24 research outputs found

    Nursing Students Perceptions about Traditional and Innovative Teaching Strategies– A Pilot Study

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    Background: Nursing education is undergoing tremendous changes with the changing needs of the rapidly changing society. A sound education system is the prerequisite for the development of any nation. Aim and Objectives: One way to enhance nursing education was to evaluate the learning perceptions of various teaching strategies in nursing education programs. The study was aimed to evaluate the student learning perception about traditional and modern teaching strategies among under graduate nursing students (N=44). Material and Methods: Post test only design was used to compare the learning perception of students about traditional and innovative teaching strategies (brain storming, concept mapping & problem based learning). One group was exposed to traditional teaching strategy and the other group was exposed to innovative teaching strategy about mental health assessment and therapeutic communication. Results: Findings indicated a statistically significant increase (p<0.006) in the learning perception among students exposed to innovative teaching strategies than those exposed to the lecture method at the end of 4 weeks. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that students perceive innovative teaching strategies in a better way compared to the traditional teaching method as it enhances their motivation for learning, learner control, and self - directed learning abilities. However further evaluation with larger sample size is needed before it can replace traditional teaching methods in nursing education

    Under graduate nursing students′ knowledge and attitude toward people living with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

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    Background: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) has become one of the significant public health problems in the world. Research regarding HIV/AIDS among nursing professionals is limited from India. Aim: The aim was to assess nursing student′s knowledge and attitude toward people living with HIV/AIDS. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted among conveniently selected under graduate nursing students (n = 172) using self-reported questionnaires. Results: The overall mean knowledge (38.05 ± 4.91) and attitude score (51.26 ± 6.2) indicate that majority of the students have good knowledge (77.6%) and moderately favorable attitudes (67.4%) toward HIV/AIDS patients. However, statistically significant differences were observed between age (P < 0.001, P < 0.019) education (P < 0.34, P < 0.01) and experience in taking care of HIV/AIDS patients (P < 0.01, P< 0.01) with knowledge and attitude. Conclusion: Though, a majority of nursing students had adequate knowledge, few students hold discriminatory attitudes toward people with HIV/AIDS. These findings indicate that there is an urgent need to improve the level of knowledge and attitudes among nursing students toward HIV/AIDS as they have a key role in prevention, care and treatment in their future career as nurses

    Nursing students' perceptions regarding well-being and healthy use of digital technology: A qualitative thematic analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The health and well-being of nursing students are of the utmost importance. Well-being is affected by many factors, ranging from day-to-day hassles to severe stressors in students' college lives. In addition to many other challenges, one new component is added with the advancement of technology, that is, the use of digital technology. The objectives of the study were to explore the perceptions of nursing students regarding well-being, its associated factors, digital technology usage and association between well-being and digital technology use. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A qualitative descriptive design using focus group discussion (FGD) was adopted in this study. A purposive sampling technique was followed for selecting the participants. Five nursing colleges in the city of Bengaluru from Karnataka state (Central Government-1, State Government–2, and Private-2) were selected based on their willingness to allow their students to be a part of the study. Around 12–15 students from each college who might provide potentially rich data were invited to participate in the study. Six FGDs were conducted during June–August 2018 with a total of 80 participants. All the participants were informed about the study. Written informed consent was obtained. All FGDs were audio recorded, and audiotapes were transcribed. Thematic analysis was done using Atlas.ti software. RESULTS: The emerging themes were clustered under the following broad categories: understanding the concept of well-being and associated factors; understanding digital technology; ways to healthy use of digital technology; strategies to maintain well-being; and a felt need for professional help. CONCLUSION: This study provides an insight into the experiences of well-being, stress, and use of digital technology among undergraduate nursing students. The findings have led to elicit the components required to develop an intervention program that may help the undergraduate nursing students to enhance well-being as well as promote healthy use of digital technology

    Attitudes toward consumer involvement in mental health services: a cross-sectional survey of Indian medical and nursing undergraduates

