26 research outputs found

    Molecular beam epitaxy of free-standing bulk wurtzite AlxGa1-xN layers using a highly efficient RF plasma source

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    Recent developments with group III nitrides suggest AlxGa1-xN based LEDs can be new alternative commer-cially viable deep ultra-violet light sources. Due to a sig-nificant difference in the lattice parameters of GaN and AlN, AlxGa1-xN substrates would be preferable to either GaN or AlN for ultraviolet device applications. We have studied the growth of free-standing wurtzite AlxGa1-xN bulk crystals by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) using a novel RF plasma source. Thick wurtz-ite AlxGa1-xN films were grown by PA-MBE on 2-inch GaAs (111)B substrates and were removed from the GaAs substrate after growth to provide free standing AlxGa1-xN samples. Growth rates of AlxGa1-xN up to 3 μm/h have been demonstrated. Our novel high efficiency RF plasma source allowed us to achieve free-standing bulk AlxGa1-xN layers in a single day’s growth, which makes our MBE bulk growth technique commercially vi-able

    Molecular beam epitaxy of free-standing bulk wurtzite AlxGa1-xN layers using a highly efficient RF plasma source

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    Recent developments with group III nitrides suggest AlxGa1-xN based LEDs can be new alternative commer-cially viable deep ultra-violet light sources. Due to a sig-nificant difference in the lattice parameters of GaN and AlN, AlxGa1-xN substrates would be preferable to either GaN or AlN for ultraviolet device applications. We have studied the growth of free-standing wurtzite AlxGa1-xN bulk crystals by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) using a novel RF plasma source. Thick wurtz-ite AlxGa1-xN films were grown by PA-MBE on 2-inch GaAs (111)B substrates and were removed from the GaAs substrate after growth to provide free standing AlxGa1-xN samples. Growth rates of AlxGa1-xN up to 3 μm/h have been demonstrated. Our novel high efficiency RF plasma source allowed us to achieve free-standing bulk AlxGa1-xN layers in a single day’s growth, which makes our MBE bulk growth technique commercially vi-able

    Segregation of in to dislocations in InGaN

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    Dislocations are one-dimensional topological defects that occur frequently in functional thin film materials and that are known to degrade the performance of InxGa1-xN-based optoelectronic devices. Here, we show that large local deviations in alloy composition and atomic structure are expected to occur in and around dislocation cores in InxGa1-xN alloy thin films. We present energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy data supporting this result. The methods presented here are also widely applicable for predicting composition fluctuations associated with strain fields in other inorganic functional material thin films

    Template-Assisted Hydrothermal Growth of Aligned Zinc Oxide Nanowires for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Applications.

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    A flexible and robust piezoelectric nanogenerator (NG) based on a polymer-ceramic nanocomposite structure has been successfully fabricated via a cost-effective and scalable template-assisted hydrothermal synthesis method. Vertically aligned arrays of dense and uniform zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires (NWs) with high aspect ratio (diameter ∼250 nm, length ∼12 μm) were grown within nanoporous polycarbonate (PC) templates. The energy conversion efficiency was found to be ∼4.2%, which is comparable to previously reported values for ZnO NWs. The resulting NG is found to have excellent fatigue performance, being relatively immune to detrimental environmental factors and mechanical failure, as the constituent ZnO NWs remain embedded and protected inside the polymer matrix.The authors thank Yeonsik Choi for discussions and experimental support. S.K.-N., C.O., and A.D. are grateful for financial support from the European Research Council through an ERC Starting Grant (Grant no. ERC-2014-STG-639526, NANOGEN). F.L.B. and R.A.W. thank the EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC, EP/G037221/1, for studentship funding. P.S.J. acknowledges the support of TEP-1900 and Talentia Postdoc Program, cofunded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (COFUND Grant Agreement 267226) and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Junta de Andalucía. S-L.S acknowledges support through the EPSRC grant EP/M010589/1This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from American Chemical Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.6b04041

    Dislocation core structures in Si-doped GaN

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    Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy was used to investigate the core structures of threading dislocations in plan-view geometry of GaN films with a range of Si-doping levels and dislocation densities ranging between (5 ± 1) × 108 and (10 ± 1) × 109 cm−2. All a-type (edge) dislocation core structures in all samples formed 5/7-atom ring core structures, whereas all (a + c)-type (mixed) dislocations formed either double 5/6-atom, dissociated 7/4/8/4/9-atom, or dissociated 7/4/8/4/8/4/9-atom core structures. This shows that Si-doping does not affect threading dislocation core structures in GaN. However, electron beam damage at 300 keV produces 4-atom ring structures for (a + c)-type cores in Si-doped GaN.This work was funded in part by the Cambridge Commonwealth trust, St. John's College, British Federation of Women Graduates and the EPSRC. M.A.M. acknowledges the support from the Royal Society through a University Research Fellowship. Additional support was provided by the EPSRC through the UK National Facility for Aberration-Corrected STEM (SuperSTEM).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AIP via http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.493745

