29 research outputs found


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    Lateral crushing of hexagonal ring under quasi-static loading were analysed using ABAQUS/Standard Finite Element (FE) Method package. The modes of deformation and loaddisplacement characteristics were predicted and the same were compared with experimental results. The material modelling of elastic-perfectly plastic and nominal stress-plastic strain were compared. The experimental results found that the quarter model using CPE6H with elastic-perfectly plastic material is good enough to obtain a satisfactory result

    The Characteristics Of Load Versus Displacement Of Paper Honeycomb : An Experimental Investigation

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    The influence of paper honeycomb core on the energy absorption capability was studied. Simple mechanism for compression test was constructed. Maximum stress and deformation of each specimen were compared with the results from analyses of static compression stress-strain curves. The specimen under axial loading showed three zones. Zone 1 is the initial elastic state and the followed by the plateau region in zone 2. Zone 3 shows a monotonically stiffening region, associated with densification of the material. The locking strain is defined by intersection of two lines and the locking strain in experimental is 9 mm. Therefore, the value of locking strain each paper honeycomb stress-strain curves are used to define area under the curve to obtain energy absorption and mean load. The theoretical mean load used in metal honeycomb is adapted and compared with experimental results


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    Recently, researchers and industries have shown an increased interest in, natural fibres due to their advantages compared to synthetic fibres as it is environment friendly and low cost engineering materials. Low velocity impact response of fibre metal laminate (FML) based on short oil palm empty fruit bunch fibres according to weight percentage of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50% and 60% has been investigated. The specimens were prepared and tested using impact pendulum tester according to ASTM E-23 standard. The impact resistances of the various laminates were benchmarked with monolithic aluminium. Flat wise impact energy is almost equivalent with monolithic aluminium. This work shows that this type of FML can be used as a substitute to aluminium panels

    A Study on the Mechanical and Forming Performance of Oil Palm Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composite

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    Composite materials have steadily gained recognition worldwide for its uses in various sectors such as aerospace, infrastructures and automotive industries. Natural fibers are gaining recognition as a substitute to synthetic fibers due to its recyclability and abundance. Palm fiber reinforced polypropylene composite panels have potential to be stamp formed in order to build complex geometries. In stamp forming the most sensitive feature is elastic recovery during unloading. This phenomenon will affect the net dimension of the final product. Objective: To identify the effects of forming rate, tool radius, temperature and ratio of fiber to polypropylene on the spring-back of palm fiber composite. To deduce an empirical model in predicting spring-back. To investigate the effect of fiber composition on its tensile strength. Results: Statistical analysis conducted shows all the studied parameters gives significant effect towards spring-back. The higher the temperature, feed rate and fiber composition (up to 30wt %) the smaller the spring-back and it is vice versa for tool radius. An empirical model was formulated to predict the spring-back angle. 30wt% of fiber composition was found to give the highest tensile strength. Conclusion: The suggested temperature, fiber composition, tool radius and feed rate to get the smallest spring-back angle in the current study are 150 °C, 30wt%, 2mm and 500mm/min. While the fiber composition of 30wt% shows the highest tensile strength

    Effects of Process Parameters during Forming of Glass Reinforced-pp based Sandwich Structure.

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    The concern about the environmental impact of emissions from automobiles has been a strong move to use lightweight materials for automotive applications. Glass reinforced polypropylene sandwich structure with aluminum skin is 30% lighter than monolithic aluminum. Objective: To study the effects of process parameters during forming of sandwich structure. Results: Strain experienced by the sandwich structure is affected by binder force, stiffness of the composite and glue state. Conclusion: Glass reinforced-PP sandwich structure can be stamp formed and has potential to replace monolithic aluminium