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    To understand the views of medical andnursing undergraduates regarding consumer involvementin mental health services. Methods. A descriptive crosssectional survey was conducted in Bangalore, SouthIndia, among medical (n=155) and nursing (n=116)undergraduates using self-reported the Mental HealthConsumer Participation Questionnaire of Happell et al.“Mental health consumer” or “consumer” is defined as aperson who is currently using mental health services aseither an in-patient or out-patient. Results. The overallmean score on Mental Health Consumer ParticipationQuestionnaire (54.1±6.7) implies that 64% of theparticipants hold positive attitudes towards consumerinvolvement in mental health services. Medical studentspossessed more positive attitudes than nursing in:consumer capacity (p<0.001), consumer as staff (p<0.001) and overall score on mental health consumerparticipation questionnaire (p<0.001). Conclusion.The findings suggest that majority of the participantshold positive attitudes towards mental health consumerinvolvement in health care services. However, additionalresearch is urgently required from developing countries tounderstand the effectiveness of involving mental healthconsumers in academic programs at undergraduate level.Objetivo. Descrever as atitudes dos estudantes de medicina e de enfermagem com respeito a sua participação como consumidores dos serviços de saúde mental. Métodos. Se realizou um estudo descritivo de corte transversal em Bangalore, sul da Índia, em estudantes de medicina (n=116) e de enfermagem (n=155) utilizando o Mental Health Consumer Participation Questionnaire de Happell et al. contestado por auto-reporte. Se definiu “consumidor de saúde mental” ou “consumidor” como aquela pessoa que estava utilizando os serviços de saúde mental mas não era paciente hospitalizado nem de consulta externa. Resultados. A pontuação média global na saúde mental questionário de participação dos consumidores (54.1±6.7) implica que 64% dos participantes têm atitudes positivas à participação como consumidores dos serviços de saúde mental. Os estudantes de medicina possuíam uma atitude mais positiva que os de enfermagem em: a capacidade de consumo (p<0.001), consumidor como parte do staff (p<0.001) e a pontuação global do questionário (p<0.001). Conclusão. As descobertas sugerem que a maioria dos participantes têm uma atitude positiva a sua participação como consumidores nos serviços de saúde. Embora, se requere com urgência uma investigação adicional para compreender a efetividade da participação dos consumidores de programas acadêmicos a nível de graduaçãoObjetivo. Describir las actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina y de enfermería con respecto a su participación como consumidores de los servicios de salud mental. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en Bangalore, sur de la India, en estudiantes de medicina (n=116) y de enfermería (n=155) utilizando el Mental Health Consumer Participation Questionnaire de Happell et al. contestado por autorreporte. Se definió “consumidor de salud mental” o “consumidor” como aquella persona que estaba utilizando los servicios de salud mental pero no era paciente hospitalizado ni de consulta externa. Resultados. La puntuación media global en la salud mental, cuestionario de participación de los consumidores (54.1±6.7), implica que el 64% de los participantes tiene actitudes positivas hacia la participación como consumidores de los servicios de salud mental. Los estudiantes de medicina poseían una actitud más positiva que los de enfermería en: la capacidad de consumo (p<0.001), consumidor como parte del staff (p<0.001) y la puntuación global del cuestionario (p<0.001). Conclusión. Los hallazgos sugieren que la mayoría de los participantes tienen una actitud positiva hacia su participación como consumidores en los servicios de salud. Sin embargo, se requiere con urgencia una investigación adicional para comprender la efectividad de la participación de los consumidores de programas académicos a nivel de pregrado

    Social media use and health promoting lifestyle: an exploration among Indian nursing students