    Growth of free-standing bulk wurtzite AlxGa1−xN layers by molecular beam epitaxy using a highly efficient RF plasma source

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    The recent development of group III nitrides allows researchers world-wide to consider AlGaN based light emitting diodes as a possible new alternative deep ultra–violet light source for surface decontamination and water purification. In this paper we will describe our recent results on plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) growth of free-standing wurtzite AlxGa1−xN bulk crystals using the latest model of Riber's highly efficient nitrogen RF plasma source. We have achieved AlGaN growth rates up to 3 µm/h. Wurtzite AlxGa1−xN layers with thicknesses up to 100 μm were successfully grown by PA-MBE on 2-inch and 3-inch GaAs (111)B substrates. After growth the GaAs was subsequently removed using a chemical etch to achieve free-standing AlxGa1−xN wafers. Free-standing bulk AlxGa1−xN wafers with thicknesses in the range 30–100 μm may be used as substrates for further growth of AlxGa1−xN-based structures and devices. High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-STEM) and Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) were employed for detailed structural analysis of AlGaN/GaAs (111)B interface and allowed us to determine the N-polarity of AlGaN layers grown on GaAs (111)B substrates. The novel, high efficiency RF plasma source allowed us to achieve free-standing AlxGa1−xN layers in a single day's growth, making this a commercially viable process

    Growth of free-standing bulk wurtzite AlxGa1?xN layers by molecular beam epitaxy using a highly efficient RF plasma source

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    The recent development of group III nitrides allows researchers world-wide to consider AlGaN based light emitting diodes as a possible new alternative deep ultra–violet light source for surface decontamination and water purification. In this paper we will describe our recent results on plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) growth of free-standing wurtzite AlxGa1−xN bulk crystals using the latest model of Riber's highly efficient nitrogen RF plasma source. We have achieved AlGaN growth rates up to 3 µm/h. Wurtzite AlxGa1−xN layers with thicknesses up to 100 μm were successfully grown by PA-MBE on 2-inch and 3-inch GaAs (111)B substrates. After growth the GaAs was subsequently removed using a chemical etch to achieve free-standing AlxGa1−xN wafers. Free-standing bulk AlxGa1−xN wafers with thicknesses in the range 30–100 μm may be used as substrates for further growth of AlxGa1−xN-based structures and devices. High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-STEM) and Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) were employed for detailed structural analysis of AlGaN/GaAs (111)B interface and allowed us to determine the N-polarity of AlGaN layers grown on GaAs (111)B substrates. The novel, high efficiency RF plasma source allowed us to achieve free-standing AlxGa1−xN layers in a single day's growth, making this a commercially viable process

    Superconductor-ferromagnet nanocomposites created by co-deposition of niobium and dysprosium

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    We have created superconductor-ferromagnet composite films in order to test the enhancement of critical current density, Jc, due to magnetic pinning. We co-sputter the type-II superconductor niobium (Nb) and the low-temperature ferromagnet dysprosium (Dy) onto a heated substrate; the immiscibility of the two materials leads to a phase-separated composite of magnetic regions within a superconducting matrix. Over a range of compositions and substrate temperatures, we achieve phase separation on scales from 5 nm to 1 micron. The composite films exhibit simultaneous superconductivity and ferromagnetism. Transport measurements show that while the self-field Jc is reduced in the composites, the in-field Jc is greatly enhanced up to the 3 T saturation field of Dy. In one instance, the phase separation orders into stripes, leading to in-plane anisotropy in Jc.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Matches the version published in SUST: Added one reference and some discussion in Section

    X-ray diffraction analysis of cubic zincblende III-nitrides

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    Solving the green gap problem is a key challenge for the development of future LED-based light systems. A promising approach to achieve higher LED efficiencies in the green spectral region is the growth of III-nitrides in the cubic zincblende phase. However, the metastability of zincblende GaN along with the crystal growth process often lead to a phase mixture with the wurtzite phase, high mosaicity, high densities of extended defects and point defects, and strain, which can all impair the performance of light emitting devices. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the main characterization technique to analyze these device-relevant structural properties, as it is very cheap in comparison to other techniques and enables fast feedback times. In this review, we will describe and apply various XRD techniques to identify the phase purity in predominantly zincblende GaN thin films, to analyze their mosaicity, strain state, and wafer curvature. The different techniques will be illustrated on samples grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on pieces of 4'' SiC/Si wafers. We will discuss possible issues, which may arise during experimentation, and provide a critical view on the common theories.We would like to thank Anvil Semiconductors Ltd. for providing 3C-SiC on Si templates for our experiments, and Innovate UK for financial support within the Energy Catalyst Round 2—Early Stage Feasibility scheme (Ref. 132135): 'To demonstrate the potential to make low cost, high efficiency LEDs using 3C-SiC substrates'. S-L Sahonta and M J Kappers would also like to acknowledge the support of EPSRC through platform grant no. EP/M010589/1: 'Beyond Blue: New Horizons in Nitrides'. D J Wallis would like to acknowledge the support of EPSRC through grant no. EP/N01202X/1