4 research outputs found

    A study of thyroid dysfunction in dysfunctional uterine bleeding

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    Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid disorder in dysfunctional uterine bleeding and to assess the menstrual pattern in women with thyroid disorders.Methods: The present study was conducted on 104 patients who presented with dysfunctional uterine bleeding in gynecology OPD/IPD Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SCBMCH, Cuttack, India.Results: Among the 104 women 16 (15.3%) had hypothyroidism, 3 (2.8%) had hyperthyroidism and 75 (72.1%) were euthyroid and 10(9.6%) subclinical hypothyroidisim. Menorrhagia was the most common menstrual disorder in hypothyroidism and oligomenorrhoea in hyperthyroidism. In the present study the age group of 41-50 year and multyparity (para-2) and commonest are menorrhagic 42 (40.38%). Menorrhagia in hypothyroidisim 15 (72.4%) cases and oligomenorrhoea in hyperthyroidisim 3 (10.3%).Conclusions: Thyroid dysfunction should be considered as an important aetiological factor in menstrual disturbances and thyroid assessment should be done in all patients with menstrual irregularities. Therefore, to conclude any type of menstrual abnormality should be considered as a possible presenting symptom of thyroid dysfunction and it may even indicate subclinical abnormality, evaluation of thyroid would avoid unnecessary surgeries and exposure to hormones

    Isolation and characterization of organisms in high vaginal swab culture in preterm pregnancy (28-37 week)

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    Background: The study was performed to isolate, identify and determine the antibiotic sensitivity profile of the pathogens in the genital tract of preterm pregnant women (28 week- 37 week) gestation to the prevention of preterm delivery, pPROM, chorioamnionitis, neonatal, puerperal and maternal- foetal infections.Methods: The present perspective study in S. C. B. medical college, Cuttack was conducted in department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from January 2014 to September 2015 in 100 patients with singleton pregnancy. The cases for study were selected randomly from the patients attending O and G OPD or admitted to the labour room or antenatal ward. Each of the patients was informed about the type, quality, and consequence of the study as well as their role in this particular participation. Valid consents were obtained from each patient who showed their cooperation. Under available aseptic conditions high vaginal swabs were collected with a commercially available collection and transport system for isolation of pathogens present in the genital tract of preterm pregnant women having gestational age 28 week-37 week. The samples were examined in the Department of Microbiology in S. C. B. medical college, Cuttack.Results: We have isolated the most common organism in preterm pregnancy is the E. coli amounting 34% followed by Candidial spp. 21%. Then comes Enterococci scoring 10%, then Staphylococci 8%, Gardenerella vaginalis 7%. Eventually Group B Streptococcus 5%. However, there is about more number of culture negative cases (no growth -24 %) according the department of Microbiology of this college. From the above study we got more number of aerobic vaginitis in contrast to bacterial vaginitis. The prevalence of pPROM was associated with E. coli i. e. 30%. Second are Enterococci having 20%. Candidial spp. Scores 18%. Gardenerella vaginalis takes 12%. However, organisms like Staphylococci and GBS comes last with a score of 6% and 2% respectively.Conclusions: As preterm birth is more associated with mother having genital infections. Our study awards the champion cup to the E. coli as it is associated with maximum number of preterm birth cases i.e. 30%. Candidial spp. comes with the number about 21% causing both symptomatic and asymptomatic infection. Enterococci and Staphylococci almost have same prevalence of preterm birth viz. 12%

    Isolation and characterization of organisms in high vaginal swab culture in preterm pregnancy (28-37 week)

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    Background: The study was performed to isolate, identify and determine the antibiotic sensitivity profile of the pathogens in the genital tract of preterm pregnant women (28 week- 37 week) gestation to the prevention of preterm delivery, pPROM, chorioamnionitis, neonatal, puerperal and maternal- foetal infections.Methods: The present perspective study in S. C. B. medical college, Cuttack was conducted in department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from January 2014 to September 2015 in 100 patients with singleton pregnancy. The cases for study were selected randomly from the patients attending O and G OPD or admitted to the labour room or antenatal ward. Each of the patients was informed about the type, quality, and consequence of the study as well as their role in this particular participation. Valid consents were obtained from each patient who showed their cooperation. Under available aseptic conditions high vaginal swabs were collected with a commercially available collection and transport system for isolation of pathogens present in the genital tract of preterm pregnant women having gestational age 28 week-37 week. The samples were examined in the Department of Microbiology in S. C. B. medical college, Cuttack.Results: We have isolated the most common organism in preterm pregnancy is the E. coli amounting 34% followed by Candidial spp. 21%. Then comes Enterococci scoring 10%, then Staphylococci 8%, Gardenerella vaginalis 7%. Eventually Group B Streptococcus 5%. However, there is about more number of culture negative cases (no growth -24 %) according the department of Microbiology of this college. From the above study we got more number of aerobic vaginitis in contrast to bacterial vaginitis. The prevalence of pPROM was associated with E. coli i. e. 30%. Second are Enterococci having 20%. Candidial spp. Scores 18%. Gardenerella vaginalis takes 12%. However, organisms like Staphylococci and GBS comes last with a score of 6% and 2% respectively.Conclusions: As preterm birth is more associated with mother having genital infections. Our study awards the champion cup to the E. coli as it is associated with maximum number of preterm birth cases i.e. 30%. Candidial spp. comes with the number about 21% causing both symptomatic and asymptomatic infection. Enterococci and Staphylococci almost have same prevalence of preterm birth viz. 12%

    sj-docx-1-obm-10.1177_1753495X221143864 - Supplemental material for Maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-obm-10.1177_1753495X221143864 for Maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis by Suprabhat Giri, Shradhanjali Sahoo, Sridhar Sundaram and Akash Shukla in Obstetric Medicine</p