6 research outputs found

    Effect of lithium doping on the optical properties of monolayer MoS2

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    The effect of lithium atoms' evaporation on the surface of monolayer MoS2 grown on SiO2/Si substrate is studied using ultrahigh vacuum (∼10−11 mbar) Raman and circularly polarized photoluminescence spectroscopies, at low lithium coverage (up to ∼0.17 monolayer). With increasing Li doping, the dominant E12g and A1g Raman modes of MoS2 shift in energy and broaden. Additionally, non zone-center phonon modes become Raman active. This regards, in particular, to double resonance Raman scattering processes, involving longitudinal acoustic phonon modes at the M and K points of the Brillouin zone of MoS2 and defects. It is also accompanied by a significant decrease in the overall intensity and the degree of circular polarization of the photoluminescence spectrum. The observed changes in the optical spectra are understood as a result of electron doping by lithium atoms and disorder-activated intervalley scattering of electrons and holes in the electronic band structure of monolayer MoS2

    Collective charge excitations between moir\'e-minibands in twisted WSe2 bilayers from resonant inelastic light scattering

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    We establish low-temperature resonant inelastic light scattering (RILS) spectroscopy as a tool to probe the formation of a series of moir\'e-bands in twisted WSe2 bilayers by accessing collective inter-moir\'e-band excitations (IMBE). We observe resonances in such RILS spectra at energies in agreement with inter-moir\'e band (IMB) transitions obtained from an ab-initio based continuum model. Transitions between the first and second IMB for a twist angle of about 8{\deg} are reported and between first and second, third and higher bands for a twist of about 3{\deg}. The signatures from IMBE for the latter highlight a strong departure from parabolic bands with flat minibands exhibiting very high density of states in accord with theory. These observations allow to quantify the transition energies at the K-point where the states relevant for correlation physics are hosted.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures and SI with 5 pages and 3 SI figure

    Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of alkali-metal intercalated ZrSe2

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    We report on the synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of alkali metal intercalated ZrSe2 single crystals. ZrSe2 is produced by chemical vapour transport and then Li intercalated. Intercalation is performed from the liquid phase (via butyllithium) and from the vapour phase. Raman spectroscopy of intercalated ZrSe2 reveals phonon energy shifts of the Raman active A1g and Eg phonon modes, the disappearance of two-phonon modes and new low wavenumber Raman modes. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is used to perform a mapping of the Fermi surface revealing an electron concentration of 4.7 × 1014 cm−2. We also perform vapour phase intercalation of K and Cs into ZrSe2 and observe similar changes in the Raman modes as for the Li case

    Low power all optical switching and implementation of universal logic gates using micro-bubbles in semiconductor nanocrystal solutions

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    We describe optical switching in solutions of semiconductor nanocrystals illuminated by a 404 nm continuous wave laser source, driven by the formation of a micro-bubble of solvent vapor in the solution. Low boiling solvents such as hexane show an oscillatory modulation of transmitted light intensity (period similar to 4 s) while solvents with intermediate boiling points such as toluene give a stable switching response. An on/off ratio of 83% is observed in the transmitted pump beam. Using this, a pump beam (404 nm, 80 mW continuous wave) was shown to reversibly switch the state of a probe laser (630 nm, 5 mW continuous wave). This switch thus serves as an optical analog of an electronic transistor and demonstrates the potential for all optical switching of low power light beams. Further, all optical universal logic gates, NAND and NOR, were also demonstrated using the micro-bubble switch