8 research outputs found

    Identification and Functional Characterization of Anti-metastasis and Anti-angiogenic Activities of Triethylene Glycol Derivatives

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    We had previously reported anticancer activity in the water extract (WEX) of Ashwagandha leaves, and identified Triethylene glycol (TEG) as an active tumor suppressor component. In this study, we investigated anti-migratory and anti-angiogenesis activities of WEX and TEG. We conducted in vitro and in vivo experiments using TEG, and its two derivatives, Triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TD-10), and Tetraethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TD-11). The data revealed strong anticancer and anti-metastasis potentials in the derivatives. Non-toxic, anti-migratory doses of the derivatives showed inhibition of canonical Wnt/β-catenin axis and consequent downregulation of EMT-signaling proteins (Vimentin, MMPs and VEGF). These results endorse that the TD-10 and TD-11 have potential to safely put a check on the aggressiveness of the metastatic cells and therefore represent promising candidates for the treatment of metastatic cancers

    Rat Glioma Cell-Based Functional Characterization of Anti-Stress and Protein Deaggregation Activities in the Marine Carotenoids, Astaxanthin and Fucoxanthin

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    Stress, protein aggregation, and loss of functional properties of cells have been shown to contribute to several deleterious pathologies including cancer and neurodegeneration. The incidence of these pathologies has also been shown to increase with age and are often presented as evidence to the cumulative effect of stress and protein aggregation. Prevention or delay of onset of these diseases may prove to be unprecedentedly beneficial. In this study, we explored the anti-stress and differentiation-inducing potential of two marine bioactive carotenoids (astaxanthin and fucoxanthin) using rat glioma cells as a model. We found that the low (nontoxic) doses of both protected cells against UV-induced DNA damage, heavy metal, and heat-induced protein misfolding and aggregation of proteins. Their long-term treatment in glioma cells caused the induction of physiological differentiation into astrocytes. These phenotypes were supported by upregulation of proteins that regulate cell proliferation, DNA damage repair mechanism, and glial differentiation, suggesting their potential for prevention and treatment of stress, protein aggregation, and age-related pathologies

    Bioinformatics and Molecular Insights to Anti-Metastasis Activity of Triethylene Glycol Derivatives

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    The anti-metastatic and anti-angiogenic activities of triethylene glycol derivatives have been reported. In this study, we investigated their molecular mechanism(s) using bioinformatics and experimental tools. By molecular dynamics analysis, we found that (i) triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TD-10) and tetraethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TD-11) can act as inhibitors of the catalytic domain of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2, MMP-7 and MMP-9) by binding to the S1’ pocket of MMP-2 and MMP-9 and the catalytic Zn ion binding site of MMP-7, and that (ii) TD-11 can cause local disruption of the secondary structure of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) dimer and exhibit stable interaction at the binding interface of VEGFA receptor R1 complex. Cell-culture-based in vitro experiments showed anti-metastatic phenotypes as seen in migration and invasion assays in cancer cells by both TD-10 and TD-11. Underlying biochemical evidence revealed downregulation of VEGF and MMPs at the protein level; MMP-9 was also downregulated at the transcriptional level. By molecular analyses, we demonstrate that TD-10 and TD-11 target stress chaperone mortalin at the transcription and translational level, yielding decreased expression of vimentin, fibronectin and hnRNP-K, and increase in extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (collagen IV and E-cadherin) endorsing reversal of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) signaling