176 research outputs found

    Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State: A Pragmatic Approach to Properly Manage Sodium Derangements

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    Although hypovolemia remains the most relevant problem during acute decompensated diabetes in its clinical manifestations (diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA, and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state, HHS), the electrolyte derangements caused by the global hydroelectrolytic imbalance usually complicate the clinical picture at presentation and may be worsened by the treatment itself

    Modelling hospital bed necessity for COVID-19 patients during the decline phase of the epidemic trajectory

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    BACKGROUND: In the present study we aimed to create a model able to predict the short-term need of hospital beds for COVID-19 patients, during SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. METHODS: We retrospectively revised data about all COVID-19 patients hospitalized at a University Hospital in Northern Italy, between March 1 and April 29, 2020. Several polynomial models (from first to fourth order) were fitted to estimate the relationship between the time and the number of occupied hospital beds during the entire period and after the local peak of the outbreak and to provide the prediction of short-term hospital beds demand. Model selection was based on the adjusted R2 (aR2) Index and likelihood ratio test (LRT). RESULTS: We included 836 hospitalizations (800 COVID-19 patients). The median length of hospital in-stay was 12 days. According to the aR2, the fourth order models best fitted the data considering the entire time period. When only the data after the peak was selected, no statistical improvement was found adding terms of order 3 and 4 and lower order polynomial models were considered for the forecasting of the hospital beds demand. Both approaches had a decreasing trend in the number of occupied beds along with time; however, the quadratic one showed a faster reduction in the predicted number of beds required by patients affected by COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: We propose a model to predict the hospital bed requirement during the descending phase of COVID-19 outbreak, the validation of which might contribute to decision makers policy in the next weeks of pandemic

    Gas6/TAM system: A key modulator of the interplay between inflammation and fibrosis

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    Fibrosis is the result of an overly abundant deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) due to the fact of repetitive tissue injuries and/or dysregulation of the repair process. Fibrogenesis is a pathogenetic phenomenon which is involved in different chronic human diseases, accounting for a high burden of morbidity and mortality. Despite being triggered by different causative factors, fibrogenesis follows common pathways, the knowledge of which is, however, still unsatisfactory. This represents a significant limit for the development of effective antifibrotic drugs. In the present paper, we aimed to review the current evidence regarding the potential role played in fibrogenesis by growth arrest-specific 6 (Gas6) and its receptors Tyro3 protein tyrosine kinase (Tyro3), Axl receptor tyrosine kinase (Axl), and Mer tyrosine kinase protooncogene (MerTK) (TAM). Moreover, we aimed to review data about the pathogenetic role of this system in the development of different human diseases characterized by fibrosis. Finally, we aimed to explore the potential implications of these findings in diagnosis and treatment

    "war to the knife" against thromboinflammation to protect endothelial function of COVID-19 patients

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    In this viewpoint, we summarize the relevance of thromboinflammation in COVID-19 and discuss potential mechanisms of endothelial injury as a key point for the development of lung and distant organ dysfunction, with a focus on direct viral infection and cytokine-mediated injury. Entanglement between inflammation and coagulation and resistance to heparin provide a rationale to consider other therapeutic approaches in order to preserve endothelial function and limit microthrombosis, especially in severe forms. These strategies include nebulized heparin, N-acetylcysteine, plasma exchange and/or fresh frozen plasma, plasma derivatives to increase the level of endogenous anticoagulants (tissue factor pathway inhibitor, activated protein C, thrombomodulin, antithrombin), dipyridamole, complement blockers, different types of stem cells, and extracellular vesicles. An integrated therapy including these drugs has the potential to improve outcomes in COVID-19

    Inflammatory and Immune Responses during SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Pregnant Women and Their Newborns