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    Objective. To evaluate the use of social media and the health promoting lifestyle profile of indian nursing students. Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 125 students (89 undergraduate and 36 graduate) from various Nursing universities in India, who provided information on their sociodemographic data, the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) and the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP-II). Results. Regarding the BSMAS, the participants had an average of 12.8 (maximum possible = 30); 42% reported they frequently delayed their sleep due to using social media; 9% had excessive use of social media; by gender, men had higher total score than women. With respect to the health promoting lifestyle profile, the total average was 126.9 (maximum possible = 208); no difference was observed by gender in the total score and men scored better in the domain of physical activity; students living with their families had higher scores in the domain of health responsibility than those living alone; and graduate students had better scores than undergraduate students in the scale total and in the domains of health responsibility, spiritual relations, and interpersonal relations. Conclusion. There is excessive use of social media, especially among male students. This study also revealed lower scores than those desired in the domains of Health Promoting Lifestyle, especially for physical activity, health responsibility, stress management, and nutrition. Thereby, the findings may be used to improve health literacy on social media, as well as promote a positive lifestyle among nursing students.Objetivo. Avaliar o uso de redes sociais e promotores de saúde no estilo de vida de estudantes de enfermagem hindus. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com a participação de 125 estudantes (89 de graduação e 36 de pós-graduação) de várias universidades de enfermagem da Índia, que forneceram informações sobre dados sociodemográficos, a Escala de Adição de redes sociais Bergen (BSMAS) e o Perfil dos promotores de saúde no estilo de vida (HPLP-II). Resultados. Em relação à Escala de Dependência em Redes Sociais - BSMAS - os participantes tiveram uma média de 12.8 (máximo possível = 30); 42% relataram que frequentemente tiveram atraso no sono devido ao uso de redes sociais; 9% fazem uso excessivo de redes sociais; por sexo, os homens tiveram uma pontuação total mais alta que as mulheres. Indo para o Perfil de Estilo de Vida dos Promotores de Saúde - HPLP-II -, a média total foi de 126.9 (Máximo possível = 208); nenhuma diferença foi observada por sexo na pontuação total e os homens tiveram melhor pontuação no domínio da atividade física; os estudantes que residem com suas famílias obtêm pontuação mais alta no domínio da responsabilidade em saúde do que os que moram sozinhos; e os estudantes de pós-graduação obtêm uma pontuação melhor do que os graduados na escala geral e nos domínios de responsabilidade com a saúde, relacionamentos espirituais e relacionamentos interpessoais. Conclusão.Há um uso excessivo de redes sociais, especialmente entre estudantes do sexo masculino. Este estudo também revelou pontuações mais baixas do que o desejado nos domínios do estilo de vida que promovem a saúde, especialmente em atividade física, responsabilidade em saúde, controle do estresse e nutrição. Portanto, os resultados podem ser usados para melhorar a alfabetização em saúde nas redes sociais, bem como para promover um estilo de vida positivo entre os estudantes de enfermagemObjetivo. Evaluar el uso de las redes sociales y el estilo de vida promotores de salud los estudiantes de enfermería hindúes. Métodos.Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal con la participación de 125 estudiantes (89 de pregrado y 36 de posgrado) de varias universidades de enfermería en India brindaron información sobre datos sociodemográficos, la Escala de adicción a las redes sociales de Bergen (BSMAS) y el Perfil de estilos de vida promotores de salud (HPLP-II). Resultados. Con respecto al BSMAS los participantes tuvieron un promedio de 12.8 (máximo posible = 30); un 42% reportó que con frecuencia tenía retraso en el sueño debido al uso de las redes sociales; un 9% tiene uso excesivo de las redes sociales; por sexo, los hombres tuvieron mayor puntaje total que las mujeres. Pasando al Perfil de estilos de vida promotores de salud -HPLP-II- el promedio total fue de 126.9 (Máximo posible = 208); no se observó diferencia por sexo en el puntaje total y los hombres tuvieron mejor puntaje en el dominio de actividad física; los estudiantes que residen con su familia tienen mayor puntaje en el dominio de responsabilidad en salud que los que viven solos; y los estudiantes de posgrado tienen mejores puntajes que los de pregrado en el total de la escala y en los dominios de responsabilidad de salud, las relaciones espirituales y las relaciones interpersonales. Conclusión. Hay un uso excesivo de las redes sociales, especialmente entre los estudiantes varones. Este estudio también reveló puntuaciones más bajas de las deseadas en los dominios de estilos de vida promotores de la salud, especialmente para la actividad física, la responsabilidad de la salud, el manejo del estrés y la nutrición. Por lo tanto, los hallazgos se pueden utilizar para mejorar la alfabetización en salud en las redes sociales, así como para promover un estilo de vida positivo entre los estudiantes de enfermería

    Effectiveness of Pranayama on Depression in Elderly

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    The knowledge of Pranayama in elderly is very important in day to day life. In case of mental health problem like depression, the availability of the source of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) like Pranayama helps to decrease depression. The aim of the review is to discuss the articles pertaining to pranayama on depression in elderly including both quantitative and qualitative studies published and unpublished and to review the related studies and other articles regarding effectiveness of pranayama on depression in elderly. The review was based on the studies conducted globally. Systematic searches were conducted on a range of databases, citations were sought from relevant reviews and several websites were also included in the search, including those of MIND and the Mental Health Foundation. MEDline, EMBASE, and PsycINFO were searched for studies published from 2000 January to December 2013. Five independent reviewers assessed the eligibility of each report based on predefined inclusion criteria (study design and measure of depression). Individual effect sizes were standardized. Results of 87 abstracts reviewed, 7 results were not Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), 36 Studies were excluded due to their intervention and other problems, 25 Studies were excluded due to their outcomes, 2 dissertations was excluded, 17 Full Text articles were assessed for eligibility, Exclusion of study reports through full text screening n=8 duplicated: editorial review article: 3 Did not meet inclusion criteria: 4 Incomplete information: 9 studies met inclusion criteria and were included for final review. Heterogeneity between studies was not explained by age or sex, but could be partly explained by the types of depression and assessments. Collaborative care interventions are more effective for depression in older people than usual care and are also of high value. Pranayama are effective component with depression

