2 research outputs found
An Epidemiologic Examination on the Prevalence of the Periodontal Diseases and Oral Pigmentation in Yusho Patients in 2010
特集号 油症とPCB及びダイキシン関連化合物 研究報告 第23集 責任編集者 古江増隆The Twenty-third Reports of the Study on Yusho―PCBs and Dioxin-Related Compounds―Guest Editor Furue MasutakaAn epidemiologic examination was carried out to reveal the prevalence of the periodontal diseases and oral pigmentation in patients with Yusho in 2010. The results obtained were as follows. 1) Yusho patients complained of tooth pain and periodontal diseases such as gingival swelling, but not of oral pigmentation. 2) 104 patients out of 117 patients with Yusho, who were measured periodontal pocket depth according to Ramfjord\u27 methods, had at least one tooth with periodontal pocket deeper than 3 mm. Similarly, 314 teeth out of a total 551 examined teeth showed a periodontal pocket with more than 3 mm in depth. However, it was determined that 57 teeth had a periodontal pocket deeper than 4 mm. 3) Oral pigmentation was observed in 63 patients out of 122 patients with Yusho. In this study, gingival pigmentation was most predominant among oral pigmentation. The prevalence of oral pigmentation in male patients seemed to be somewhat higher than that in female patients. In addition, the prevalence of oral pigmentation tended to be higher in patients under seventy years old than patients beyond the age of seventy. These results indicated that PCB-related compounds may be responsible for the higher prevalence of both periodontal diseases and oral pigmentation.我々は,年一回行われる福岡県油症一斉検診の場において,油症患者の口腔内所見について追跡調査を行っている.その結果,油症発症後早期に認められた所見のうち歯根形態異常や永久歯萌出遅延はほとんど認められなくなってきているが,依然として被検者の約半数に口腔内色素沈着が認められることや歯周疾患罹患率が高いことを報告してきた.そこで,平成22年度の福岡県における油症患者の一斉検診時の結果を基に,口腔内疾患特に歯周疾患や口腔内色素沈着の罹患状況について報告するとともに,平成21年度のデーターと比較しこれら疾患の経年的変化についても検討を行った
An epidemiologic examination was carried out to reveal the prevalence of the periodontal diseases and oral pigmentation in patients with Yusho in 2010. The results obtained were as follows. 1) Yusho patients complained of tooth pain and periodontal diseases such as gingival swelling, but not of oral pigmentation. 2) 104 patients out of 117 patients with Yusho, who were measured periodontal pocket depth according to Ramfjord' methods, had at least one tooth with periodontal pocket deeper than 3 mm. Similarly, 314 teeth out of a total 551 examined teeth showed a periodontal pocket with more than 3 mm in depth. However, it was determined that 57 teeth had a periodontal pocket deeper than 4 mm. 3) Oral pigmentation was observed in 63 patients out of 122 patients with Yusho. In this study, gingival pigmentation was most predominant among oral pigmentation. The prevalence of oral pigmentation in male patients seemed to be somewhat higher than that in female patients. In addition, the prevalence of oral pigmentation tended to be higher in patients under seventy years old than patients beyond the age of seventy. These results indicated that PCB-related compounds may be responsible for the higher prevalence of both periodontal diseases and oral pigmentation.我々は,年一回行われる福岡県油症一斉検診の場において,油症患者の口腔内所見について追跡調査を行っている.その結果,油症発症後早期に認められた所見のうち歯根形態異常や永久歯萌出遅延はほとんど認められなくなってきているが,依然として被検者の約半数に口腔内色素沈着が認められることや歯周疾患罹患率が高いことを報告してきた.そこで,平成22年度の福岡県における油症患者の一斉検診時の結果を基に,口腔内疾患特に歯周疾患や口腔内色素沈着の罹患状況について報告するとともに,平成21年度のデーターと比較しこれら疾患の経年的変化についても検討を行った.特集号 油症とPCB及びダイキシン関連化合物 研究報告 第23集 責任編集者 古江増隆The Twenty-third Reports of the Study on Yusho―PCBs and Dioxin-Related Compounds―Guest Editor Furue Masutak