18 research outputs found

    Tempered Adversarial Networks

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been shown to produce realistic samples from high-dimensional distributions, but training them is considered hard. A possible explanation for training instabilities is the inherent imbalance between the networks: While the discriminator is trained directly on both real and fake samples, the generator only has control over the fake samples it produces since the real data distribution is fixed by the choice of a given dataset. We propose a simple modification that gives the generator control over the real samples which leads to a tempered learning process for both generator and discriminator. The real data distribution passes through a lens before being revealed to the discriminator, balancing the generator and discriminator by gradually revealing more detailed features necessary to produce high-quality results. The proposed module automatically adjusts the learning process to the current strength of the networks, yet is generic and easy to add to any GAN variant. In a number of experiments, we show that this can improve quality, stability and/or convergence speed across a range of different GAN architectures (DCGAN, LSGAN, WGAN-GP).Comment: accepted to ICML 201

    Frame-Recurrent Video Super-Resolution

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    Recent advances in video super-resolution have shown that convolutional neural networks combined with motion compensation are able to merge information from multiple low-resolution (LR) frames to generate high-quality images. Current state-of-the-art methods process a batch of LR frames to generate a single high-resolution (HR) frame and run this scheme in a sliding window fashion over the entire video, effectively treating the problem as a large number of separate multi-frame super-resolution tasks. This approach has two main weaknesses: 1) Each input frame is processed and warped multiple times, increasing the computational cost, and 2) each output frame is estimated independently conditioned on the input frames, limiting the system's ability to produce temporally consistent results. In this work, we propose an end-to-end trainable frame-recurrent video super-resolution framework that uses the previously inferred HR estimate to super-resolve the subsequent frame. This naturally encourages temporally consistent results and reduces the computational cost by warping only one image in each step. Furthermore, due to its recurrent nature, the proposed method has the ability to assimilate a large number of previous frames without increased computational demands. Extensive evaluations and comparisons with previous methods validate the strengths of our approach and demonstrate that the proposed framework is able to significantly outperform the current state of the art.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 201

    RePAST: Relative Pose Attention Scene Representation Transformer

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    The Scene Representation Transformer (SRT) is a recent method to render novel views at interactive rates. Since SRT uses camera poses with respect to an arbitrarily chosen reference camera, it is not invariant to the order of the input views. As a result, SRT is not directly applicable to large-scale scenes where the reference frame would need to be changed regularly. In this work, we propose Relative Pose Attention SRT (RePAST): Instead of fixing a reference frame at the input, we inject pairwise relative camera pose information directly into the attention mechanism of the Transformers. This leads to a model that is by definition invariant to the choice of any global reference frame, while still retaining the full capabilities of the original method. Empirical results show that adding this invariance to the model does not lead to a loss in quality. We believe that this is a step towards applying fully latent transformer-based rendering methods to large-scale scenes

    Sensitivity of Slot-Based Object-Centric Models to their Number of Slots

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    Self-supervised methods for learning object-centric representations have recently been applied successfully to various datasets. This progress is largely fueled by slot-based methods, whose ability to cluster visual scenes into meaningful objects holds great promise for compositional generalization and downstream learning. In these methods, the number of slots (clusters) KK is typically chosen to match the number of ground-truth objects in the data, even though this quantity is unknown in real-world settings. Indeed, the sensitivity of slot-based methods to KK, and how this affects their learned correspondence to objects in the data has largely been ignored in the literature. In this work, we address this issue through a systematic study of slot-based methods. We propose using analogs to precision and recall based on the Adjusted Rand Index to accurately quantify model behavior over a large range of KK. We find that, especially during training, incorrect choices of KK do not yield the desired object decomposition and, in fact, cause substantial oversegmentation or merging of separate objects (undersegmentation). We demonstrate that the choice of the objective function and incorporating instance-level annotations can moderately mitigate this behavior while still falling short of fully resolving this issue. Indeed, we show how this issue persists across multiple methods and datasets and stress its importance for future slot-based models

    DyST: Towards Dynamic Neural Scene Representations on Real-World Videos

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    Visual understanding of the world goes beyond the semantics and flat structure of individual images. In this work, we aim to capture both the 3D structure and dynamics of real-world scenes from monocular real-world videos. Our Dynamic Scene Transformer (DyST) model leverages recent work in neural scene representation to learn a latent decomposition of monocular real-world videos into scene content, per-view scene dynamics, and camera pose. This separation is achieved through a novel co-training scheme on monocular videos and our new synthetic dataset DySO. DyST learns tangible latent representations for dynamic scenes that enable view generation with separate control over the camera and the content of the scene.Comment: Project website: https://dyst-paper.github.io

    DORSal: Diffusion for Object-centric Representations of Scenes et al

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    Recent progress in 3D scene understanding enables scalable learning of representations across large datasets of diverse scenes. As a consequence, generalization to unseen scenes and objects, rendering novel views from just a single or a handful of input images, and controllable scene generation that supports editing, is now possible. However, training jointly on a large number of scenes typically compromises rendering quality when compared to single-scene optimized models such as NeRFs. In this paper, we leverage recent progress in diffusion models to equip 3D scene representation learning models with the ability to render high-fidelity novel views, while retaining benefits such as object-level scene editing to a large degree. In particular, we propose DORSal, which adapts a video diffusion architecture for 3D scene generation conditioned on frozen object-centric slot-based representations of scenes. On both complex synthetic multi-object scenes and on the real-world large-scale Street View dataset, we show that DORSal enables scalable neural rendering of 3D scenes with object-level editing and improves upon existing approaches.Comment: Project page: https://www.sjoerdvansteenkiste.com/dorsa

    RUST: Latent Neural Scene Representations from Unposed Imagery

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    Inferring the structure of 3D scenes from 2D observations is a fundamental challenge in computer vision. Recently popularized approaches based on neural scene representations have achieved tremendous impact and have been applied across a variety of applications. One of the major remaining challenges in this space is training a single model which can provide latent representations which effectively generalize beyond a single scene. Scene Representation Transformer (SRT) has shown promise in this direction, but scaling it to a larger set of diverse scenes is challenging and necessitates accurately posed ground truth data. To address this problem, we propose RUST (Really Unposed Scene representation Transformer), a pose-free approach to novel view synthesis trained on RGB images alone. Our main insight is that one can train a Pose Encoder that peeks at the target image and learns a latent pose embedding which is used by the decoder for view synthesis. We perform an empirical investigation into the learned latent pose structure and show that it allows meaningful test-time camera transformations and accurate explicit pose readouts. Perhaps surprisingly, RUST achieves similar quality as methods which have access to perfect camera pose, thereby unlocking the potential for large-scale training of amortized neural scene representations.Comment: CVPR 2023 Highlight. Project website: https://rust-paper.github.io