    Attitudes toward consumer involvement in mental health services: a cross-sectional survey of Indian medical and nursing undergraduates

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    Objective.To understand the views of medical and nursing undergraduates regarding consumer involvement in mental health services. Methods. A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted in Bangalore, South India, among medical (n=155) and nursing (n=116) undergraduates using self-reported the Mental Health Consumer Participation Questionnaire of Happell et al. ''Mental health consumer'' or ''consumer'' is defined as a person who is currently using mental health services as either an in-patient or out-patient. Results. The overall mean score on Mental Health Consumer Participation Questionnaire (54.1±6.7) implies that 64% of the participants hold positive attitudes towards consumer involvement in mental health services. Medical students possessed more positive attitudes than nursing in: consumer capacity (p<0.001), consumer as staff (p< 0.001) and overall score on mental health consumer participation questionnaire (t=6.892, p<0.001). Conclusion. The findings suggest that majority of the participants hold positive attitudes towards mental health consumer involvement in health care services. However, additional research is urgently required from developing countries to understand the effectiveness of involving mental health consumers in academic programs at undergraduate level

    Perceived stress and resilience and their relation with the use of the mobile phone among Nursing students

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    Objective. The study sought to explore the relationship between levels of stress and resilience with the use of the mobile phone in nursing students. Methods. Cross-sectional study conducted with 102 nursing students from several Nursing schools in India who were invited to participate in the research. The data were gathered by using the following instruments: Perceived Stress Scale(PSS) by Cohen, The Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC), and Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire (MPIQ) by Walsh. Results. Most of the participants were women (94.1%), studying in the undergraduate (70.6%), with a mean age of 25.2 years. In all, 77.5% of the students had stress perception between moderate and high, 20.6% had high resilience capacity, and 25.5% were frequent mobile phone users. Perceived stress was correlated significantly and negatively with age and resilience capacity. Graduate students had greater capacity to recover than undergraduate students. Conclusion.This study indicates the negative relation of resilience capacity with stress and the use of mobile phones among nursing students. Hence, it is necessary for institutions preparing nurses to develop intervention strategies to enhance the resilience capacity, improve skills to manage stress, and healthy use of the mobile phoneObjetivo. Explorar a relação entre os níveis de estresse e resiliência com o uso do telefone móbil em estudantes de enfermagem. Métodos. Estudo de corte transversal realizado com 102 estudantes de enfermagem de várias escolas de enfermagem na Índia que foram convidados a participar na investigação. Os dados se recopilaram utilizando os seguintes instrumentos: Percibed Stress Scale (PSS) de Cohen, The Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC) e Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire (MPIQ) de Walsh. Resultados A maioria dos participantes eram mulheres (94.1%), estudavam graduação (70.6%)e tinham uma média de idade de 25.2 anos. 77.5% dos estudantes tinham uma percepção de estresse entre moderada e alta, 20.6% tinha alta capacidade de resiliência e 25.5% eram usuários frequentes de telefones móbeis. O estresse percebido se correlacionou significativamente e de maneira negativa com a idade e a capacidade de resiliência. Os estudantes de pós-graduação tiveram maior capacidade de recuperação que os estudantes de graduação. Conclusão. O presente estudo indica a relação negativa da capacidade de resiliência com o estresse e o uso de telefones móbeis entre os estudantes de enfermagem. Por tanto, é necessário que as instituições formadoras de enfermeiros desenvolvem estratégias de intervenção para fortalecer a capacidade de resiliência, melhorando as habilidades para manejar o estresse e o uso saudável do telefone móbil.Objetivo. Explorar la Objetivo. Explorar la relación entre los niveles de estrés y resiliencia con el uso del teléfono móvil en estudiantes hindúes de enfermería. Métodos. Estudio de corte transversal realizado con 102 estudiantes de enfermería de varias escuelas de enfermería en la India a quienes se invitó a participar en la investigación. Los datos se recopilaron con la ayuda de los siguientes instrumentos: Percibed Stress Scale (PSS) de Cohen, The Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC) y Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire (MPIQ) de Walsh. Resultados La mayoría de los participantes fueron mujeres (94.1%), estudiaban pregrado (70.6%) y tenían un promedio de edad de 25.2 años. El 77.5% de los estudiantes tenía una percepción de estrés entre moderada y alta; el 20.6% tenía alta capacidad de resiliencia y el 25.5% eran usuarios frecuentes de teléfonos móviles. El estrés percibido se correlacionó significativamente y de manera negativa con la edad y la capacidad de resiliencia. Los estudiantes de posgrado tuvieron mayor capacidad de recuperación que los estudiantes de pregrado. Conclusión. El presente estudio indica la relación negativa de la capacidad de resiliencia con el estrés y el uso de teléfonos móviles entre los estudiantes hindúes de enfermería. Por lo tanto, es necesario que las instituciones formadoras de enfermeros desarrollen estrategias de intervención para fortalecer la capacidad de resiliencia, mejorando las habilidades para manejar el estrés y el uso saludable del teléfono móvi

