37 research outputs found

    Quiescence of an Outburst of a Low-Mass Young Stellar Object: LDN1415-IRS

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    LDN1415-IRS, a low-mass young stellar object (YSO) went into an outburst between 2001 and 2006, illuminating a surrounding nebula, LDN1415-Neb. LDN1415-Neb was found to have brightened by I=3.77 mag by April 2006. The optical light curve covering \sim 15.5 years, starting from October 2006 to January 2022, is presented in this study. The initial optical spectrum indicated the presence of winds in the system but the subsequent spectra have no wind indicators. The declining light curve and the absence of the P-Cygni profile in later epoch spectra indicate that the star and nebula system is retrieving back from its outburst state. Two Herbig-Haro objects (HHOs) are positioned linearly with respect to the optical brightness peak of the nebula, probably indicating the circumstellar disk being viewed edge-on. Our recent deep near-infrared (NIR) imaging using TANSPEC has revealed the presence of a nearby star-like source, south of the LDN1415-IRS, at an angular distance of \sim 5.4 arcsec.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronom

    Steady State Conduction Current of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Film Electrets

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    iPTF13bvn: The First Evidence of a Binary Progenitor for a Type Ib Supernova

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    The recent detection in archival HST images of an object at the the location of supernova (SN) iPTF13bvn may represent the first direct evidence of the progenitor of a Type Ib SN. The object's photometry was found to be compatible with a Wolf-Rayet pre-SN star mass of ~11 Msun. However, based on hydrodynamical models we show that the progenitor had a pre-SN mass of ~3.5 Msun and that it could not be larger than ~8 Msun. We propose an interacting binary system as the SN progenitor and perform evolutionary calculations that are able to self-consistently explain the light-curve shape, the absence of hydrogen, and the pre-SN photometry. We further discuss the range of allowed binary systems and predict that the remaining companion is a luminous O-type star of significantly lower flux in the optical than the pre-SN object. A future detection of such star may be possible and would provide the first robust identification of a progenitor system for a Type Ib SN.Comment: Accepted to AJ on July 26. Slight changes from original, however delayed by slow refereeing proces

    Evaluation and Quantification of Anionic Surfactant in the Gomti River at Lucknow City, India

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    In this paper, an attempt has been made to check the level of surfactants particularly in drinking water, which can lead to toxicity in human body system. In this study, a total of 10 locations were selected to enumerate the concentration of surfactants and other physicochemical parameters with metals in the flowing water of river during pre-monsoon 2019. Analyzed result showed that the concentration of surfactants was significantly high and other parameters were also high. It was also found that river at the vicinity of town areas or midstream in the Lucknow city contained high amount of an anionic surfactants due to the nonpoint sources generated by human activities, low concentration was found in upstream, and average concentration was found in downstream, showing natural degradation of surfactants. The values of other parameters were higher than the prescribed limit, which is the serious problem for human being

    Observational Properties of a Bright Type lax SN 2018cni and a Faint Type Iax SN 2020kyg

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    We present the optical photometric and spectroscopic analysis of two Type Iax supernovae (SNe), 2018cni and 2020kyg. SN 2018cni is a bright Type Iax SN (M V,peak = -17.81 ± 0.21 mag), whereas SN 2020kyg (M V,peak = -14.52 ± 0.21 mag) is a faint one. We derive 56Ni mass of 0.07 and 0.002 M ⊙ and ejecta mass of 0.48 and 0.14 M ⊙ for SNe 2018cni and 2020kyg, respectively. A combined study of the bright and faint Type Iax SNe in R/r-band reveals that the brighter objects tend to have a longer rise time. However, the correlation between the peak luminosity and decline rate shows that bright and faint Type Iax SNe exhibit distinct behavior. Comparison with standard deflagration models suggests that SN 2018cni is consistent with the deflagration of a CO white dwarf, whereas the properties of SN 2020kyg can be better explained by the deflagration of a hybrid CONe white dwarf. The spectral features of both the SNe point to the presence of similar chemical species but with different mass fractions. Our spectral modeling indicates stratification at the outer layers and mixed inner ejecta for both of the SNe

    Globular Cluster UVIT Legacy Survey (GlobULeS) – II. Evolutionary status of hot stars in M3 and M13

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    We present the first comprehensive study of the most massive globular cluster, Omega Centauri, in the far-ultraviolet (FUV), extending from the center to ∼28% of the tidal radius using the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on board AstroSat. A comparison of the FUV-optical color–magnitude diagrams with available canonical models reveals that horizontal branch (HB) stars bluer than the knee (hHBs) and the white dwarfs (WDs) are fainter in the FUV by ∼0.5 mag than model predictions. They are also fainter than their counterparts in M13, another massive cluster. We simulated HB with at least five subpopulations, including three He-rich populations with a substantial He enrichment of Y up to 0.43 dex, to reproduce the observed FUV distribution. We find the He-rich younger subpopulations to be radially more segregated than the He-normal older ones, suggesting an in situ enrichment from older generations. The ω Cen hHBs span the same Teff range as their M13 counterparts, but some have smaller radii and lower luminosities. This may suggest that a fraction of ω Cen hHBs are less massive than those of M13, similar to the result derived from earlier spectroscopic studies of outer extreme HB stars. The WDs in ω Cen and M13 have similar luminosity–radius–Teff parameters, and 0.44–0.46 M⊙ He-core WD model tracks evolving from progenitors with Y = 0.4 dex are found to fit the majority of these. This study provides constraints on the formation models of ω Cen based on the estimated range in age, [Fe/H], and Y (in particular) for the HB stars

    Post-outburst evolution of bonafide FUor V2493 Cyg: A Spectro-photometric monitoring

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    We present here the results of eight years of our near-simultaneous optical/near-infrared spectro-photometric monitoring of bonafide FUor candidate `V2493 Cyg' starting from 2013 September to 2021 June. During our optical monitoring period (between October 16, 2015 and December 30, 2019), the V2493 Cyg is slowly dimming with an average dimming rate of \sim26.6 ±\pm 5.6 mmag/yr in V band. Our optical photometric colors show a significant reddening of the source post the second outburst pointing towards a gradual expansion of the emitting region post the second outburst. The mid infra-red colors, on the contrary, exhibits a blueing trend which can be attributed to the brightening of the disc due to the outburst. Our spectroscopic monitoring shows a dramatic variation of the Hα\alpha line as it transitioned from absorption feature to the emission feature and back. Such transition can possibly be explained by the variation in the wind structure in combination with accretion. Combining our time evolution spectra of the Ca II infra-red triplet lines with the previously published spectra of V2493 Cyg, we find that the accretion region has stabilised compared to the early days of the outburst. The evolution of the O I λ\lambda7773 \AA~ line also points towards the stabilization of the circumstellar disc post the second outburst.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Ap