7,888 research outputs found

    Nanoscale magnetometry using a single spin system in diamond

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    We propose a protocol to estimate magnetic fields using a single nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond, where the estimate precision scales inversely with time, ~1/T$, rather than the square-root of time. The method is based on converting the task of magnetometry into phase estimation, performing quantum phase estimation on a single N-V nuclear spin using either adaptive or nonadaptive feedback control, and the recently demonstrated capability to perform single-shot readout within the N-V [P. Neumann et. al., Science 329, 542 (2010)]. We present numerical simulations to show that our method provides an estimate whose precision scales close to ~1/T (T is the total estimation time), and moreover will give an unambiguous estimate of the static magnetic field experienced by the N-V. By combining this protocol with recent proposals for scanning magnetometry using an N-V, our protocol will provide a significant decrease in signal acquisition time while providing an unambiguous spatial map of the magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    Pengaruh Jenis Cat dan Jenis Wahana terhadap Daya Lekat, Kekerasan dan Elastisitas Cat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data daya lekat, kekerasan dan elastisitas beberapa merk cat. Metoda penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, dimana cat yang dicampur tiner sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan dicampur minyak cat sebagai kelompok kontrol. Langkah eksperimen: (1) menyiapkan variabel independen 5 jenis cat yaitu Am, Av, Syn, Dan dan Al, (2) menentukan dependen variabel (daya lekat, kekerasan dan elastisitas cat), (3) menyiapkan 100 buah plat dengan ukuran sama, (4) setiap jenis cat dan wahana disediakan 10 buah plat dan setiap plat yang telah dicat dilakukan 2 cuplikan uji kekerasan, satu cuplikan uji daya lekat dan satu cuplikan uji elastisitas, (5) menyiapkan peralatan cat, (6) mencampur cat dengan wahana dengan perbandingan 1:1, (7) melakukan pengecatan sebanyak 2 lapis, (8) melakukan pengujian kekerasan cat menggunakan Shore Hardness tester, (9) melakukan pengujian daya lekat dengan perekat (Nachi tape), (10) melakukan pengujian elastisitas menggunakan bending machine, (11) menganalisis data (deskriptif) dan untuk menganalisis adanya pengaruh digunakan anova, (12) pembuatan laporan. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) daya lekat kelima jenis cat berbeda signifikan baik yang menggunakan tiner maupun minyak cat, secara umum minyak cat akan memberikan daya lekat lebih baik dari pada menggunakan tiner, (2) kekerasan kelima jenis cat berbeda signifikan baik yang menggunakan tiner maupun minyak cat, (3) elastisitas kelima jenis cat yang menggunakan pengencer tiner dan minyak cat semuanya sama (tidak berbeda)

    Status dan Peran Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (Bpd) di Desa Baran Melintang Kecamatan Pulau Merbau Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    This research was conducted in the village of Baran Melintang KecamatanPulau Merbau Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti in order to obtain information aboutthe role of the Implementation of the Village Consultative Body. Problems in thisstudy were (1) A BPD role as a partner in the Village Head support the success ofdevelopment in 2014 ago in the village of Baran Melintang Kecamatan PulauMerbau Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti? (2) What factors influence theimplementation of the BPDs role in carrying out its function as a partner in theVillage barrage of Village Baran Melintang Kecamatan Pulau Merbau KabupatenKepulauan Meranti. The title of this research is "Status and Role of the VillageConsultative Body (BPD) in the village of Baran Melintang Kecamatan PulauMerbau Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti". This research is a quantitativedescriptive described hereinafter in accordance with the actual situation. Thecollection of data through observation and direct interview to the respondent.Because the number of people in the village of Baran Melintang Across all thenumerous techniques used sampling using purposive sampling technique is atechnique determination of sample with a certain consideration. The number ofsamples in this study as many as 47 people. The data collected from the researchresults, processed using frequency tables with percentages. The results showedthat the role of the Village Consultative Body in the village of Baran Melintangdid not act well, this is evidenced by its lower respondents assessment of eachimplementation role Transverse BPD Baran Melintang and his lack of attentionfrom the local government of the factors that hinder the implementation of therole of BPD.Keywords: Status Role (BPD

    Robust control of entanglement in a Nitrogen-vacancy centre coupled to a Carbon-13 nuclear spin in diamond

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    We address a problem of generating a robust entangling gate between electronic and nuclear spins in the system of a single nitrogen-vacany centre coupled to a nearest Carbon-13 atom in diamond against certain types of systematic errors such as pulse-length and off-resonance errors. We analyse the robustness of various control schemes: sequential pulses, composite pulses and numerically-optimised pulses. We find that numerically-optimised pulses, produced by the gradient ascent pulse engineering algorithm (GRAPE), are more robust than the composite pulses and the sequential pulses. The optimised pulses can also be implemented in a faster time than the composite pulses.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Perancangan Jaringan Transmisi Gelombang Mikro Pada Link Site Mranggen 2 Dengan Site Pucang Gading

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    Perencanaan link budget merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari pemasangan jaringan transmisi microwave ini. Analisa yang dilakukan secara menyeluruh dari tahap awal penentuan lokasi, yaitu site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan terhadap path profil untuk lintasan transmisi untuk menghubungkan site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading diperoleh daerah fresnel dalam keadaan bersih dari halangan. Sehingga untuk perencanaan jaringan dapat dilaksanakan dengan optimal. Desain link budget akan dilaksanakan dalam microwave radio link point-to-point dari site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading hasil dengan jarak 2.76 km, Menggunakan microwave RTN950 Frekuensi 23 GHz dengan antenna A23S06HAC berdiameter 0,6 meter, dengan pemancar daya 20 dBm dan menerima tingkat sinyal -31,65 dBm, Transmisi masih dapat bekerja dalam range KPI pada saat Power Transmit diturunkan ke 10 dBm up link Fade margin diperoleh 41,481 dB. saat down link diperoleh nilai Fade margin 41,870 dB

    Modeling and Simulation of Traffic Flows on Inclined Road During Evacuation Process of the Volcano Disaster with Finite Difference Method

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    The research in this thesis was done to examine the model of traffic flow of volcanic disaster evacuation path for uphill and downhill roads. The assessment was focused on the area of disaster evacuation path from the Pante Raya Bener Meriah intersection to Takengon. This model is assessed for two different types of time when which a disaster occurs; the disaster occurred at night and the disaster occurred during the day, especially during peak hours (working hours). The model was developed with attention to the exixtence of inflow and outflow along the evacuation route. Furthermore, the model obtained is solved numerically by using finite difference method. The chosen approach of this method is upwind scheme with time and space steps using forward difference and backward difference. The solution of this model in the form of simulated vehicle density along evacuation pathways. The research conducted is in the form of a model of traffic flow on evacuation paths and restricted to the inflow and outflow without alternative path as well as the conditions of the road which are uphill and downhill, showed a high density of vehicles either at night or during the day. Uphill road conditions resulted in decreased vehicle speed and vehicle density will increase, while downhill road conditions resulted in increased vehicle speed and vehicle density will decrease, meaning that the road conditions which are uphill and downhill will greatly affect the process of evacuation. Degree vehicles of evacuation efficiency occuring at night without an alternative pathway produces a high efficiency so that it can be interpreted that the evacuation process in the evening was successful and runs better than the evacuation process during the day, and this is caused by the existence of vehicles on the road evacuation process started thus affecting the efficiency levels
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