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    Background. Pregnant women are more susceptible to severe disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. We performed a prospective study to analyze the inflammatory and immune profile after SARS-CoV-2 infection occurring in vaccinated or non-vaccinated pregnant women and their newborns. Methods. Twenty-five pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection were enrolled, and sixteen cord blood samples were obtained at delivery. Results. We observed that IL-1β, TNF-α, Eotaxin, MIB-1β, VEGF, IL-15, IL-2, IL-5, IL-9, IL-10 and IL-1ra levels were significantly higher in vaccinated than non-vaccinated mothers. Furthermore, the newborns of the vaccinated mothers produced higher levels of IL-7, IL-5 and IL-12 compared to the newborns of non-vaccinated mothers. Anti-Spike (S) IgG levels were significantly higher in all vaccinated mothers and their newborns compared to the non-vaccinated group. We found that 87.5% of vaccinated women and 66.6% of non-vaccinated women mounted an S-specific T-cell response quantified by ELISpot assay. Moreover, 75.0% of vaccinated mothers and 38.4% of non-vaccinated mothers showed S-specific CD4+ T-cell proliferative response. The T-helper subset response was restricted to CD4+ Th1 in both vaccinated and non-vaccinated women. Conclusion. A higher level of cytokines, IgG antibodies and memory T cells was noted in the vaccinated women. Furthermore, the maternal IgG antibody trans-placental transfer occurred more frequently in vaccinated mothers and may protect the newborn

    Understanding protection from SARS-CoV-2 using metabolomics

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging in most countries. Although the recent mass vaccination campaign has opened a new chapter in the battle against SARS-CoV-2, the world is still far from herd immunity. There is an urgent need to identify healthy people at high risk of contracting COVID-19, as well as supplements and nutraceuticals that can reduce the risk of infection or mitigate symptoms. In the present study, a metabolic phenotype that could protect individuals from SARS-CoV-2 infection or predispose them to developing COVID-19 was investigated. Untargeted metabolomics was performed on serum samples collected from 51 healthcare workers who were in good health at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, and who were later exposed to the same risk of developing COVID-19. Half of them developed COVID-19 within three weeks of the blood collection. Our results demonstrate the presence of a specific signature associated with protection from SARS-CoV-2. Circulating monolaurin, which has well-known antiviral and antibacterial properties, was higher in protected subjects, suggesting a potential defensive role against SARS-CoV-2 infection; thus, dietary supplements could boost the immune system against this infection. In addition, our data demonstrate that people with higher levels of cholesterol are at higher risk of developing COVID-19. The present study demonstrates that metabolomics can be of great help for developing personalized medicine and for supporting public healthcare strategies. Studies with larger cohorts of subjects are necessary to confirm our findings

    Mid-term Psychiatric Outcomes of Patients Recovered From COVID-19 From an Italian Cohort of Hospitalized Patients

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    Background: Although the usual primary clinical manifestation of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is respiratory, several non-respiratory symptoms have been described, including neuropsychiatric ones. The aim of this study was to investigate the mid-term mental health outcomes in patients recovered from COVID-19, 3\u20134 months after discharge from the University Hospital Maggiore della Carit\ue0, Novara, Italy. Furthermore, we investigated the possible association of the mid-term mental health consequences of the COVID-19 infection with patients' clinical current status, persistent physical impairment and severity of acute phase of the disease. Methods: Prospective study involving 238 individuals recovered from COVID-19. In the context of a multi-disciplinary approach, patients' assessment included both a clinical interview performed by an experienced psychiatrist, trained in the use of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview to assess the presence of anxiety and depressive symptoms and self-administered questionnaires: Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA), Impact of Event Scale (IES). Results: At the psychiatric assessment 32.9 and 29.5% of participants showed anxiety and depressive symptoms, respectively. Changes in appetite and sleep patterns emerged for 15.6 and 31.2% of patients. According to the self-administered questionnaires, 7.1% of participants had moderate-severe anxiety levels (BAI), while 10.5% had mild to severe depression (BDI-II). Twenty-six (11%) participants were referred to further psychiatric consultation. Psychiatric symptoms showed no correlation with acute COVID-19 severity; in our sample patients with depressive symptoms at the clinical interview, as well as those with mild to severe levels of depression according to BDI-II scores, had lower forced expiratory volume in the 1st second (FEV1) values than those without and greater odds for persistent, poor tolerance for physical efforts. Conclusions: As could be expected, an approach including both a psychiatric interview and the use of self-administered questionnaires is likely to capture the psychiatric outcome of patients recovered from COVID-19 better than questionnaires alone. Anxiety and depressive symptoms at follow-up had no correlation with the severity of COVID acute manifestations, but rather with ongoing and persistent physical symptoms. Further studies and longer follow-up duration will allow a better understanding of the complex relationship between residual physical symptoms, quality of life and psychological health
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