    Top spray fluidized bed granulated paddy urea fertilizer

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    Top spray granulation process is a common technique used widely in pharmaceutical, food and special chemical modification for fertilizer manufacturing. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of studies regarding to the description of controlled parameters with dynamic correlation in targeting to produce urea granules. Thus, this research was carried out to introduce the crucial applied process parameters using top spray technique for paddy urea fertilizer production. The acquisition process parameter readings were verified by obtained yield of urea granules (UG) which featured as an optimum particle diameter size from 2 mm to 6 mm with reasonable hardness (crush strength) in range 2.0 kg/granule to 4.0 kg/granule, these criteria were required as a slow - release mechanism during soil adsorption interaction in paddy field to reduce amount of fertilizer consumption. Three significant parameters have been selected namely as air inlet temperature, the viscosity of binder solution and rate of top spraying from starch liquid binder to generate greater UG size from wet granulation interaction with smooth coalescence and consolidation growth . The data classification was screened by One-Factor-at-a-Time (OFAT) 101 method and supported by 2 levels and 3 factors (23 ) of full factorial design for clear description to vindicate the critical parameter required during urea granulation using fluidized bed granulator corresponds to low energy consumption and economical process. The obtained parameter readings and findings of UG features were useful to be applied further for detail investigation on next stage regarding to agglomeration profile and mechanism using CCD camera and PDA monitoring devices

    The Specific Energy Absorption Of Local Wood Subjected To Quasi-Static Loading

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    An experimental investigation was carried out to study the specific energy absorbed of Malaysia local wood. Eleven species of wood were chosen which are, Nyatoh (Palaquim Obocatum), Merbau (Intsia Bijuga), Meranti Putih (Shorea Macroptera), Kelapa Sawit (Elais Guineensis), Kempas (Koompasia Malaaensis), Jati (Tectona Grandis), Cengal (Neobalanocarpus Heimii), Meranti Merah (Shorea Collina), Balau Cina (Shorea spp.), Balau Merah (Shorea spp.), and Kapur (Dryobalanops Aromatia). The experiment was performed in quasi-statically compression method using universal testing machine to obtain the material mechanical properties. Specimens were loaded in axial, circumferential and radial compression of local woods, the highest value of energy absorption and kink-band phenomena as well as its effect on energy absorption were determined and discussed in this paper

    Simulation on Force Tracking Control of a Magnetorheological Damper under Impact Loading

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    This paper focuses on the design of the control structure which consists of inner loop controller employed for MR damper under impact loading by using computer simulation. The simulation is done by using MATLAB 7.0. The structure of the inner loop control for the proposed MR damper model uses a simple PI control to achieve the desired force. In this simulation, the MR damper model that has been validated with the experimental result is used to simulate the actual force that produced by MR damper. The performance of inner loop controller to track the actual force produced by MR damper by obtaining the several input functions which are half wave of sinusoidal, saw-tooth, square and random functions of desired force with the variation in pendulum mass of 15 kg and 20 kg are investigated. It can be seen clearly that under several input functions, the proposed polynomial model with PI controller has the good ability to track the desired damping force under impact loading


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    This research discussed on the results obtained for each sample that have been conducted to the solid fuel briquettes made of empty fruit bunch fiber and waste papers from view of mechanical performance which is compression test at lateral position test. This solid fuel prepared by manual compression technique and tested using universal testing machine. This analysis important to know the capability of solid fuel to sustained external force because of mechanical activities. Experimental work shows that, the larger amount of paper in the ratio, the higher the maximum load it can withstand before failure, therefore briquette S/N 6 gives the highest compressive strength

    Effect of Reprocessing Palm Fiber Composite on the Mechanical Properties

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    Concern for the environment, both in terms of limiting the use of finite resources and the need to manage waste disposal, has led to increasing pressure to recycle materials at the end of their useful life. This work describes the effects of reprocessing on the mechanical properties of oil palm fiber reinforced polypropylene composites (PFC). Composites, containing 30wt% fiber with 3wt% Maleate Polypropylene as a coupling agent, were reprocessed up to six times. For this composite, tensile strength (TS) and Young modulus (YM) were found to decrease by 9.6% and 4.7% after being reprocessed for six times. Flexural strength was found to decrease by 23.8% with increased number of reprocessing. The hardness numbers of the composite were found to increase by 7.43% from 72.10 to 77.89 after the sixth reprocessing. In general the degradation on the mechanical properties is considered to be small and PFC has potential to be reprocessed