    Knowledge and attitudes of undergraduate nursing students toward dementia: an Indian perspective

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    This work evaluated nursing students’ knowledgeand attitudes toward individuals with Alzheimer’s disease anddementia. Methodology. This was a transversal, descriptive studycarried out with a randomly selected group of nursing students(N = 122) from Bangalore, India, in 2013. The study usedthe Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge scale (30 questions withtrue-false options) and the Attitude toward Alzheimer’s Diseaseand Related Dementias scale (20 questions scored with sevenLikert-type options; the higher the score, the better the attitude).Results. The findings revealed that 56% of the questions wereanswered correctly and the average attitude score was 95 ± 1.5.A negative correlation was observed between age and knowledgeof dementia (r = -0.323; p < 0.01). Conclusion. The participantshave inadequate knowledge of dementia. However, they havepositive attitudes towards patients with dementia, giving way toimproving their knowledge related to this disease. Thereby, thereis urgent need to enhance the undergraduate study plan withrespect to the content of this theme and strengthen the attitudesof comprehensive care to individuals with dementia.Objetivo. Avaliar nos estudantes de enfermagem o conhecimento e as atitudes para as pessoas com doença de Alzheimer e demência. Metodologia. Estudo de descritivo de tipo transversal levado a cabo num grupo selecionado em forma aleatória de estudantes de enfermagem (N=122) de Bangalore, Índia, em 2013. Utilizaram-se as escalas: Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale (30 perguntas com opções verdadeiro/falso) e The Attitude toward Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias Scale (20 perguntas qualificadas com 7 opções tipo Likert, a maior pontuação, melhor é a atitude). Resultados. Os resultados revelaram que 56% das perguntas foram contestadas corretamente e a pontuação média de atitude foi 95±1.5 Se Observou uma correlação negativa entre a idade e o conhecimento sobre a demência (r=-0.323; p<0.01). Conclusão. Os participantes têm um inadequado conhecimento sobre a demência. No entanto, que possuem atitudes alentadoras para os pacientes com demência dando espaço a melhorar seus conhecimentos relacionados com esta doença. Portanto, há uma necessidade urgente de fortalecer o plano de estudos de graduação com respeito ao conteúdo deste tema e fortalecer as atitudes o cuidado integral às pessoas com demência.Objetivo. Evaluar en los estudiantes de enfermería el conocimiento y las actitudes hacia las personas con enfermedad de Alzheimer y demencia. Metodología. Estudio de descriptivo de tipo transversal llevado a cabo en un grupo seleccionado en forma aleatoria de estudiantes de enfermería (N=122) de Bangalore, India, en 2013. Se utilizaron las escalas: Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale (30 preguntas con opciones verdadero/falso) y The Attitude toward Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias Scale (20 preguntas calificadas con 7 opciones tipo Likert, a mayor puntaje mejor es la actitud). Resultados. Los hallazgos revelaron que el 56% de las preguntas fueron contestadas correctamente y el promedio puntaje de actitud fue 95±1.5 Se Observó una correlación negativa entre la edad y el conocimiento sobre la demencia (r=-0.323; p<0.01). Conclusion. Los participantes tienen un inadecuado conocimiento sobre la demencia. Sin embargo, que poseen actitudes alentadoras hacia los pacientes con demencia dando espacio a mejorar sus conocimientos relacionados con esta enfermedad. Por lo tanto, hay una necesidad urgente de fortalecer el plan de estudios de pregrado con respecto al contenido de este tema y fortalecer las actitudes el cuidado integral a las personas con demencia