaluza-Klein excitations of the MSSM gauginos may both lie within reach of the LHC, providing the possibility that the underlying unified gauge symmetry and the enhanced N=2 supersymmetry of the theory will both be revealed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Stress coping style does not determine social status, but influences the consequences of social subordination stress

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    Chronic stress exposure may have negative consequences for health. One of the most common sources of chronic stress is stress associated with social interaction. In rodents, the effects of social stress can be studied in a naturalistic way using the visual burrow system (VBS). The way an individual copes with stress, their “stress coping style”, may influence the consequences of social stress. In the current study we tested the hypothesis that stress coping style may modulate social status and influence the consequences of having a lower social status. We formed 7 VBS colonies, with 1 proactive coping male, 1 passive coping male, and 4 female rats per colony to assess whether a rat's coping style prior to colony formation could predict whether that individual is more likely to become socially dominant. The rats remained in their respective colonies for 14 days and the physiological and behavioral consequences of social stress were assessed. Our study shows that stress coping style does not predict social status. However, stress coping style may influence the consequences of having a lower social status. Subordinate passive and proactive rats had distinctly different wound patterns; proactive rats had more wounds on the front of their bodies. Behavioral analysis confirmed that proactive subordinate rats engaged in more offensive interactions. Furthermore, subordinate rats with a proactive stress coping style had larger adrenals, and increased stress responsivity to a novel acute stressor (restraint stress) compared to passive subordinate rats or dominant rats, suggesting that the allostatic load may have been larger in this group

    Warped Supersymmetric Grand Unification

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    We construct a realistic theory of grand unification in AdS_5 truncated by branes, in which the unified gauge symmetry is broken by boundary conditions and the electroweak scale is generated by the AdS warp factor. We show that the theory preserves the successful gauge coupling unification of the 4D MSSM at leading-logarithmic level. Kaluza-Klein (KK) towers, including those of XY gauge and colored Higgs multiplets, appear at the TeV scale, while the extra dimension provides natural mechanisms for doublet-triplet splitting and proton decay suppression. In one possible scenario supersymmetry is strongly broken on the TeV brane, in which case the lightest SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y gauginos are approximately Dirac and the mass of the lightest XY gaugino is pushed well below that of the lowest gauge boson KK mode, improving the prospects for its production at the LHC. The bulk Lagrangian possesses a symmetry that we call GUT parity. If GUT parity is exact, the lightest GUT particle, most likely an XY gaugino, is stable. Once produced in a collider, the XY gaugino hadronizes to form mesons, some of which will be charged and visible as highly ionizing tracks. The lightest supersymmetric particle is the gravitino of mass \sim 10^{-3} eV, which is also stable if R parity is conserved.Comment: 41 pages, LaTeX, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Winding number and non-BPS bound states of walls in nonlinear sigma models

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    Non-supersymmetric multi-wall configurations are generically unstable. It is proposed that the stabilization in compact space can be achieved by introducing a winding number into the model. A BPS-like bound is studied for the energy of configuration with nonvanishing winding number. Winding number is implemented in an N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model with two chiral scalar fields and a bound states of BPS and anti-BPS walls is found to exist in noncompact spaces. Even in compactified space S1S^1, this nontrivial bound state persists above a critical radius of the compact dimension.Comment: 20pages, 14 figures, minor misprint corrections, figures added, explanation of winding number adde

    Hadronic production of light color-triplet Higgs bosons: an alternative signature for GUT

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    The conventional signature for grand unified theories (GUT) is the proton decay. Recently, some models in extra dimensions or with specific discrete symmetries, which aim at solving the doublet-triplet problem, allow the color-triplet in the TeV mass region by suppressing the Yukawa couplings of the triplets to matter fermions. We study the hadronic production and detection of these TeV colored Higgs bosons as an alternative signature for GUT, which would behave like massive stable charged particles in particle detectors producing a striking signature of a charged track in the central tracking system and being ionized in the outer muon chamber. We found that the LHC is sensitive to a colored Higgs boson up to about 1.5 TeV. If the color-triplets are stable in cosmological time scale, they may constitute an interesting fraction of the dark matter.Comment: We added the description of a model by Goldberger et al.-- a 5D SU(5) SUSY model in a slice of AdS space with special boundary conditions to suppress proton decay. The color-triplet also has a TeV mas

    Massive Hyper-Kahler Sigma Models and BPS Domain Walls

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    With the non-Abelian Hyper-Kahler quotient by U(M) and SU(M) gauge groups, we give the massive Hyper-Kahler sigma models that are not toric in the N=1 superfield formalism. The U(M) quotient gives N!/[M! (N-M)!] (N is a number of flavors) discrete vacua that may allow various types of domain walls, whereas the SU(M) quotient gives no discrete vacua. We derive BPS domain wall solution in the case of N=2 and M=1 in the U(M) quotient model.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the Proceedings of the International Conference on "Symmetry Methods in Physics (SYM-PHYS10)" held at Yerevan, Armenia, 13-19 Aug. 200

    Unification in 5D SO(10)

