8 research outputs found

    Kalibrasi Persamaan Thornthwaite dan Evaporasi Panci untuk Memprediksi Evapotranspirasi Potensial pada Daerah dengan Data Cuaca Terbatas

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    Determination of irrigation channel dimensions is determined by the number of consumptive use values that are empirically determined by the potential evapotranspiration value (ETo). Due to the limited lysimeter measurement data, the ETo value is usually approached by an empirical method using weather data input. The recognized standard method for its reliability and can be used universally in determining ETo values is the FAO Penman-Monteith method. However, the use of this method is only possible if complete weather data is available. This study modified the simplest ETo calculation method, the Thornthwaite method and the evaporation pan method to obtain ETo values as accurate as FAO PM resulted. Callibrations are made by finding the correction number to get the best results shown by the high of correlation number and the efficiency index value. The results obtained are for the area with limited weather data condition, the Thornthwaite method both before and after calibration has better accuracy than the evaporation pan method. While the calibration carried out successfully increased the correlation number and efficiency index of both methods significantly. The results of the two calibrated methods, the Thornthwaite method provides better and satisfactory performance with a ratio between 0.86 and 0.89 and the efficiency index reaches 0.78

    Keseragaman dan Pancaran Irigasi Pipa Perforasi pada Berbagai Kemiringan Pipa Transmisi

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    The potential of hilly dry land needs to be developed for limited land farming to have an equal distribution of food security in various potential areas. Many existing drylands, especially in hilly and sloping areas, have not been managed optimally for agriculture due to limited support for practical irrigation techniques. Utilizing differences in existing land elevation is a potential that can be exploited by irrigation techniques that require water pressure. The perforated pipe system irrigation technique has similarities to the mini sprinkler system because it uses water pressure, and it is very possible to be applied to sloped land conditions, but the ability of the perforation system needs to be known further so that it can be used for practical irrigation. For this reason, it is necessary to test the perforated irrigation system with certain variations of the slope of the beam range and uniformity, so that later it can be used as an initial reference. The test model uses a water source from a tendon as high as 3.7 m and with a tank capacity of ± 200 liters. The diameter of the transmission pipe is ½ inch with a length of 2.55 meters, and the lateral pipe as a perforation pipe with a 3mm hole consists of 3 pipes with a pipe length of 4 meters with a diameter of 1/2 inch and the distance between the holes of the perforation pipe is 60 cm. The test was carried out on 4 variations of the slope of 10º, 20º, 30º, and 40º with 4 variations of head 1 = 2.855 m, head 2 = 2.35 m, head 3 = 1.85 m, and head 4 = 1.30 m. Based on the research results, it shows that the greater the slope of the transmission pipe, the higher the head will be. The uniformity of the perforation irrigation was getting smaller the larger the slope with a minimum value of 85% and the highest being 91%. A large perforation beam is obtained at transmission slopes of 20º and 30º, namely 2.66 m and 2.40 m

    Waste Cooperatives Development for Improving the Welfare of the Jelantik Village Community, Central Lombok Regency

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    The "Sapu sae" waste cooperative is a joint effort of community groups in Jelantik Village to collect waste, especially plastic waste, to overcome the problem of plastic waste while improving the welfare of the residents. However, this cooperative is currently no longer operating due to various reasons. Difficulty in collecting waste due to residents' refusal, lack of administrative and financial management capabilities and unclear management of the cooperative are the main reasons why this cooperative is unable to survive. This activity aims to revive village waste management activities. This service activity uses a solution approach method for cooperative problems. The activities are carried out in several stages, including the revitalization of cooperatives, simple bookkeeping and finance training for administrators, waste management training for members, providing minimal assistance for cooperatives and closing with mentoring and evaluation. This activity has been carried out and received a warm welcome from the Jelantik Village community. The waste cooperative has been revived with new legal administrators who have been given bookkeeping training. Cooperative members were also given training in making handicrafts made from waste. Service activities also provide minimal means for carrying out cooperative activities in the form of garbage collection sacks, member savings books and cooperative administration book packages. This activity has been evaluated and shows positive developments with the return of the cooperative and increasing public awareness in waste management

    Pipanisasi Air Bersih untuk Masyarakat Korban Gempa di Dusun Kerujuk Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    Dusun Kerujuk adalah salah satu wilayah di Kabupaten Lombok Utara yang terdampak parah atas kejadian bencana gempa Lombok pada Juli 2018 yang mengakibatkan rusaknya berbagai infrastruktur termasuk diantaranya infrastruktur air bersih. Perbaikan infrastruktur telah diupayakan oleh pemerintah daerah setempat, namun masih terdapat kekurangan khususnya pasokan air untuk kebutuhan Masjid Nurul Hidayah dan masyarakat di sekitar masjid. Sehingga tim bermaksud membantu menambah jaringan perpipaan menuju masjid agar kebutuhan air untuk kegiatan ibadah di masjid dan bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar masjid dapat terpenuhi secara layak. Pipanisasi dimulai dari bagian intake penyadap yang diletakkan pada mata air yang ada di bagian hulu dusun, peletakan dua tandon di sekitar masjid serta pemasangan jaringan pipa yang membawa dan mendistribusikan air ke masjid dan rumah warga di sekitar masjid. Meskipun pipanisasi yang dipasang masih semi permanen namun masyarakat dapat langsung memanfaatkannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari melalui jaringan pipa tersebut dalam menghadapi masa tanggap darurat gemp

    Model Runtut Waktu untuk Peramalan Indeks Kekeringan Daerah Lombok Utara

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    PDSI is the drought index method which has good accuracy to be applied in Lombok Island. However, this method is only able to hindcast the drought without any procedure to predict the drought index in the future. So, this model aims to recognize the characteristics of drought in North Lombok for early mitigation and anticipating drought disasters purposes in this region. The results obtained from this study are that the drought pattern in North Lombok has the SARIMA model of (0,1,2) (0,1,1)12. The drought in North Lombok mainly occurs between May-October with an increasing of drought index tends for over last 20 years