68 research outputs found

    Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Kepemilikan Akta Kelahiran di Kepenghuluan Kota Paret Kecamatan Simpang Kanan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Lack of information and socialitation given in Kepenghuluan Kota Paret,leads to a lack of understanding about the infortance of having a birth certificate in daily life cause in lower public interest to register the population documents especially birth certificate. Not a few of them who use the services of pander or asked employees Kepenghuluan to take care of their birth certificate with the administrative coasts are more expensive than it should.In this research the concept of the theory used is proposed by Miftah Thoha,about how a perception can be seen from the four subprocesses,are: 1.Stimulation / Present situation 2.Registration 3.Interpretation 4.Feed Back. In his theory,Miftah Thoha suggests are several factors that imfluance a person\u27s perception.,are: 1.Psychology 2.Family 3.Culture. The location of the research was conducted in Kepenghuluan Kota Paret Region Simpang Kanan Districts Rokan Hilir. In this research, the researchersin used qualitative research methods to study descriptive data.In the data collection,researchers used interview, observation and documentation.By using keyinforman as a source of information. And to got the informan,the researchers using Snowball Sampling method.The results of this research can concluded that the Public Perception About The Birth Certificate Of Ownership In Kepenghuluan Kota Paret Region Simpang Kanan Districts Rokan Hilir is not good. Therefore expected to governments region Simpang Kanan Districts Rokan Hilir especially Kepenghuluan Kota Paret to provide insight to the entire public,about the importance of having a birth certificate for everyone, and provide services that are cheap,fast and friendly, so that people are not lazy to take care of their birth certificate

    Kualitas Pelayanan Rekomendasi Penelitian Bagi Mahasiswa Strata Satu (S-1) di Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu (Bp2t) Provinsi Riau

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    Services provided by the Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province to the applicant on the research must be in accordance with the general principles of public service so as to provide a quality service. Recommendations Research Services Licensing Service Agency Riau Province can be said of quality for Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province has been providing services in accordance with the principle of service so as to get various public service achievements. The facilities provided by the Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province adequate and have employees who have the ability to use the facilities available. Employees respond to any request for the public and can provide certainty of time in completing the application for the community. Then employees are always friendly and courteous in serving the community. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of services in the research recommendations Licensing Service Agency Riau Province and determine the factors that influence it. The results of this study indicate that the Integrated Licensing Service Agency Riau Province has a good quality service in serving the community and in accordance with the expectations and needs of the community. Starting from owned facilities are complete, the precision in serving the community, provide guarantees ketepan time in completing the work, expertise in using facilities owned, non-discriminatory, have a good response to the people who need help and serve the people in a friendly manner. Factors - factors that affect the quality of services in the research recommendations Licensing Service Agency Riau Province is infrastructure, human resources and leadership.Keywords: Quality of Service, Recommendation Research, Licensing Service Agency Riau Provinc

    Efektivitas Kinerja Ombudsman dalam Menangani Pengaduan Pelayanan (Kasus Maladministrasi di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Ombudsman has a very important role in makingthe good public service because as a supervisory institution of public service provider which is according to Constitution Number 37 of 2008.Therefore the Ombudsman should emphasize on the effectiveness in overseeing public service provider. Included in implement the programs such as implementing socialization activity like introduction of the Ombudsman institution, investigation activities, monitoring and supervision of public service providers based on the issues of maladministration report. As this study aims to determine how the effectiveness and barriers of Riau Province Representative Ombudsman of the Indonesia Republic in supervision of public service provider.This research is a descriptive study that using qualitative approach as a tool of analysis. This research is conducted in the city of Pekanbaru with key informant interviews as an object of information that aims to achieve the goal to have the information. in this study. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with key informants.Riau Province Representative Ombudsman in dealing with complaints of maladministration had not been effective,especially in the prevention and settlement report, caused its there barriers such lack of human resources, the limited budget, the lack of facilities to support the performance of the Ombudsman of Riau Province Representative. This has an impact on the number of reports of unresolved by the ombudsman as well as the persistence of maladministration undertaken by public service provider in Pekanbaru so it is very detrimental to the public and sides related. Therefore, needs additional human resources, increasing in the funding, the addition of support facilities and needssocialization evenly related to the Riau Representative Ombudsman of the Indonesia Republi

    Sosialisasi Program Kota Layak Anak di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus : Hak Sipil Anak)

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    Pekanbaru is one of the cities that have been honored as the Child-Friendly City (CFC) given by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Population and Civil Registration Agency is one of the agencies that took the role in socializing child-Friendly city program, in this case Population and Civil Registration Agency is responsible in fulfillment of children's civil right. The purpose of this research is to find out how the socialization of child-friendly city program in Pekanbaru and what factors affecting that sosialization. The information about fulfillment of a child's civil right.This research use grand theory of Harold D. Laswell (Effendy 2005:10) which is there are five indicators on it: 1.) Who (who said), 2.) Say What (what message to say), 3.) In Which Channel ( the media), 4.) The Whom ( to whom it is addressed ), 5.) With What Effect (effect/impact).The results of research in the field said socialization that Population and Civil Registration Agency did are not optimal yet because there are still many society who do not know about child-friendly city program in civil right. If the socialization optimally done optimally then it will provide a good influence to Pekanbaru society with the child-friendly city in Civil Rights
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