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    Gauge unification in a five dimensional supersymmetric SO(10) model compactified on an orbifold S1/(Z2×Z2)S^1/(Z_2 \times Z_2^{\prime}) is studied. One orbifolding reduces N=2 supersymmetry to N=1, and the other breaks SO(10) to the Pati-Salam gauge group \ps. Further breaking to the standard model gauge group is made through the Higgs mechanism on one of the branes. The differences of the three gauge couplings run logarithmically even in five dimensions and we can keep the predictability for unification as in four dimensional gauge theories. We obtain an excellent prediction for gauge coupling unification with a cutoff scale M3×1017M_* \sim 3 \times 10^{17} GeV and a compactification scale Mc1.5×1014M_c \sim 1.5 \times 10^{14} GeV. Finally, although proton decay due to dimension 5 operators may be completely eliminated, the proton decay rate in these models is sensitive to the placement of matter multiplets in the 5th dimension, as well as to the unknown physics above the cutoff scale.Comment: 33 pages, one reference added and fig. 3 caption correcte

    Susceptibility or resilience? Prenatal stress predisposes male rats to social subordination, but facilitates adaptation to subordinate status

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    Mood disorders such as major depressive disorder (MDD) affect a significant proportion of the population. Although progress has been made in the development of therapeutics, a large number of individuals do not attain full remission of symptoms and adverse side effects affect treatment compliance for some. In order to develop new therapies, there is a push for new models that better reflect the multiple risk factors that likely contribute to the development of depressive illness. We hypothesized that early life stress would exacerbate the depressive-like phenotype that we have previously observed in socially subordinate (SUB) adult male rats in the visible burrow system (VBS), a semi-natural, ethologically relevant environment in which males in a colony form a dominance hierarchy. Dams were exposed to chronic variable stress (CVS) during the last week of gestation, resulting in a robust and non-habituating glucocorticoid response that did not alter maternal food intake, body weight or litter size and weight. As adults, one prenatal CVS (PCVS) and one non-stressed (NS) male were housed in the VBS with adult females. Although there were no overt differences between PCVS and NS male offspring prior to VBS housing, a greater percentage of PCVS males became SUB. However, the depressive-like phenotype of SUB males was not exacerbated in PCVS males; rather, they appeared to better cope with SUB status than NS SUB males. They had lower basal plasma corticosterone than NS SUB males at the end of VBS housing. In situ hybridization for CRH in the PVN and CeA did not reveal any prenatal treatment or status effects, while NPY expression was higher within the MeA of dominant and subordinate males exposed to the VBS in comparison with controls, but with no effect of prenatal treatment. These data suggest that prenatal chronic variable stress may confer resilience to offspring when exposed to social stress in adulthood

    A Complete Theory of Grand Unification in Five Dimensions

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    A fully realistic unified theory is constructed, with SU(5) gauge symmetry and supersymmetry both broken by boundary conditions in a fifth dimension. Despite the local explicit breaking of SU(5) at a boundary of the dimension, the large size of the extra dimension allows precise predictions for gauge coupling unification, alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.118 \pm 0.003, and for Yukawa coupling unification, m_b(M_Z) = 3.3 \pm 0.2 GeV. A complete understanding of the MSSM Higgs sector is given; with explanations for why the Higgs triplets are heavy, why the Higgs doublets are protected from a large tree-level mass, and why the mu and B parameters are naturally generated to be of order the SUSY breaking scale. All sources of d=4,5 proton decay are forbidden, while a new origin for d=6 proton decay is found to be important. Several aspects of flavor follow from an essentially unique choice of matter location in the fifth dimension: only the third generation has an SU(5) mass relation, and the lighter two generations have small mixings with the heaviest generation. The entire superpartner spectrum is predicted in terms of only two free parameters. The squark and slepton masses are determined by their location in the fifth dimension, allowing a significant experimental test of the detailed structure of the extra dimension. Lepton flavor violation is found to be generically large in higher dimensional unified theories with high mediation scales of SUSY breaking. In our theory this forces a common location for all three neutrinos, predicting large neutrino mixing angles. Rates for mu -> e gamma, mu -> e e e, mu -> e conversion and tau -> mu gamma are larger in our theory than in conventional 4D supersymmetric GUTs. Proposed experiments probing mu -> e transitions will probe the entire interesting parameter space of our theory.Comment: 51 pages, late

    Solvable Models of Domain Walls in N=1 Supergravity

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    A class of exactly solvable models of domain walls are worked out in D=4 N=1{\cal N}=1 supergravity. We develop a method to embed globally supersymmetric theories with exact BPS domain wall solutions into supergravity, by introducing a gravitationally deformed superpotential. The gravitational deformation is natural in the spirit of maintaining the K\"ahler invariance. The solutions of the warp factor and the Killing spinor are also obtained. We find that three distinct behaviors of warp factors arise depending on the value of a constant term in the superpotential : exponentially decreasing in both sides of the wall, flat in one side and decreasing in the other, and increasing in one side and decreasing in the other. Only the first possibility gives the localized massless graviton zero mode. Models with multi-walls and models with runaway vacua are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; Misprints in three formulas are correcte