104 research outputs found

    Mathematical study of degenerate boundary layers: A Large Scale Ocean Circulation Problem

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    This paper is concerned with a complete asymptoticanalysis as E→0\mathfrak{E} \to 0 of the stationary Munk equation ∂_xψ−EΔ2ψ=τ\partial\_x\psi-\mathfrak{E} \Delta^2 \psi=\tau in a domain Ω⊂R2\Omega\subset \mathbf{R}^2, supplemented with boundaryconditions for ψ\psi and ∂_nψ\partial\_n \psi. This equation is a simplemodel for the circulation of currents in closed basins, the variablesxx and yy being respectively the longitude and the latitude. A crudeanalysis shows that as E→0\mathfrak{E} \to 0, the weak limit of ψ\psi satisfiesthe so-called Sverdrup transport equation inside the domain, namely∂_xψ0=τ\partial\_x \psi^0=\tau, while boundary layers appear in the vicinity ofthe boundary.These boundary layers, which are the main center of interest of thepresent paper, exhibit several types of peculiar behaviour. First, thesize of the boundary layer on the western and eastern boundary, whichhad already been computed by several authors, becomes formally verylarge as one approaches northern and southern portions of the boudary,i.e. pieces of the boundary on which the normal is vertical. Thisphenomenon is known as geostrophic degeneracy. In order to avoid suchsingular behaviour, previous studies imposed restrictive assumptionson the domain Ω\Omega and on the forcing term τ\tau. Here, we provethat a superposition of two boundary layers occurs in the vicinity ofsuch points: the classical western or eastern boundary layers, andsome northern or southern boundary layers, whose mathematicalderivation is completely new. The size of northern/southern boundarylayers is much larger than the one of western boundary layers(E1/4\mathfrak{E}^{1/4} vs. E1/3\mathfrak{E}^{1/3}). We explain in detail how the superpositiontakes place, depending on the geometry of the boundary.Moreover, when the domain Ω\Omega is not connex in the xx direction,ψ0\psi^0 is not continuous in Ω\Omega, and singular layers appear inorder to correct its discontinuities. These singular layers areconcentrated in the vicinity of horizontal lines, and thereforepenetrate the interior of the domain Ω\Omega. Hence we exhibit some kindof boundary layer separation. However, we emphasize that we remainable to prove a convergence theorem, so that the singular layerssomehow remain stable, in spite of the separation.Eventually, the effect of boundary layers is non-local in severalaspects. On the first hand, for algebraic reasons, the boundary layerequation is radically different on the west and east parts of theboundary. As a consequence, the Sverdrup equation is endowed with aDirichlet condition on the East boundary, and no condition on the Westboundary. Therefore western and eastern boundary layers have in factan influence on the whole domain Ω\Omega, and not only near theboundary. On the second hand, the northern and southern boundary layerprofiles obey a propagation equation, where the space variable xxplays the role of time, and are therefore not local.Comment: http://www.ams.org/books/memo/1206/memo1206.pd

    Weak convergence results for inhomogeneous rotating fluid equations

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    We consider the equations governing incompressible, viscous fluids in three space dimensions, rotating around an inhomogeneous vector B(x): this is a generalization of the usual rotating fluid model (where B is constant). We prove the weak convergence of Leray--type solutions towards a vector field which satisfies the usual 2D Navier--Stokes equation in the regions of space where B is constant, with Dirichlet boundary conditions, and a heat--type equation elsewhere. The method of proof uses weak compactness arguments

    Mathematical study of the betaplane model: Equatorial waves and convergence results

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    We are interested in a model of rotating fluids, describing the motion of the ocean in the equatorial zone. This model is known as the Saint-Venant, or shallow-water type system, to which a rotation term is added whose amplitude is linear with respect to the latitude; in particular it vanishes at the equator. After a physical introduction to the model, we describe the various waves involved and study in detail the resonances associated with those waves. We then exhibit the formal limit system (as the rotation becomes large), obtained as usual by filtering out the waves, and prove its wellposedness. Finally we prove three types of convergence results: a weak convergence result towards a linear, geostrophic equation, a strong convergence result of the filtered solutions towards the unique strong solution to the limit system, and finally a "hybrid" strong convergence result of the filtered solutions towards a weak solution to the limit system. In particular we obtain that there are no confined equatorial waves in the mean motion as the rotation becomes large.Comment: Revised version after referee's comments. Accepted for publication in M\'{e}moires de la Soci\'{e}t\'{e} Math\'{e}matique de Franc

    On the propagation of oceanic waves driven by a strong macroscopic flow

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    In this work we study oceanic waves in a shallow water flow subject to strong wind forcing and rotation, and linearized around a inhomogeneous (non zonal) stationary profile. This extends the study \cite{CGPS}, where the profile was assumed to be zonal only and where explicit calculations were made possible due to the 1D setting. Here the diagonalization of the system, which allows to identify Rossby and Poincar\'e waves, is proved by an abstract semi-classical approach. The dispersion of Poincar\'e waves is also obtained by a more abstract and more robust method using Mourre estimates. Only some partial results however are obtained concerning the Rossby propagation, as the two dimensional setting complicates very much the study of the dynamical system

    The Brownian motion as the limit of a deterministic system of hard-spheres

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    We provide a rigorous derivation of the brownian motion as the limit of a deterministic system of hard-spheres as the number of particles NN goes to infinity and their diameter ε\varepsilon simultaneously goes to 00, in the fast relaxation limit α=Nεd−1→∞\alpha = N\varepsilon^{d-1}\to \infty (with a suitable diffusive scaling of the observation time). As suggested by Hilbert in his sixth problem, we rely on a kinetic formulation as an intermediate level of description between the microscopic and the fluid descriptions: we use indeed the linear Boltzmann equation to describe one tagged particle in a gas close to global equilibrium. Our proof is based on the fundamental ideas of Lanford. The main novelty here is the detailed study of the branching process, leading to explicit estimates on pathological collision trees
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